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Everything posted by Dawgg

  1. Count me in as well.
  2. Holcomb, your hatred for Moulds is apparent but don't let it distort your vision of the facts. First of all, how the heck do you know WHERE Moulds' kids are (or that he has 9)? You think they're all Buffalonians? He lives in New Orleans during the offseason -- perhaps a few are there? He goes on roadtrips for 8 out of 17 weeks -- perhaps his kids are scattered throughout the US? Your assumption that him leaving Buffalo implies less time with his kids is pretty presumptuous on your part. Not to mention your uber-moralistic view of this situation. Fathering kids out of wedlock is wrong in YOUR opinion. But since society doesn't deem it a crime, there are people who might disagree. If you want upstanding Christians on your football team, especially at the WR position, good luck. I'll leave it at that... Onto more important things -- Moulds actually did work out with JP in the offseason and spent a good part of his time in the team's complex. Mularkey on numerous occassions cited Moulds as one of the most helpful teammates in terms of JP's development. So your facts are wrong there. If you're referring to Moulds speaking out on Holcomb -- he was merely speaking for the entire team. There were very few people on that team that liked JP -- and that's a fact. That said, his refusal to go back into the Miami game was wrong. And no I wouldn't confuse him for a saint.
  3. I know this may be slightly complex but think about this: the Bills have said they will NOT pay his entire salary - period. Thus, in response, Moulds' representatives said that he does not want to play for the Bills, given the contract reduction that they are demanding. I never said Moulds is being mistreated but I take issue when people say that he should blindly accept a paycut to play for this team. Would you do that for your job?
  4. I haven't heard that the number is 9... but fathering children out of wedlock is not a crime. Hitting a girlfriend, however, is... and that is a pervasive rumor from his early 20's which may or may not be true. The bottom line is that he has done a lot for this franchise and it's best for both parties to move on.
  5. If the team is willing to honor his entire salary, then he WILL play. But the fact is, they will not honor the salary, hence his desire to not return to the team. They know the cap number is big, but if he must play for a reduced salary (which appears to be the case), might as well play for a contender. Perfectly reasonable.
  6. It took you that long to crack 6 figures?
  7. He said he doesn't want to take a paycut. Just like the Bills have a right to demand a paycut, he has the right to refuse it. Now go crawl back into your hole.
  8. Cutting Holcomb is stupid. Having one veteran QB on the roster is a must, even if he rides the bench.
  9. Keep believing that to make yourself feel better. With a change of scenery and good coaching, this guy can be unstoppable.
  10. Same could be said about Bill Bellichick when he was hired by the Patiorts. Same could be said about Mike Shanahan when he was hired by the Broncos. I'm willing to give the guy a chance... besides, who was the alternative? Mike Sherman? Not a slam dunk, to say the least.
  11. Thanks for that clarification, I did not know that.
  12. But why should Upshaw have to be the one that caves? That's ridiculous in my mind that just because the pot increases, the players' percentage should be lower. Afterall, it is due to THEIR efforts that the pot increased... they are contributing to a superior product and should be compensated for it with a consistent percentage, not one that moves based on the pot.
  13. EM can't be that stupid... he knows that as well. But some team will ponly up $2-3 mill or so to have him for 1-2 years... and he'd rather take a paycut playing in a decent offense that scores more than 10 points a game than take a paycut playing in an anemic offense with an unsettled QB situation.
  14. He wouldn't have gotten half that on the open market with a surplus of younger free agent talent at the position and in the upcoming draft. This paycut not only made sense for the team, it made sense for HIM.
  15. Agreed. I have a funny feeling there will be a lot of bitching and whining when Moulds tears it up for a contender next season.
  16. I doubt this is about money. Even with a paycut, he would make more than he can get on the open market considering he is on the tail end of his career. I think this is about winning and it would not surprise me if he signed with NE just like Rodney Harrison did in a similar situation.
  17. I still do not understand why you continue to belabor this point regarding BM's holdout. The holdout was more the Vikings fault than BM's. He was offered a contract that was well-below the market value for his draft slot. He stated numerous times that he just wanted to be slotted. While there are numerous cases in which rookies make exorbitant contract demands, this is NOT one of them. Why you continue to harp on this point, I do not know...
  18. Nobody is giving up on him. I just hope he matures a little bit. His attitude sometimes leaves a lot to be desired. That's the job of the coaching staff to adequately motivate him.
  19. How quickly we forget Travis Henry.
  20. I still do not fogive you for insinuating that Mike Williams wasn't that far behind Bryant McKinnie in terms of performance... That is all I will say for now.
  21. Even Lebeau couldn't make up for the loss of Pat Williams, Spikes, and Ron Edwards.
  22. yeah! he's stupid! and he's bad!!! and he's super bad!!! super duper bad!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Cliff Notes below. ... and I agree.
  24. But that's the problem. Donahoe made a huge mistake in classifying this defense as "great." If all starters are healthy and all come back -- absolutely. But in order to maintain a great defense, it must be fortified with young talent on a yearly basis. The Patriots, despite winning the Super Bowl with a dominating defense, made picks like Ty Warren, Willfork, Asante Samuel an annual event. It's pretty clear that the Bills were lacking severely in depth on both sides of the ball. You absolutely can't ignore one side of the ball two years in a row. The one reason I am excited about Marv is that I think he understands that.
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