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Posts posted by Brueggs

  1. First, they will start with new strain of virus, and a new vaccine cure, then they will build bathrooms for all genders, not just two, then they will beg for oil from our enemies, and then demand everything runs on batteries, then they will cut down on abortions by promoting homosexuality and build million dollar windmills that produce 400,000 worth of energy, and they will have the cartels bring in more fentanyl to help people with anxiety, and they will funnel monies to Dominion to protect democracy, all while eating ice cream with a dumb grin.  And that's all before they even get into fixing climate change with dollars.  

  2. 2 hours ago, BillStime said:


    When did you figure out you were straight?


    Irrelevant.  There is no place for the sexualization of young children in schools.  Period.  All people are different and figure things out on their own time.  It doesn't need to be complicated by lying to our kids that they can become whatever gender they want to be.  

  3. 17 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    And people wonder why LGTBQ suicide rates are off the charts.

    You don't think the mainstream has any culpability in this?  They are literally promoting these lifestyles to young kids who are trying to figure out who they are.  I am all in favor of "to each their own", but you cannot preach science in every aspect of our lives in one breath, and then completely deny it on this particular subject.  There is organized money behind this effort, and they are trying to get people to accept something that is not rooted in truth.  The people that are behind this are exploiting those that are confused, and they are the ones responsible for what is happening.  Them, and the paid for media that promote it.  You should be outraged with them...and rightfully so.  The worst part, is this isn't the end game, its just a stepping stone to what is next.  

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. 52 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    They is a strange argument. It's pretty stupid really. On a political message board a person trying to say other talk too much about the leader of the opposition party? 


    Does this person understand this is a political message board? 



    LOL, are you trying to justify and rationalize the obsession?  There is plenty of political news to discuss right now, and very little pertains to the primary subject in your mind.  You are 100% on board with everything and anything Biden.  Its not all your fault.  Your programmers have done this on purpose.  If you listen carefully, you can hear it....trump...trump....Trump......TRUMP.......TRUUUUUUMMMMMMPPP!

    46 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    Speaking of the devil

    Well, at least you don't deny it....

  5. 48 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    An emboldened cast of anonymous trolls spewed racist slurs and Nazi memes onto Twitter in the hours after billionaire industrialist Elon Musk took over the social network, raising fears that his pledge of unrestricted free speech could fuel a new wave of online hate.

    The flood of racist posts was among the most prominent signs of how Twitter had changed in the first hours of Musk’s ownership.





    Probably some cyber Smollet's or disgruntled employees.  They want to make sure it fuels hate speech since their playground is being taken away.  Nothing new for those types of people.

    • Agree 1
  6. On 10/20/2020 at 8:14 AM, Tiberius said:

    How was the Steele dossier fake? It was opposition research, not fake. 


    A computer "found" at some right wing wack jobs shop that he admits he searched shouldn't be taken at face value, especially when Moscow Rudy is trying to sell it as authentic. 


    You Trumpers have long blown through your credibility. 

    How can you possibly still think the Steele dossier is credible on any level?  I suppose you have too much mentally invested and it will break your belief system.  You need to figure it out buddy, between this and your obsession with Trump, its going to be a bumpy ride.

    • Agree 4
  7. 12 hours ago, StHustle said:

    While this is definitely a factor and a great point, their’s also been worse than usual overall play. Points scored is way down and a pair of legends have been playing backup QB quality ball. Hopefully the law of averages takes hold soon and this changes. I would love a super bowl regardless but would rather not have it come in a record worse year for overall competition. 

    There are other factors too, like the quality of defensive play.  The NFL has a knack for changing rules to get the scoring up, and then the defenses adjust.  

    I will take a Super bowl win however it come LOL.

    9 hours ago, AlfaBill said:

    No. It’s definitely worse. There are no good teams only a few great teams some mediocre ones and a bunch of crap. 

    Maybe.  Check back in at the end of the season.  

  8. 2 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Cool so the orange abortion gets a pass on corruption because he came from real estate?  Sorry I want more for that office.  The media is 90% for the dems?  How is the most popular network right leaning then?  I know there are many more left leaning networks but you think your base pays attention to them?  I don't think reality is worse than Jewish space lasers or a cabal of dem pedos who drink blood.  


    I think your posts prove you no longer understand how crazy your party is.  None of you can prove the left had gone off the deep end on anything other than stupid cultural BS that has little impact on daily lives.   

    Very few enter politics that are not corrupt, and if they do, its not long before they are.  If you don't blend in you will be ostracized.  Sound familiar?  You can want more, but when you have two choices, you're not going to get it.  Look at the wealth politicians across the spectrum have amassed while in office.  Biden's not corrupt?


    Absolutely the media is heavily leaned to the left.  Its blatantly obvious at this point.  Its probably the most popular network because its the only one....??  

    Be that as it may, its still only constitutes about a 10% portion of the media share.


    Why would "my base", as you call it, pay attention to left wing media?  Does "your base" listen to Fox?  The point is, the majority of people that are not fixated, one way or the other, are inundated with the left wing narrative based purely on volume.  People that casually listen to the news don't get to hear facts and make their own assessments anymore.  They are being fed a narrative and told how to think.  


    That stupid cultural stuff on the surface might seem like just that, but you really think its about the welfare of the people?  Its not, its about votes.  

    Look a our daily lives right now as a country.  What is better now than it was 4 years ago?  


