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Posts posted by Brueggs

  1. 32 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


    Well, if Trump were a proper fascist dictator, there would have been no reason he couldn't have forced the states to be ready.


    Unfortunately, Trump's a piss poor racist fascist dictator who hates women, children, minorities, puppies, and unicorns.

    The irony of your comment is that Trump has done more for woman(see Ivanka's programs), children(gives kids a chance at a future in America), minorities(HCBU 10 year plan, record low unemployment, opportunity zones, etc.) and animals (executive order criminalizing pet abuse) than anyone in recent times.  But I expect you know much more about unicorns than the rest on the list, so I will take you at your word on that one...

  2. 39 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Because that's what the guy who's winning does. 

    Trump felt like he was riding high (his polls were better; whether he was actually "leading" is uncertain) he was all about finding reasons not to debate:


    A few months of coronavirus and he was singing a different tune:



    So much for that theory. I love how Trumpies conveniently forget his LOL flubs. Maybe we could try injecting a little common sense inside the body?

    Maybe he should have thought about that before running for president?  It seems like old Joe has "forgotten" that the job has certain requirements.  If he isn't up for the debate, that is on him and his team.  If he's scared because that's what the other guy does, it just further proves his incompetence.  People can dislike Trump all they want, it doesn't lend any more credibility to Biden.  He is quite possibly the weakest presidential candidate of all time.

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  3. 16 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    The debates don’t matter. I bet the polls don’t move at all after any, or all three of them 



    And Trump’s head might explode during one of the debates anyway. Hillary turned him into a stammering idiot 

    If the debates don't matter, why is Biden camp trying so hard to make them not happen?  I know it hurts, but even you have to know why...

  4. On 9/2/2020 at 9:49 AM, Kemp said:


    Why do you believe that Trump has refused to create a national policy?


    The reason is that Trump is a coward. Always has been. Always will be.


    If leaving it to the states goes wrong - which it certainly has - he can blame the states. 


    If things had gone well, he would take credit.


    The greatest part about Trump is that he takes credit for victories even when they are defeats.


    And the terminally stupid follow the lying idiot.

    Who should know more about the individual needs of each state better than the local government?  A national policy doesn't take into consideration the individual needs, demographics or differing requirements.  

    Your problem is that you have tunnel vision.  The hate Trump mentality limits the ability to see the forest through the trees.

    Do you really believe one man is responsible for the culmination of several decades of sewing what we are seeing today?  A stronger argument can be made that this culmination of events is exactly what brought Trump into the office.  If things were going well, he wouldn't have stepped into the position.  

    Disliking the way Trump conducts himself, or not liking his polices is one thing, but calling him a coward just shows a tremendous lack of understanding.  Love him, or hate him, he has taken on some of the most powerful organizations in the world, and doesn't back down.  Most of the former presidents who have taken on such groups have been on the receiving end of a bullet.  I'm pretty sure you are OK with that given the moral high ground you stand on, but its pure ignorance to suggest he is a coward.  


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  5. 9 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Answering questions with questions.  Typical.


    Its not necessarily the pollsters cheating.  I wonder what would happen if those conducting the polls chose a certain demographic to administer their questions to?  I wonder if they could target specific groups that would be more likely to have similar opinions?  Wow, I can't believe no one ever thought of that before.  

  6. 9 hours ago, SectionC3 said:

    That’s a lot of conspiracy theory in one paragraph.   Impressive .  I guess. 

    Outside of the intentional spread of the virus, which I didn't say happened, I said it wouldn't surprise me....what isn't true?  


    Are you trying to tell me the MSM, college campuses and Hollywood mouth pieces have a level playing field for liberals and conservatives?   Where?


  7. Considering the pandemic, if you can really call it that, and the economic fallout associated with that, combined with racial tensions, its hard to say Americans are better off.  


    The real question is what is the underlying cause of this decay?


    Never Trumpers will moan that its all Trumps fault....its just what they do.  


    This is much bigger than any individual.


    Take a look at all the efforts the DNC has made to derail literally everything this president has attempted to do.  They will literally stop at nothing to carry out their agenda.  They have sewn division everywhere they can, and blame Trump.  They create civil unrest, and blame Trump.  Given the timing of it, I wouldn't be surprised if they were responsible for unleashing the virus....and blaming Trump.  They have the media at their disposal, college campuses blocking conservative viewpoints and Hollywood echoing their viewpoints.  They have accepted billions of dollars from known global socialists and created groups that prey on the emotions of individuals, all the while using those individuals as puppets to carry out an agenda that has nothing to do with what appears on the surface.  Its not about equality, its about causing civil unrest and division.  They are so hell bent on removing a man that recognizes them for what they are, that they are willing to sacrifice the well being of an entire nation.  This organized group of globalists have been at this for decades, and they are getting so close they can taste it.  They are the root cause of what we are seeing today.  


