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Posts posted by Brueggs

  1. 40 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    Please - explain it to the kids.


    Do it. 

    So you're in favor of teaching young children about sexual orientation when it would otherwise never enter their minds?

    Its this type of extreme leftist ideology that is repulsing people and making them leave what was once a half way decent party.  There is no redeeming quality about putting kids in this situation.  

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 10 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    You can claim that you’re just being skeptical, but you’re not.  True skepticism requires grounding in reality. You’re just taking feelings over facts and pretending it makes you superior. You’re not a skeptic, you are a mark and a fool. 

    Its going to be difficult to maintain that liberal mindset if you apply this to all situations....

    Did you feel the same way when Jussie and the DA committed their crimes?

    12 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    Is to wear shorts with pockets full of stuff the cops confiscate?

    Take it easy councilor, I didn't think I would have to explain an obvious joke...

    Do you believe that conspiracies have actually happened in the past?

    There is something called "your gut" that tells you when something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't. 

  3. On 11/4/2022 at 6:09 PM, SoCal Deek said:

    Goose wants to say that the facts are determined by what the victim told the police. Okie dokie. Sure…nobody EVER makes up a story when they’re pulled over by a policeman or when explaining a domestic dispute. Never! 😉

    The odd part is I think Goose is a lawyer. If he is, I’m not sure why he would ever go to court. Nobody ever changes their story upon cross examination….never! 😉

    He is using the FBI document as the gospel, which is plausible to a degree, but when it doesn't jive with what the San Fran police department said in their press conference, something just doesn't smell right.  Given all of the smoke this has generated, you would think that if it was as clear cut as they say it is, they would provide transparency in the form of body cams and 911 tapes.  Why not put it to rest?  

    3 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Over a week later and no one has been fired over the "incompetence" for not watching the security cameras.  Especially odd since it's DC and they always need someone else to blame.

    Maybe the two new guards fell asleep at the same time, and the security cameras also malfunctioned at the same time too....

  4. 21 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    Are you arguing that a US Attorney will jeopardize their career to cover up a secret gay relationship between the husband of the Speaker of the House and some random guy because, like, vibes or something?

    I mean, there was that DA in Chicago that did her best to keep Jussie Smolet out of jail.  Lets not act like people in powerful positions, especially those that are being leveraged, don't do things like this.  We all know that if someone as high up as Pelosi needs a cover up, she's going to get it.  Am I saying that is what happened here?  Not really, but at the same time, there is something fishy in Denmark.

  5. 27 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Will DR get the blue tick? 



    @BillsFanNC @Brueggs?

    I see a country....world...where half of the population does not want to be controlled by globalists, and the other half (probably less than half, but they are the loudest) who keep taking the bait...

    We are at a tipping point.  Look around us.  People are operating out of the fear of uncertainty.  Look at the dumpster fire over the last few years.  

  6. 1 hour ago, Sundancer said:

    Straw man approach. Second only to whataboutism in argumentation logic failures on here. 

    Still no back up for the hit mic claim you made? Third request. 


    Same way I’m surprised people could break into the Capitol and almost get to the Speaker. Same way Saudi guys could take flying but not landing lessons and raise no red flags. Same way cops could hang out outside a school while kids are being shot up inside…you get the point. Incompetence. 

    I wonder if that state of the art security system was incompetent as well?

    I am surprised that people could break into the Capitol too.  Who was responsible for that security, especially knowing a large event was close by?  Why did they take down the barricades?  Almost seems incompetent on purpose?  Hey, maybe that should be their next campaign slogan?

  7. 49 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    The police are not infallible. 

    The secret service is not infallible. 

    People make mistakes, people are not infallible and any organization of people is therefore not infallible.


    It is the simplest, most likely explanation given the facts.

    In a normal household situation, maybe.  At a high level politicians mansion, with state of the art security, and likely a security detail, that seems like a bit to much to be the simplest, most likely explanation.   

    Also, the facts we have been given can't even really be considered facts when you take into account that they have been changed, altered, omitted, etc... which ones do you choose at this point?

    Considering the high security standards in place, the simplest, most likely scenario would be that this person did not force entry into the mansion...

    Is that really far fetched?

  8. 41 minutes ago, Sundancer said:


    Maybe you missed the simple question I asked.


