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Everything posted by GreggTX

  1. I think LeSean can still play, but Singletary obviously showed them that they don't need McCoy and he's a lot cheaper. There's no doubt several teams will be interested. Would Shady sign with a team that already has an established starter? I kinda doubt it because I think he can still be a #1 RB and be very good. He'd like to play in PA, I'd wager, but he'd probably be behind Conner in Pittsburgh. I'm not sure about Philly. I also don't know everyone's cap situation. Put you top guess down and then maybe I'll run a poll with the top handful of choices that I see.
  2. The only way I stop rooting for this team is: 1. I'm dead, or 2. They move the team to another city.
  3. The Bucs signed Vinny Testaverde LOL. He's baaaaaaaaaaack! J/K * Scroll to very bottom of page in the link.
  4. I'm happy even for the players that played well, but won't make the roster. They still helped themselves and I think guys like Marcus Murphy and Eddie Yarbrough and some of the younger players on our preseason roster will soon turn up on someone's roster for the regular season. Good for them. They earned it. Now about upgrading that Punter position.
  5. I never hated him like some posters do. I thought he had real potential. Well, the coaches see him more than any of us, so I'll trust their judgement. As far as the trade goes, it was good, but nothing special. We got the pick back that we used on him and swapped a 6th and 7th. Good, but not as outrageous as some seem to think. I still think Cleveland could get the best of this deal in time, but only time will tell with Teller.
  6. I see a lot of you want him gone and I get that. He's no probowler any more. Still, what NFL team has anyone better. Sure, there are a handful, but there are also a lot more FB's that aren't as good. He's certainly not the worst by a fair margin. I also think people might falsely assume that any TE can just step in and do what they are asking DiMarco to do. I don't know that there is anyone better available. I don't think the fact that he isn't playing in the last preseason game really indicates anything, but I expect he'll make the final 53. What do you think? Should he make it or not?
  7. He was underappreciated and for those that believe that the majority of players in the NFL are spoiled, maybe this will open some eyes. You are 100% correct. The ONLY reason that OJ is not recognized as the greatest football player of all time at ANY position is because he was a conceited jerk, a womanizer, a wife beater and you know all the rest. As a human being, OJ was something quite different. I have no idea why Reggie isn't in the HOF. Obviously he should be.
  8. D.) Miami has one of the worst OL's in the NFL and he still couldn't make it there.
  9. I believe Clowney would be the best player on our roster, at least until someone can show otherwise. As Jerry Hughes has shown, it's nut just about sacks. Sealing the edge, pressures, tackles for loss, QB hits, etc. There are many ways he can be disruptive as well as sacking the QB. This is an elite DE, but not the best. Add sack numbers and he's as good as they come. Also, we'd have to be thinking about trading Murphy or Shaq as part of this deal, IMO. Wouldn't make sense to keep all that talent at DE when we could always use more help on offense or ST.
  10. Why a backup DE when we already have solid depth there? Are we getting ready to trade someone before the cut down to 53? Also, are we going to keep this guy over Shaq , Love and Johnson?
  11. I have to wonder if football can remain as is because of all the head injuries. Massive migraines, memory loss, ED, etc. Fewer collisions? Maybe something closer to flag football? I don't know, but attitudes towards this issue are changing as more is learned about the damage done. Perhaps we'll see more guys opting to play noncontact sports like hoops or baseball. Why not? They can still make the same kind of money without risking such debilitating injuries. At least the risk is much lower.
  12. Why do you say that? I'm intrigued by him too. Not necessarily. Many of them don't do enough study, but some do. Also, they are more objective than local sports reporters and fans.
  13. I sure hope you're right about Edmunds. I was decidedly unimpressed with him last year, but he has the physical attributes to be great. Personaly, I think he needs a bigger mean streak. Oh, and I'm a strawberry and banana guy, myself. Next time you feel like dessert, dice a banana and apple. Stir in a bunch of yogurt and pour some granola on top. Yum...
  14. Not to be argumentative, but he has been so-so at best. AGAIN, this is not to say he will NEVER be any good, but that he'll need time to get up to speed.
  15. The scouting reports say that he would be better at G than OT at this level. Not sure why some are showering him with praise when he's only played against backups.
  16. Bested, outperformed, looks like a rookie, overmatched. Now if your looking for more specifics here are some areas of growth he would do well to focus on -- Size, strength and handwork. I think those are things he will need to improve. I'm sure the coaches can tell much more, but they won't criticise him in public nor should they.
  17. QW is the odds on favorite for DROY at this point. That 1st Jets game will include a lot of EO/QW comparisons. I just hope he progresses quickly and that he and Edmunds become great because if their ceilings are just "average" we are in trouble. I'm still hopeful, but I havent seen either one of them truly excel yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  18. Coaches evaluate players in the preseason. If a coach is too "stupid" to make necessary evaluations of his rookies, he has no business being a football coach at any level. Evaluating players is both continuous and necessary. It's not like he's saying Oliver won't ever play well. The OP is saying that he's not playing well right now and that is correct. He needs more work and experience. You are correct that we shouldn't make a final determination yet, but I think "stupid" was a poor choice of words.
  19. Well, 2 different sources I found rated him a "late day 3" pick with a draft grade of 3.3 and another said round 5 or 6 and a grade of 3.39. I think that's about it for "stats". As far as making the roster goes, I think PS may be his best shot since we just signed like half a dozen backup caliber OL veterans in FA. Next year could be a different story if he progresses. Our OL still needs a lot work, so there will definitely be opportunities. I've neither seen nor heard anything about his preseason or practicing one way or another.
  20. How about this one? He doesn't need to explain himself to anyone or make excuses. Injuries have made throwing too painful for him to continue. That's not an "excuse". It's a reason.
  21. Think about it. Shady has been a top RB for a while, but his days are numbered. While that deadline approaches, he must want to enjoy his last days as a major contributor. Last year Shady couldn't do anything behind that awful OL and he NEVER complained even once. Instead, he proffessed his dedication to the team and his love of the fans, the city and his coaches and teamates. Beane told him that if he could just hang on and he'd get help. Nothing would please me more than to see Shady rewarded for all that as well as his leadership and work ethic by having a really good year and getting a good contract wherever he goes in 2020. And no. I wasn't happy about the release of Fred either. I think moves like that hurt a team because FA's see it and that disloyal as do the fans.
  22. The OP is correct that Oliver hasn't performed nearly as well as some seem to think. He's a rookie and he has a long way to go yet. He must greatly improve the use of his hands to be effective. I support this pick, but of course I wish he were ready now. Just leave him in there and let him gain more experience and pray he becomes elite.
  23. Let's trade Zay for a WR that more than doubled his production in his 2nd season, then added a few pounds to up his game. Oh wait. Never mind.
  24. + Seahawks Packers Vikings Chargers Ravens Jets (but it could be close) - Colts (Now that Luck has retired, we'll have to wait and see.)
  25. Go look at the power rankings at NFL.com. They list more than 20 teams better than us. Let's just hope we can improve this season and finally become relevant again.
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