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Posts posted by Brueggs

  1. On 8/18/2020 at 2:00 PM, Kemp said:


    Trump supporters don't care about facts. They're in a cult.

    What about people that just want the truth?  People are so biased and brainwashed, that they quite literally will not accept facts/truth unless they coincide with what they believe in.  They will readily accept a lie as the truth if it matches their beliefs.  The never Trumpers are every bit, if not more of a cult.  The entire Russia saga originated from a document that is a known lie by all parties at this point, yet those that wish it to be true cling to it because its what they want to believe.  

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  2. 40 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    I’ve thought plenty about the insurrection.   It is what it is.  A failed coup.  

    You would never think it would work, but that small handful of people that control the media are fully aware of this. 

    No matter how ridiculous something seems, if you repeat it often enough, people will whole heartedly believe what you tell them.   

    Sprinkle in a little self righteousness, and the truth becomes irrelevant, even in the face of it.  

    It completely disables the critical thinking process.  


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  3. 5 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    Yes.  It occurred on January 6.

    I would say trespassing, and even a riot, but an actual coordinated effort to overthrow the most powerful government on the planet?  

    The worlds next most powerful government doesn't yet have that capability, yet you think a group of unarmed protestors really set out to do it?  Take a little time and think about the reality of that for a minute...

  4. 14 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Lol, this guy.  I know you are but what am i?????


    I dont see anyone twisting themselves into pretzels defending Biden.  Most people say if he's guilty of anything he should be punished.


    Meanwhile,  your tool buddies tried to overthrow the government but are soooooo stupid instead they wiped their own crap on the walls of the Capitol.  You and Darth Rhino believe the same dumb shiite they do.  

    Can you honestly say that you believe that was a genuine effort to overthrow the government?  

  5. 25 minutes ago, Andy1 said:

    This is dumb. There are plenty of people in poor rural, red America receiving government money. Everyone wants the government money when it helps them and their community or businesses. Everyone thinks the government is wasting money when it is spent to help the “other” people.

    The comment was not made as a generalization as you have taken it.  The point being, keep pushing the far Left agenda and that is exactly what you will get.  Unless you happen to be in the upper 1%.

  6. 25 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    The real difference is that, in general, blue states care more about their people while red states are only concerned if the people in power “get theirs”


    It’s why life expectancy and health outcomes are generally better in blue states. And in some red states, the income tax is low but the tax burden is higher because of other consumption taxes. The main goal is that the rich and donor classes get to have as much as possible and screw everybody else. 

    Ok, so I pay more in income tax than other people might. But I get a lot in return for it, so I don’t see any reason why I’d want to move somewhere like Florida or Texas. 

    It think its more like the blue states want you to believe they care more about their people, but the results of most of their policies do not reflect that at all.

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  7. 3 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

    I hate left vs. right crap, but you do realize the 'blue' states overwhelmingly subsidize the 'red' states, no?

    You hate it, yet you are an active participant?  That is about par for the course being that it is by design, and it has worked remarkably well throughout history, even on those that are well aware of it. 

    The Blue states subsidizing the Red states stat is very misleading.  Its kind of like looking at the passing stats of a football team being inflated because they are always playing from a point deficit.

    Here is an interesting stat on the blue vs. red state topic that is much more meaningful. 

      "if you look at the amount of money the federal government gives to states on a per capita basis instead, blue states get more; $2,124 per resident. Red states receive just $1,879 on average".

    Look at places like NY, California, Illinois, etc.  People are leaving these areas in droves because they are severely over taxed and they can never seem to balance a budget.  Meanwhile, in a place like Florida, the governor has a 20 plus billion dollar surplus.  Quite simply, its pure mismanagement of tax payer dollars, and that is predominant in blue states.  

    So no, I do not realize that blue states "overwhelmingly" subsidize red states, only that they are overwhelmed with incompetence.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    Ah, I see we’re still playing the “have no idea how anything works” game.


