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Everything posted by GreggTX

  1. This is ridiculous. No one "hates" Josh Allen. Some of us are just being realistic about his serious flaws and aren't going to see him as a guy that can win a SB until he actually reaches that level, if he ever reaches that level. He still has a long way to go. His passing efficiency rating was a wopping 69.2. He was 2nd in the NFL in fumbles. He does not handle pressure as well as most QB's and he holds the ball too long. In all fairness, he hasn't had a good supporting cast overall and the OL still needs a lot of improvement. Hopfully the mental aspects of the game will improve for him. He has good leadership skills and work ethic, but his accuracy will always be a liability. I like him, but I don't know if he can ever be a great passer. I sure hope so. I'm just not going to say he's a great QB until he plays like one. There is nothing unreasonable or wrong with that. We hold every other player to that standard, yet Josh gets a free pass. I just hope that some day he will be as good as some people think he already is.
  2. They're both very average starters, but LB's are so much easier to replace and OT's are more valuable. I like Milano, but I'd have to go with Dawkins here.
  3. 23rd sounds about right. His inaccuracy, fumbling, inability to handle pressure, etc always get a free pass from his admirers. I'm just hoping he can get it together finally in 2020.
  4. I have bemoaned Josh's poor accuracy since before he was drafted, but he has many other positives in spades so I'm anxious to see what he can do in year 3. If he can put together anything resembling a 4000 yard season with a 65% completion rate and 25 TD's while holding the picks + fumbles total to single digits, he's my guy. If not, all options are on the table. Hopefully he can operate much better under pressure in 2020.
  5. Ah yes. The PK with half a foot. I still remember when he set the record at 63 yards.
  6. Good move. He doesn't get too many snaps, but he makes the most of them.
  7. In spite of all the whining and crying by many Bills fans, PFF has been brutally honest about the Bills and Josh Allen all along. Some folks just can't handle the truth. This is no different, but we still need to upgrade the OL.
  8. I have a better chance of winning a million dollars in the lottery.
  9. Yeldon isn't nearly as bad as some here assume and he played well when he got the chance. Oh and please don't blow a day 2 pick on a backup for Singletary when we still have such pressing needs at RT, RG, OLB, DE, outside CB and in the slot. I know we've signed FA's at those positions, but those guys are all backup caliber. We should be thinking more about getting good and great players now. We've had 2 decades of average already. Time to raise the bar.
  10. Too bad we've only signed 1 guy worthy of a starting job so far. I really hope he can return to for. He played G last year and was terrible. Pre-injury he was very good.
  11. OK depth if healthy, but we need better.
  12. Yes. Josh has a lot of experience with fumbles. He was 3rd in the entire NFL in fumbling in 2019.
  13. Every time I read this thread title I can't help but laugh. Cam Newton playing backup to a guy that can't even hit the side of a barn with his passes. Cam may not be the most accurate passer, but he's light years ahead of Allen. BTW, Cam's teamates have never suggested that he does anything to hurt morale and he's only 30. People are just making stuff up here to support their arguments. I'm guessing he can still run, but I want a QB that can throw. I don't care if he runs at all. How many yards have Brady, Montana, Kelly, Marino et al run for?
  14. I think our best move now would be to continue to upgrade the OL.
  15. He's a great player and a HUGE upgrade over any of our offensive linemen. Would he want to sign with us? Also, if they don't want to move Dawkins to RT, move him to G or trade him. We are weak at RG and extremely weak at RT. I also think people make too much of the difference between LT and RT. Dawkins will improve his run blocking. He was a very good run blocker in school and excelled at it on a couple occasions as a rookie. I can't believe some are preferring Glenn to Williams. Glenn isn't any good any more and Williams is still elite. I think his price will come down too.
  16. Not only was he worthy of a HOF nod, but that 64-65 Bills D was the best defense the AFL ever produced. I loved watching them play and am still a defense first guy today.
  17. A world of potential that can only be realized if his route running improves and his pass catching improves a lot.
  18. He's a better overall slot corner than Taron Johnson, but I don't guess he's a good fit for our defense or we wouldn't have let him go in the first place.
  19. The odds of us picking up a starting caliber player, let alone a very good one, are miniscule. We got 1 of the top 5 WR's in the NFL. I checked my Madden game and his overall rating is 93. The next highest rated guys are White and Hyde at 88. I'm not suggesting Madden ratings are definitive, but it gives you some idea. My big concern is the OL and Josh. We still need much improvement there to take full advantage of Diggs' talent.
  20. Why A? I'd rate this maybe a B-. Diggs was a good move, but the rest of these guys coming from other teams aren't that good.
  21. Looks like Beane was snoozing. I hope he has a better plan than Noman and Johnson as starters.
  22. Resigning Poyer is my favorite move along with restructuring Lotulelei. I love Diggs, but his impact will be limited by Allen's inaccuracy. We've done nothing for the OL and all these new guys(except Diggs) are just backup caliber players. There's still time to salvage this offseason though.We need 5 big upgrades -- CBx2 (Outside and slot), RT, RG & DE. Of course the biggest upgrade that we need most is QB, but I have a bad feeling they are going to let Allen hold this team back for years.
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