  9. 3 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    I criticize my party.  I'm not a huge fan of either party's immigration plan.  And I do not like what we've done printing money causing inflation.  As I've said in other posts, the current state of the Democrat Party is far from ideal (especially when it comes to stupid divisive cultural issues).  This cultural trans war is absolutely asinine.   


    In recent past dems have been much better with the economy than reps.  I'm giving leeway with that in mind and the aftereffects of covid.  


    Loan forgiveness I don't care about.   I wish we'd do more to fix the root of the problem.   


    I want both parties stronger.  Yours is a circus.  A lot is Trump's fault.  He normalized crazy and a ton of ya'll fell for it.  The swamp?  He's 10x more corrupt than any swamp creature.   And it's 50-50 he gets the nom again.  

    For the most part, I agree, but if the Reps are a circus, then the DNC is an insane asylum.  That is the party who is bringing all of this cultural crap to the front lines.  They are also the party who has the MSM at their disposal, well at least 90% of it.  That in of itself is extremely corrupt.  They are the ones guiding and promoting these narratives.  While I think people are mostly centric, this same media is hell bent on sowing division.

    I don't see it as Trump caused the problem, I see it as the problem caused Trump.  Yes, he has a lot of shortcomings, and I am sure being a RE developer in NYC requires a PHD in corruption, but I think you might be underestimating how corrupt this government truly is....or should I say, the people that are controlling this government.  

    Both parties are linked at the hip, and transparency is a thing of the past.  As many conspiracy theories as people come up with, I would bet that the reality of it is probably far worse than most any of us can even imagine.

  10. 17 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    There's plausibility to maybe 10% of it.  The rest is Jewish space lasers.  And that is your party.  I realize many conservatives aren't MTG style.   But many also are, and it's more every day.


    Compare blue cities and states to red?  You mean how most red states are poor uneducated crap stains and rarely improve?  Yeah blue states have some major problems (a non crazy right would help there imo).   It's also where most of the money and brains in our country is/come from.


    Just because fox says all progressives are nuts doesn't make it true.  On the flip side most of you are batshiite.  Very few right leaning posters haven't seriously entertained crazy conspiracies here.  Very few.  The voting stuff is THE perfect example.


    What examples are there of crazy progressive policies has Biden implemented?   None.  Loan forgiveness?  Nah.  The progressive scare is fox inspired BS you sheeple fall for.  The ultra progressives are just loud.  Qanon freaks meanwhile are 10x more of a threat.  That along with the treasonous morons that tried an idiot coup.  


    It's not even close.  The right at this moment is a joke.  Both sided are worse because of it. 

    So red states are poor uneducated crap stains....got it.  I guess the nation doesn't really need farmers and blue collar sorts to survive.  

    I will give you that the blue states are where the money is, but brains?  Virtually every blue city across the country, where all these smart people are, have budget deficits and have to be bailed out by state or federal government.  NYC is a great example of that.  


    In Biden's first few days alone...

    Re-entered Paris Climate Accord

    Cut Keystone pipeline

    Halted leasing in ANWAR

    60 day halt on all oil and gas leases

    New regulations on emmissions

    Eliminate support for fossil fuel

    I know, I know...the president doesn't control the price of fuel, but these changes triggered high fuel prices and quite literally the cost of all goods that are transported on diesel trucks, which is pretty much everything.


    Is the handling of the border even debatable?


    Loan forgiveness?  Wouldn't a better solution be to make education more affordable?  


    We are getting to the point of 80's inflation, men are playing in woman's sports, and we aren't even half way in.  

    Where is the criticism for your party?  

  11. 16 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    I've said this many times here.  Ya'll think all progressives are the loud twitterverse that can't answer what a woman is.  Most of us are not that.


    The left is not great right now.  It's  infinitely better than the right.   Driven by religion and constant insane conspiracies.   I dont know which facet is worse.  

    I agree that most people are more toward the middle, but the powers that be are doing their best to keep up the division, and as a society, we are doing a terrible job by allowing it to happen.

    I don't see how you can say the left is infinitely better than the right.  Look at the contrast between blue and red cities and states.  Look at the contrast nationally over the past few years.  Both parties are riddled with corruption, but what is it specifically about the left that you think is better?   

    Some of the conspiracy theories may be far fetched, but you don't think there is plausibility to a lot of it?  The Russian collusion comes to mind.  Powerful people have conspired all throughout history.  Why isn't that applicable in real time?

  12. 23 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Republicans want to end the free press. 


    That's the world they want us to live in. Like Russia, Iran and China 

    What you deem the free press is eerily similar to the state sponsored media you are referring to.  Its 90% complete.  Once you begin to understand that, everything you think you know will begin to unravel. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 1 hour ago, WhoTom said:


    I wonder if the network will tell him to stop predicting the score, just like they (apparently) told him to stop reading the pre-snap field and telling us the play in advance. 😉

    I love listening to Romo.  His takes are always on point and make the game even more interesting.  I could see DCs listening in on his broadcast to see if they are making the right moves.  

  14. 17 hours ago, BillStime said:

    Meanwhile - Steele wouldn’t take $1m to out his sources?

    That is your perspective?  Your mind must be wrestling with what it wants to believe and what is actually happening. 

    Steele isn't a journalist protecting a source.  He provided a document that the FBI used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on US citizens and target a political candidate.  

    You don't get the luxury of protecting your sources for those crimes.

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