    You said, "Police caught on hot mic stating that they will not correct the perception he is a right winger by stating fact that he is an illegal alien nudist activist. "


    Do you have a link for this hot mic claim? 

    I think you are confusing me with someone else.  I didn't say that, but I did hear a clip of someone saying Pelosi referred to the person as a friend.  Anyhow...

    My point being, how do you explain some random nut job getting past that level of securtiy?

  9. 31 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    There are theories that there is a uniparty government that controls everything. Or it's (((Soros))) or the (((Rothschilds))) or illuminati or other nefarious group. 


    Theories like that help make sense of a chaotic world and explain why bad things happen. It's not that life is chaotic and people acting in their own self-interest might overlap with other people doing the same, it's that there's a cabal running everything. 

    Yes, I suppose there isn't much of a possibility of powerful people deceiving and conspiring to preserve and grow their fortunes.  I'm sure the central banking system has our best interest at heart.  Not to mention the FDA.  One side approves the consumption of products that knowingly make people sick, and the other side sells the cure.  I'm sure its for the betterment of all of us.  

  10. 8 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:


    I understand.  I appreciate the respectful tone.  I think we are all closer to what we want out of the government than we realize.  But....It's hard to give a ***** when Trump as president had rallies about making Libs cry and calling half the people he hates traitors.  So I dont really care.  What I want to see is Biden threaten to not accept the midterm election results since the only way Libs can lose is due to Republicans cheating.  I would have threatened to withhold aid to FL after the big storm and then say it was a ***** joke.  He should also come out and say the Libs will never win the midterms with weakness.  Need to show strength!  What ever the ***** that means.  The right has no business talking about divisive rhetoric.  IMHO. 

    How does one twist them self into such a pretzel?

    4 hours ago, Sundancer said:


    Don’t mistake your lack of knowledge with what happened. The police knew who opened the door. The security arrangement was known.  Hours (minutes) after the story of this attack, people were on here making crap up and spreading nonsense. Zero class. Zero. 




    How are you so defensive of this situation?  The media put out so much, so fast, that no one truly knows what's going on.  Probably on purpose.

    One thing for sure though, that mansion has state of the art security whether Nancy was home or not.  That, all on its own, raises a lot of legitimate questions.

  11. 4 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    I think that the corporations are in it for the reasons that corporations do anything: money. It's why nobody should ever watch TV news, especially cable news. It's infotainment at best and misinformation at worst. It's designed to invoke emotional reactions in the viewers (anger, fear, etc.) so they keep their eyeballs on it through the ad breaks.

    I agree with this.  However, I don't think money is the primary driver, it's power.  They have plenty of money, and we have seen some of them tank, and just keep going with it.  These outlets are an important cog in a much bigger machine.

    • Agree 1
  12. 11 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    Uh huh. And since crime stories hurt Dems, we don’t ever see stories about crime, right?

    If you think its really that simple.

    Six corporations/families own 90% of the media consumed in the US.  This isn't a conspiracy theory.  

    Being that virtually everything in society has become politicized, this should be a huge red flag for anyone interested in the truth and preservation of our way of life.

    Recognizing this imbalance is critical in understanding how we arrived in this place of "disinformation".

    "He who controls the media, controls the people".

  13. 2 hours ago, Sundancer said:

     Says the group running with the underwear man conspiracy on this board. 

    You are a victim of the group think mentality.  Quit with the labels and divisive thinking.  It will help open your mind.

    Do you really believe anything the media has to say? 

    Did you not hear all of the conflicting stories and oddities around this situation?

    That doesn't raise any questions for you?

    I prefer to hear all of the details before forming an opinion, but there is clearly something off about all of this, hence all the smokescreens.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Doc said:


    When I hear something odd, I question it.  Unlike you all who accept whatever they shovel in front of you.


    As for Pelosi, as I said I have as much sympathy for him as you did for people who didn't get vaccinated and got very sick or died from Wuhan virus.  For someone as high profile as him not to have security is on him and the fact that he could have locked himself in his bathroom and been safe is on him.  So spare me.

    They are complacency theorists.  They just believe what they are told because its easy.  

    We live in a country where two networks can report polar opposite views.  This means one is completely wrong, or that neither is completely correct.  Either way, it shows that these outlets can not be trusted.  

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