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Posts posted by Brueggs

  1. 9 minutes ago, MiltonWaddams said:

    Well, there's the whole thing where Barack wasn't a misogynist, a bigot, completely unqualified for the job, an attention whore, illiterate, rude to dignitaries during visits and the most hated president of the country by the rest of the modern world. Other than that I can see why you wouldn't want to visit him.

    Obama was a more eloquent speaker than Trump, and that is about the only thing he was better at.  Obama was propped up by billionaires with a global socialist agenda and is the primary cause of what is happening today.  The same billionaires with the global socialist agendas own 90% of the media and have pulled out all the stops to try and derail this president.  He was never a well spoken person, but in spite of all of the obstacles, our country has been on a constant upward trajectory.  People might not like, or agree with some of his tactics or demeanor, but American citizens are the beneficiaries, even the ones who are throwing tantrums.  The only reason the rest of the world hates us, which is nothing new, is because we have a leader who won't allow our country to keep getting bent over while we continue to implode.  I think in time, most of the short sighted people will see what has been happening, and be thankful for someone having the courage to take on the corrupt establishment known as the US Government.  

    • Haha (+1) 2
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  2. Yes, its been going on, but Trump has turned it into an art of attacking anyone of color and turning the issue into white grievance. Not much different than him pushing families in front of cameras who have been victims of crime from immigrants, or telling cops to abuse people arrested, or sheriff Arpaio and on and on

    I have heard many say he "attacks" people of color, but where is the evidence? This isn't about race. He did sign an executive order allocating 25 billion to black colleges, while the former president allocated 4 billion over 7 years. That is about race, but you won't hear about that on CNN. He was called anitsemitic until they found out his son in law was Jewish and the PM of Israel endorsed him. He was a Putin puppet until a year later they still hadn't found a shred of evidence to support it. I get it, you don't like the way he speaks, but look at evidence, not headlines.

  3. Trump was purposely divisive. He knew that by going after the "kneelers" would be a politically winning issue for him. I know of people who can't stand him who are now showing their disdain for the "kneelers".


    And the athletes played right into his hands. The NFL owners had little choice but to protect their product (the players) and it's unfortunate that the president would interject himself into a private business company matters to score cheap political points.


    I look at this and it appears that everyone seems to be in the wrong here. Personally I don't give a **** if they kneel but at the same time I look at it and ask myself "You want to protest racial inequality by kneeling to the flag?" What a misguided and stupid decision.


    But whatever, all I see are snowflakes on both sides of this argument

    Maybe, maybe not. Could have been planned, or off the cuff, or even a little of both. I doubt the SOB comment was planned, but who knows? This divide has been going on for much longer than he has been in office.


    You stated the players are misguided and I agree. Unfortunately half of our population is misguided because they tend to draw conclusions without basing their conclusions on all the evidence and only headlines from a misguiding media.

  4. Serious question.


    Who says we play the National Anthem to honor those that fought for our country? Before they play it, the PA announcer says it's "to honor America". There are are a lot of other things to honor (or not) besides "those that have fought for our country".


    We have 2 national holidays for that. Veterans Day and Memorial Day.


    As a veteran, I find it disrespectful that the Bills and NFL have Co opted Veterans Day into a recruiting commercial.


    Those that did fight, did it to protect our freedom. Yet some are upset the players are exercising thier freedom.


    This whole thing makes no sense to me.

    Its definitely being used as a marketing tool to recruit for the military.


    It really doesn't make a lot of sense, I agree.


    Personally, I understand what they are trying to do, I just can't understand why they chose this way to do it. I think there are much more appropriate ways for them to express their views. This type of protest doesn't seem to align with what they are trying to do. If they really wanted to promote the cause, they could actually go out of their way and be proactive, but they choose a venue where they really don't have to make any effort because they are already there. No effort necessary. I believe many are sincere in what they are doing, but it sure looks a lot more like a left wing agenda than bringing attention to social injustices.


    They definitely have the freedom to do what they are doing, but with that comes with consequences. Just like someone has the freedom to stop going to work, or paying the power bill, the action gets a reaction. We will see how it plays out.

  5. So when is the right time?

    That's just it. The majority of people are not opposed to protesting, but the timing of it. Not only are they on the clock, but they are supposed to be paying tribute to those that have fought for our country. Its seen as disrespectful by many, and understandably so. Any other time would be a better moment to take the platform, but none would probably garner as much attention as this. That is probably why they do it, but it will come with a cost at which the price is still unknown.

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