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Everything posted by GreggTX

  1. I don't watch TV except for Bills or Sabres games when available. TV turns brains into oatmeal -- especially corporate "news".
  2. Josh needs to stop overthrowing receivers by several yards on the deep routes. He left a lot of points out there. It's not that I want him to throw more deep balls because that will never be his strength, but with a better pass rush, CB's and more emphasis on running the ball, 1 or 2 deep completions per game could make a big difference. If Josh could just become an average starting QB, say 3,500 yd with 20 TD and 10 int's with a 65% completion rate, we could win 12 games. This assumes we address WR, OT, G and backup RB adequately.
  3. He was underutilized as well as injured for a few games. Daboll needs to learn to lean more on this offenses strengths. Go all out to bolster our OL and add a more physical RB to backup Singletary in 2020.
  4. I'd like to see us sign a guy like this and trade up for a pair of round 2 picks. OT in the 1st, then WR and CB in the 2nd or CB in the 1st and sign Yannik.
  5. Indy would be my first choice with Frank Reich in charge. I don't care what they say publicly, they're drafting a QB either way. I'll be shocked if Brady doesn't retire as a Patriot.
  6. This is long overdue. Eli is the most overrated QB in history bar none. HOF? I can only assume you're trying to be funny.
  7. Lotulelei isn't going anywhere with that $7.8 million dead cap. Lee Smith isn't going anywhere either. He was signed as a blocking TE and he continues to be just that at a high level. People just don't like him because he doesn't catch a lot of passes. Why cut Dimarco? Are we going to draft a FB? He's adequate. Roberts isn't going anywhere...period. Hauschka only leaves if we draft a rookie kicker that blows him away in preseason -- very unlikely. That said, he'll get some competition this Summer.
  8. The only reason many Bills fans hate PFF is because they are brutally honest and some people can't handle it.
  9. It's OK, Yannick. Richie's gone. Keep Spain and sign another good G to upgrade the right side, then draft an OT and another WR. If Cody Ford comes around and challenges Spain for a starting job, so be it, but so far he looks like a bust. Still, OL don't always excel in year 1, so I wouldn't give up on playing Ford at G just yet. I just don't see much of a future for Ford at RT. Pass on Conklin. His injury past remains a huge concern and he's nowhere near as good as he used to be. He's an average NFL OT at this point and will likely get overpaid.
  10. In Josh Allen's case, I can't imagine that they wouldn't at least give it a try. I think a lot of his issues could be addressed, including his accuracy. His arm accuracy would be better addressed throwing at stationary targets, but when it comes to the mental calculation of determining where the receiver will be when the ball arrives, VR training could help a lot, IMO. I could also see where it could be used very well to address things like reading defenses and the time it takes to find the open receiver, etc. I certainly hope they are using it. Josh needs to find his receivers and get the ball off more quickly in the future. Also, you can repeat certain exercises more quickly than on the practice field, so you get higher rates of repetition. Sounds like a great idea to me.
  11. If he's even available, they will do due diligence and make a reasonable offer. He would be the best pass rusher on the roster, but not a 15 sack type. He would also help our run defense a lot and we need that. My guess is that he'll stay in Seattle or, if not, get more money elsewhere. I certainly wouldn't mind having him. I'm also hoping a healthier Jerry Hughes will have one last 10+ sack season, but we'd have to get a real threat opposite him and wouldn't Clowney at LE be just that? Yannick at RE is nice to contemplate, but then who plays LE in that scenario? I'm not excited by having Murphy or Shaq over there and Hughes would be better at RE. At DT, I think Oliver and H Phillips will be the starters.
  12. I'd love to see us go OT at 22 and WR in round 2, then get a big power RB to finish the 2nd day. This assumes that we sign a DE and a LB in FA that can step right in and start. I'd love to upgrade the outside CB position AND the slot or at least get a couple CB's that compete for a starting job. If T White goes down, we're in trouble. I'd also like to add a WR in FA. I have a feeling that J Phillips and Shaq will want big paydays and they can probably be replaced at a better price if they get greedy. I'd also like to keep Q Spain and L Wallace.
  13. Allen needs to prove that he's worth that kind of money and he's nowhere close to it. Not yet anyways.
  14. I'm on board for an elite pass rusher, a solid OLB ans even an upgrade at CB opposite White. The OL is my top priority this offseason, but Conklin is the only possible upgrade and he's only average. I want Spain back too. He's our best G right now, so let's not downgrade the position. I'd like to get an elite RT and that can only happen through a trade or high draft pick and that's risky. As close as we are, maybe Beane gets just a little aggressive, but not wreckless. Shaq is very average too, so I'd only resign him for backup money. He can easily be replaced.
  15. Still, we had a remarkably healthy year, especially compared to the Jauron years. I can't wait to see Harry Phillips back in 2020.
  16. Do they not grade TE's on their blocking? Even WR's should be graded on that as part of their overall grade IMO. Conklin is all there is in FA at RT and injuries have made him very average. I don't know if time and healing will change that. I do know that I want to add a couple probowlers on our OL, though. I think that would help Josh Allen a lot. I really want us to be able to control the game more by handing the ball off more. Not sure why all the hate for Spain. He only gave up 1 sack all year and we ran well to the left.
  17. Honestly, I'm shocked. He's a very average player as is his fellow 2018 1st rounder. Congrats, though. Perhaps this will help his development somehow.
  18. Guys say stupid s&^t like that to draw attention to themselves when their ratings are slipping.
  19. Oh and PLEASE do not waste a 1st or 2nd round pick on a LB or RB. WR would be fine. OT would be even better.
  20. Who? Beane drafted Jones? Oh and he passed on Mahomes too, right? Once again, McDermott is a coach, not a GM. He did not conduct the draft and there is simply no evidence to support this claim. Doug Whaley was the GM and he ran that draft. Period. Prove me wrong.
  21. The Bills vs Dolphins matchup could very well be one to watch in coming years. I like their coaching staff a lot and they have stockpiled a lot of FA money and draft picks. This is supposed to be a good draft year for QB as well. Time will tell, but they may well overtake the Jets and make the AFCE a 3 way race in 2020 if they nail those picks. On another note, they must be scratching their heads over Tannehill's sudden emergence as a solid NFL QB.
  22. I only ever root for one team -- the Buffalo Bills. As far as I'm concerned, the season is over.
  23. Why is this Bills related article in the college football section?
  24. Someone recently studied retired NFL players and found that nearly all of them suffered brain damage. This kind f damage doesn't repair itself. Just tale a look at former Bears QB Jim McMahon. He has no short term memory left. He'll get up and go to the kitchen and by the time he gets there, he can no longer remember why he came. Brain injuries are no joke. Another serious concussion could seriously degrade his quality of life for the rest of his days. I know it's hard, but he's doing the right thing. He doesn't want to be dependent on others for all of his needs for the rest of his life.
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