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  1. You realize I was talking about McKenzie.....right?
  2. For sure. That was a great game he had, and obviously not something that could happen every week, but he has a lot of mistakes and drops that have been costly.
  3. Good news all the way around. We could use him, and that means OBJ is no longer a consideration. I wasn't long ago that half of the fans were saying McKenzie was better because he had one good game. It always seems to be the same people that get it wrong time after time.
  4. He didn't say what you claim. Period. You keep moving the goal post, and I already knew this, but there is no point in having a debate with you, because its not an actual debate. It is you changing subjects, deflecting and dancing around a topic to alter truth to fit your ideal. It's funny, because you are the guy who said Piss on the Constitution. Quoted for truth.
  5. I've referenced this quote twice with you in this thread and you skirted it as usual. I do agree with this. Break it down. "A Massive Fraud of this type" refers to the collusion between Big Tech and the DNC to influence elections. In context, it is essentially saying the fraud committed by Big Tech and the Democrats allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Nowhere does he say he wants to terminate the Constitution. He is saying that this fraud allows for it to become possible. Maybe you don't thing Big Tech and the DNC are colluding, that is another issue, but it doesn't change what he said.
  6. This is how they roll. They will claim the sun rises in the West and sets in the East. You show them the truth, and they won't accept it. Then they try to tell you that you're upset or angry. Then they change the topic and/or deflect. They might even tell you that the West is the East, and the East is the West and you just don't understand. And.....repeat.
  7. Aren't you boys late for your meetup in the men's bathroom at the park? You can tell stories about when you were neutered, sort out your pronouns and share your own truths. It can be like the Canadian version of The View.
  8. Enlighten me genius. All you hacks are the same. Funny how not one of you can back up a simple claim. This is America champ, at least what's left of it, I don't need to meet your post count criteria.
  9. Right side kick, lets look at everything except what was actually said. That's exactly why guys like you are where you are. Show a direct quote that backs up what your saying. You can't. Your analogy is correct, if you are speaking of yourself.
  10. What are you, Trumpberius's side kick? Funny how none of you azzclowns can show where he said that. The facts according to libtard group think.
  11. I guess what you call a meltdown is what I consider calling someone out on a blatant lie. And if by Tibbed, you mean I engaged in conversation with a known imbecile, you would be correct.
  12. Yet you continually fail to show where he said that. You just keep regurgitating what other useful idiots say, but not what was actually said. Typical. Its always funny when someone calls you dumb and misuses a word in the sentence 😂 But I must be "proved" dumb on some level to engage with you, so there is that. I always thought Libtard was a dumb word, but now I see how it came to be.
  13. Funny how you still maintain that, but cant prove something so simple Trumpberius. I would think this blatant lie, or inability to comprehend, would damage your reputation, but then I realized, that is your reputation.
  14. He said it in the minds of deranged leftists, but not in real life. You have had multiple opportunities to provide proof of your claim, but you cant do it. Why is that? How effed in the head do you have to be to continue trying to make a lie into the truth? I have said it before, and I will say it again. You, and a few others on here have to be paid to propagate this BS, because there is no way anyone with a third grade reading comprehension could possibly be this stupid. You don't even have the capacity to admit that you are dead wrong. You know what? That kind of reminds me of one of Donald Trumps worst traits. He doesn't admit when he is wrong either. Maybe that is why you hate him so much? Holy crap....you are quite a bit like the Donald. Tiberius starts with a capitol T too..... Hmmm. Trumpberius perhaps? Here you go Trumpberius, being that you are too lazy to look it up, or because you know what you said is dead wrong and can't admit it. "A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude ALLOWS for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution". How, in any way, shape, or form does this support what you are saying? If you lie this easily, how is anyone supposed to ever believe a word you say? Oh.....wait.....we're way past that....
  15. Nice try. Again, that is what YOU want it to say. Do a copy and paste quote without your twist. I quoted what he said in a previous post if you're having a hard time. This is your thread, with a link that you provided. and you got it all wrong. The fact that you are trying to defend your position does personify exactly who you are though.
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