    Two FISA warrants against Carter Page we’re found to be inappropriate. Other FISA warrants on Page were found to be fine. Page was a small part of the Russia investigation. 

    The Steele Dossier is 1. a raw intelligence document and 2. not the predicate for the investigation into the Trump campaign. 

    Raw intelligence documents should never be made public because the media and the public will read them for what they are not: an intelligence analysis. When gathering intel, you go through two steps: get the info and then assess its veracity. 

    Like other raw intelligence documents, the Steele Dossier had not been vetted for veracity. It was basically “some people told us X” before investigating whether X was true.


    Steele caused tremendous problems by making it public because people like yourself didn’t understand what it was. Which wasn’t helped by the media’s poor coverage of it. This wasn’t limited to the Right, however, as many on the Left grasped on to the salacious aspects like the pee tape because they wanted it to be true even if it was ridiculous on its face. 

    Ironically, it also caused a problem for the Clinton campaign. When they first got the dossier, they were so embarrassed by its contents that they tried to bury it. When Steele went public with it, the FEC noticed that Clinton has no disclosed payments to Steele or Fusion GPS (because they hid the connection to bury the dossier) and fined the campaign six figures. 

    I hope to one day have as thorough of an understanding as you do.

    I guess I don't understand what the benefit was to Steele to make it public?  

    I was of the understanding that 90% of the US media is left leaning?

    It also appeared that the document became a problem for the Clinton campaign when it was deemed fraudulent, but it garnered the desired result of years of negative press against the target, so it achieved the intended result?

    I was under the impression that both sides of the isle have used smoke and mirrors to deceive the public for....pretty much ever?


  9. 15 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    Hey, at least I can understand the difference between collusion and conspiracy, unlike apparently 75% of this board. 

    Also, if Biden does the stuff Trump did, he should be investigated too. The FBI was right to investigate Hillary as well. 

    I just don’t get why people are so eager to shill for a loser like Trump. 

    Well, to be fair, your trusted media used the word "collusion" 24/7 for a few years straight.  That's kind of how the brainwashing works.  Just keep saying it over and over and it becomes real.  Well, at least you think it is.  You get the point.

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  10. 17 hours ago, ChiGoose said:


    I know. It's crazy that there are so many people out there who deny that the Trump campaign worked with Russians despite more than 100 contacts between the campaign and the Russians. And somehow, people still believe that Trump is innocent of everything despite clear evidence that he has committed several crimes.


    I guess people just pick their team and they just trust everything they are told that supports their team and ignore anything that doesn't fit their worldview.


    It's unfortunate, but here we are.

    People do tend to support their side, that is true.

    You actually are proving a point here.  You just conveniently overlooked that a boatload of very difficult to procure FISA warrants were issued based on a what is now known to be a fake document, even by your own "team".  Thank you for being the example!  

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    Half of the people are stupid enough to keep believing what ever lies they are told.  Its in their playbook, and it continues to work because they know some people are so manipulated and driven by fear and hate, that they will desperately cling to anything that supports their desires, regardless of reality.  

    Just like Russia-gate.  When all the dust has settled, and with the benefit of hindsight, some people just cant accept truth even while standing on a mountain of it.  

    Useful idiots are the unwitting weapons of the global elitists.

  12. 6 hours ago, nedboy7 said:


    All other commentators?  I must have triggered you about the turd bag Tucker.  It's ok to admit Tucker is a lying POS.  You dont have to instantly try to deflect to somehow defend your turdboy. 


    I mean it's quite insane that they claim no reasonable person would take him for the truth.  But pretty much all of the trumptards do.  Hey did you figure out why conservative judges would not rule for election fraud claims? 

    It was a legit question.  You only want to believe what suits you, regardless of the truth.  I guess you missed the almost 5 years of non-stop lies by the main stream?  Well, at least on that topic alone.  You're pointing out one guy and I'm showing you literally hundreds.  Its all out in the open now, and you're still willing to dismiss it, or act as if its still true.  