    Some will say Trump caused this, but the reality is that this is what caused Trump. Who else would have the sack to stand up to this?

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  8. 8 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    Actually I’m hoping you could identify these crimes.  It’s weird that these crimes haven’t been prosecuted yet, despite the passage of about four years.   I’m curious to learn of all of these new crimes.  I bet not a single one of them is a hoax! 

    Its not really weird at all if the higher ups in the FBI and DOJ are part of the crime/cover up, which they appear to be.  There is FISA abuse, conspiracy, falsified documents and possibly even treason.  The MSM isn't really talking about it.  Its almost like they are favoring, or even working for the same people that want to cover it up.

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  9. Here is a thought.  What are the institutions/systems that people use to gather information, educate themselves, or look up to for guidance? 


    The Media, Academia and Hollywood/entertainment?  


    The MSM in the US is owned by 6 large corporations, controlling 90% of the content.  It is monopolized by liberal elites.


    On college campuses, liberal views are glorified while the conservative voice is squashed.  It is monopolized by liberal elites.


    Hollywood/entertainment.  How may conservative voices do you see here?  Again, monopolized by liberal elites.  


    If these liberal elites monopolize these institutions, and you are going to have a tough time making any argument that they don't, then who is responsible for institutional/systemic racism?

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  10. 2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Why would Trump do that?  He had Epstein and the young women/girls come to his place. 


    Then gave Alex Acosta a cabinet job after he saved Epstein's from jail, where he belonged. 


    And Dershowitz! SMH 

    Maybe they were very young. Dead men tell no tales. 

    One is speculation, the other is fact.  I know guys like you cannot distinguish the difference, but it really does matter.

    2 hours ago, BillStime said:


    Not true - I don’t care who you are - if you’re engaged in illegal activity w underaged girls - throw them in jail and lose the key - all of them - and that includes Bill Clinton.


    Oh, and I’m pretty sure Al Franken disagrees w you. 

    Sure, but you need to prove it.  Baseless claims do not equal evidence.  

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  11. 8 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    From Epstein and Trump? Would you trust your babysitter to those two monsters? Wow, you are naive and politically blinded by partisan light 

    Spot it you got it?  

    You guys are acting these photos equate to being on the Lolita or Pedo Island.  

    I love how leftists continually turn a blind eye to corruption in their own party.  You're probably the same guy who demanded Trump be impeached with zero evidence of quid pro quo, but look the other way when Biden is on tape bragging about it.  Classic lib logic.

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  12. 1 hour ago, BullBuchanan said:

    I'm white, so yea.

    You do realize twice as many whites are killed by cops than blacks over the last 5 years?  Yes, I know that there are almost 5 times more white people in the country than black people, so blacks are killed at a little more than double that of whites proportionately.  Yes, I know more crime is committed in black neighborhoods because systemic/institutional racism has made it this way.  Institutions such as the MSM, Academia and Hollywood are those very institutions/systems.  Isn't it interesting they  they are all monopolized by liberal elites?  

  13. 1 hour ago, BullBuchanan said:


    I disagree. Why is it "no win?" They get to kill anyone they want as long as they can say they were scared, they can lie, they get free food and bribes, and ignorant everyday citizens give them a pat on the back for all of it. Seems pretty sweet to me.

    They aren't qualified for their job. I'm overqualified for their job. I'd take a police commissioner job today.

    So, you think killing anyone you want is a sweet deal, yet you think you're overqualified for their job?  That, and you avatar says everything anyone needs to know about you.  

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  14. 8 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    Yes, immediately after the fact. The fact CK didn’t seek permission beforehand does nothing to diminish the fact that his employers granted that permission moving forward. 

    This might be about political correctness to some people, but to those corporations and other enterprises overtly showing support for the movement, it’s about their market analyses and what that data reveals about external and internal customers. 

    Fair enough, but it does say something about him that he put his employer in that situation.  

    I agree 100%.  The NFL is a business and the all mighty dollar is king.  I might be wrong, but I think they may have miscalculated on this one.  The variable are too hard to predict.

  15. 58 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    Kaepernick and any teammate who wanted to, had the expressed permission from the 49ers to take a knee. 

    Quote from NFL.com.

    "Kaepernick said that he is aware of what he is doing and that he knows it will not sit well with a lot of people, including the 49ers. He said that he did not inform the club or anyone affiliated with the team of his intentions to protest the national anthem".


  16. 1 minute ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    The players DID get authority from the top. These things are collectively bargained. The “Black Lives Matter” on the court in the bubble, for example, is an agreement between the players and league (ie ownership). The phrases on the backs of jerseys are the same thing. This was all agreed to by the parties. The only person, that I’ve seen, that has objected is Kelly Loeffler and her role as an owner of the Atlanta Dream. Other than that this has been a joint effort of ownership and players. 

    I was talking about Kaep in the beginning.  

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