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Everything posted by GreggTX

  1. Brady is as intense as any athlete I've ever watched. I can't see him ever checking out before he retires. I also suspect his HC will retire with him rather than risk tarnishing his reputation. Bellechik and Brady will always be remembered together. When one of their names comes up in conversation, the other will usually follow shortly thereafter.
  2. I miss Sully's candor. I couldn't care less what others think about him. He tells it like it is. Sorry if you get buthurt about it. It's not Sully's fault if you can't handle the truth.
  3. OJ was the best RB in NFL history, but he won't be selected for obvious reasons. Bruce and Reggie White also deserve the honor.
  4. Two top 4 defenses means a single play could decide this game. I'm worried about Cody Ford's matchup with Von Miller, but B Allen is just awful. I don't think he could even make any other NFL roster besides Denver's. 13-6 Bills. Denver's strength is their secondary. Time to get Singletary his first 20 carry/100 yard game.
  5. I'm as big a critic of Josh as anyone on these boards, but I give credit where it's due. He played a great game. If he can start connecting on a good % of his deep balls and stop throwing high and behind receivers on crossing patterns, the rest is mental. I've got my fingers crossed. Now let's see him play like that against Denver and Dallas and Baltimore.
  6. Many Bills fans hate PFF because they are honest and unbiased and they actually watch the players closely and measure their performance. They don't measure players by popularity. Bills fans tend to judge the players by their feelings toward them. Hence, Allen and Milano are great when, in fact, neither player is better than average.
  7. Lamar Jackson looks to be the best QB from his class. Josh isn't even close, at least not yet.
  8. The article doesn't even mention that he has 7 sacks or that it should be 8, but 1 was mistakenly scored a TFL. He should be getting a lot more than 23 snaps per game.
  9. No question about it. He's nowhere near good enough to justify a #9 pick, but he was better against Miami. Isn't everyone? My hope is that he'll bulk up this offseason and be much better, but seeing is believing.
  10. 23rd is better than 32nd. True enough, but it's nowhere near good enough. So the real question is how good can he be and how long will it take to get there? Chris Simms said his inaccuracy can be fixed, but we haven't seen that yet. In the meantime, we would do well to keep handing the ball off to Singletary. That worked quite well last Sunday. I still have serious doubts about Josh, but I do like him and want him to succeed. Beane is the one I'm most worried about.
  11. He had a good game against the weakest pass defense ever assembled in my lifetime. Try to keep things in perspective here. He still has a very, very long way to go and 1 game does not prove anything. I hope he can consistently have games like that against NFL caliber defenses, but if you aren't at least a little skeptical, you just aren't being realistic.
  12. 2 responses... 1. You neglected to use the word "inaccurate". His accuracy is better than last year, but only by a sliver. 2. I hope they will be looking for a new QB ASAP, but they may not want to admit that all of Beane's 1st round picks were terrible and suffer with him even longer like Miami did with Tannehill.
  13. Tyrod was better than Josh is now, but there's still a chance that Josh will be better someday.
  14. #3 -- I couldn't agree more. Daboll seems to be allergic to handing the ball off to Singletary. It's insane. #5 -- You have to learn how to manage a game before you can open it up. Allen makes far too many mistakes with the ball in his hands to expect this team to win consistently if he is going to make bonehead plays like he always does when he's trying to do too much. He's not Mahomes and he never will be.
  15. You are being incredibly generous with those grades. I'd hesitate to grade Allen a B- on his best days. Some folks just refuse to believe their eyes.
  16. The only players on our roster capable of big plays are John Brown and devin Singletary. Singletary isn't being used very well and Brown doesn't have a QB that can get him the ball on deep patterns. That said, there is entirely too much focus on highlight reel plays and not enough on winning. The brand of football we are watching today is just not as good as it used to be.
  17. We signed a few average players as FA's this past offseason, but most of them are depth guys. The right side of our OL still needs an overhaul unless Ford can come around. Right now he's not even a backup caliber player. Morse is just above average, but paid like an all pro. Spain and Dawkins are as average as they come. Feliciano is a backup caliber player. T Murphy is also very average. Star is a backup caliber player. None of the players we signed this past offseason are anywhere near probowl caliber -- not even close. Sure we saved money. That's what happens when you sign mediocre talent.
  18. He's a good backup. He shouldn't be starting. What makes you think he's great?
  19. Oliver is a D at best, but Ford is an even bigger diasppointment. Beane has been a MAJOR dissapointment. I have lost all confidence in him. I hope we move on soon to a new GM or we'll be doing another rebuild in a short while. Hyde, Singletary and Poyer are his only real successes so far. I just hope Oliver can add some muscle mass and still maintain his mobility. I don't think he has the wingspan to be a solid DE, but I'm not sure on that.
  20. I remain doubtful that Josh can ever be elite. I hope he proves me wrong because I like his attitude and effort. I figure I'll get flamed for saying this, but Roman would be much better for Josh than Daboll. Daboll is very good at play design, but his play calling is awful. He is too predictable. Josh passes poorly and runs as well as any QB in the NFL except Lamar Jackson. Some seem to think we need a "21st century offense" which means pass, pass and pass some more. I think we're better maximizing the talent we have with Allen, good blocking at the TE position and Singletary. The problem is keeping the safties back with a QB that routinely misses anything over 25 yards. Josh doesn't just miss those deep balls. He can't even place the ball in the same area code as his receivers. My greatest fear for Allen is that he'll be just good enough to keep Beane from drafting someone to replace him for several years like Tannehill in Miami. Then again, Beane's high draft picks have all been disappointing as well as his FA acquisitions. Our GM is the real problem.
  21. I can't believe Singletary only has 3 carries so far. What the heck is wrong with Daboll? BTW, is it windy there? I can't see the game until it's over.
  22. At times he is very good, but if we are going to stay with Josh Allen at QB, we have to run more. We are 22nd in points scored. Greg Roman has the Ravens scoring over 30 points per game -- nearly 10 points per game more than us. They are 2nd in scoring. It doesn't matter what year it is. If you can't be stopped on the ground, there is simply no reason to pass as much as we do.
  23. Pay him if the price is at all reasonable. We just made the 3rd best C from the AFCW the highest paid C in the league. PFF had it right. He's the 13th best C in the NFL. Bring him in and let a doctor examine him. If he checks out OK, great. At age 31, he should be good for a few more years. I remember the last time we got cheap with a franchise LT. That didn't go very well.
  24. Yes. The real question is 'where is his ceiling?' If his accuracy doesn't improve and his awareness improves some more, he'll be an elite scrambler with elite arm strength and an average pocket passer. All together, that makes him above average. I don't think he'll ever be a top 10 QB, though.
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