    I didn't defend anyone, I simply asked if you hold others to the same standard.  Then you do what guys like you always do.  

    Re-read your post and tell me who's triggered 😂

    How does it feel to be controlled by Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson?  Seems like they own you...

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  13. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

    So point me to a source that says Trump was getting us towards energy independence. 



    Its easy to find...if you step outside of the narrative group think.  Another gentleman posted a link above for you.  Its not that you cant find it, its that you don't want to.  I'll give you guys credit for sticking to the cause, because it can't be easy right now.  Most of you have realized the deception, and many have even left the areas they grew up in to get away from it.  

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  14. 3 hours ago, BillStime said:

    So you didn’t want to highlight all the factual Biden corruption?

    Hey qDoc - can you please list all the Joe Biden corruption?



    For what, you're not really interested.  If you were, its very easy to find.  I've always liked the video where Biden was bragging about having the Ukraine prosecutor fired for investigating his son.  You probably won't find it on Twitter...

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  15. 1 hour ago, nedboy7 said:

    Did you really put Tucker Carlson clips on and talk about the truth? 



    Now comes the claim that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth. And that assertion is not coming from Carlson's critics. It's being made by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York and by Fox News's own lawyers in defending Carlson against accusations of slander. It worked, by the way.

    Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

    She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."

    Vyskocil, an appointee of President Trump's, added, "Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson's statements as 'exaggeration,' 'non-literal commentary,' or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same — the statements are not actionable."

    Vyskocil's ruling last week, dismissing a slander lawsuit filed against Carlson, was a win for Fox, First Amendment principles and the media more generally, as Fox News itself maintains. As a legal matter, the judge ruled that Karen McDougal, the woman suing Carlson, failed to surmount the challenge.

    Do you feel the same way about all the commentators and politicians that promoted Russian collusion stories for years?  

  16. 2 hours ago, BillStime said:

    There is some level of corruption in EVERY administration… but Trump takes the cake.


    Ever question why Trump “sold” his lease to his DC Hotel after he left the WH?


    Ever question why Pompeo wouldn’t release the amount of money the Trump administration paid to Trump properties during his tenure right before the 2020 election?


    Fool me once… 



    I agree that there is some level of corruption in every administration, but it could easily be argued that the current administration is considerably more corrupt.  Trump was a businessman, and at least had some plausible conflicts of interest.  No other president I can recall was in a similar position.  

    Can you honestly say that you don't believe that Biden has corrupt dealings in China and Ukraine?  His dealings were purely based in political influence and not pre-existing outside business.  If you don't see anything there, it could easily be argued that you have been fooled more than once...

  17. On 7/27/2022 at 11:10 AM, Tiberius said:

    Oh, the country is being destroyed? You should leave then 

    I know you will try and maintain a position that we are all better off than we were a few years ago, in spite of reality, but not liking what your government is doing, and not liking your country are two very different things.  

    Out of curiosity, are there any leftist talking points that you are not 100% on board with?  

    2 hours ago, BillStime said:

    Truth rises to the top?


    I figured this was another thread on the most corrupt administration in our lifetime.



    Do you see any corruption in the current administration? 

  18. I wish it were as simple as the blind leading the blind.  It appears to be ineptness, and they make it look that way on purpose, but its really the culmination of decades of methodical planning to destroy this country...and it appears to be working.  The majority of elected officials are just doing what they are told and being rewarded for it.  The welfare of the people is very low on their list, unfortunately.

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  19. 2 hours ago, BuffaloRebound said:

    Voiceless??? Social media and the internet has given every idiot out there a megaphone that spans the globe.  I liked it better when morons were laughed at and forgotten.  

    When you put it in perspective, and consider the fact that 90% of the media that we consume is controlled by a literal handful of people, those idiots with the megaphones really don't have a voice.  And if they get too loud, they have a tendency to be banned rather quickly...

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