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Everything posted by GreggTX

  1. LMAO !!! I think he should learn to be at least average before we annoint him as a savior. 27th in passing efficiency among all QB's with at least 100 attempts. Even Fitz had better numbers. Honestly, I have never seen such unqualified love for any player in the last 60 years. This is insane.
  2. Oh how I wish he played for us! I'd give them Allen and a 1st rounder plus another high pick without batting an eye. We'd immediately become early favorites to win it all. Heck, the Packers didn't even draft a single WR. They just threw the draft away IMO. I wonder if all this was Dino Hackett's idea. I'm so glad he and Marrone are gone.
  3. LOL ... No guys. Well read is when you read Howard Zinn, not sports columnists. If you're reading so many sports columns, you need to get a life.
  4. 3 thoughts on the OP. 1. I like our RB situation a lot, but I don't know that our OL is strong enough to match your prediction. 2. I see no reason why both DS and ZM can't be effective anywhere on the field. I'm fine with either one in short or long yardage situations. 3. We were top 5 for most of last season, but much of that was scrambling yards by JA on called pass plays. I think you need to subtract those yards from the team total to get a true measure of our rushing attack. Conversely, "pop" passes should be considered rushing plays/yards.
  5. I don't know that any rookies will start day 1, but I have a hunch that Horrible Harry will start eventually and be very solid. Epenesa may win a starting job soon enough too, but Trent Murrphy is not as bad as some think. He's just not much of a pass rusher. I don't think Addison will be a starter, but he'll get plenty of snaps. Our DE position is deep in talent, but lacks top-end talent. My biggest hope for the front 7 is that Oliver and Edmunds both take a very big step in 2020. I know Edmunds went to the probowl, but he's really not all that good yet. Hopefully this is a breakout year for him. At CB, I say someone has to beat out Wallace. Norman's performance level has been falling rapidly since 2017 and he's in his mid 30's. Gaines is injury prone and overrated in this forum. That will be an interesting battle to watch. Taron Johnson could also lose his job if he doesn't start stepping up his game too. At OLB, Klein is nothing special, but he's instinctive and plays smart. I don't see him getting a ton of snaps though. The right side of the OL is a real weak spot. Ford is another guy that concerns me. I really think he'd be much better of at G. Feliciano would be solid depth. Williams was great before he shredded his knee and he was terrible last year. I'm actually surprised they signed him. Nsekhe isn't really a starter either. I don't understand why the OL didn't get more attention with all the cap space we had. The left side of the OL is a little better than the right side, but we don't really have any OL that are anywhere close to elite. They're all pretty average. That's pretty true of the whole roster other than White, Hyde, Poyer and Diggs. Of course Allen is the biggest question mark. He needs to make hugh strides this year or we will need to at least find someone to compete for his job. If last year was his best, we won't be in the playoffs this year. Our schedule went from bottom 5 to top 5, so he really needs to be a MUCH better passer.
  6. Prove what? He'd be the best OL on our roster on day 1. You're right, boater. Someone is just rubber stamping that response without even looking at the guy. I'm sure there are several teams that would love to sign him. I really, really hope we sign him. Am I the only one that thinks having a solid OL is important? I'll be very upset if he signs with the Jets or Dolphins and we just sit on our hands. Hey Beane! The right side of our OL is weak. Get this guy!
  7. C'mon Beane! You've tragically ignored this OL the entire offseason. Why? This guy would be a BIG upgrade at RG, so show us that you're serious about winning and make the effort at least. How can you not see the need?
  8. Josh Allen will always "suffer" more dropped passes than nearly all other QB's until he starts throwing accurate, well placed passes on a consistent basis. This proves nothing. Stop making excuses for him. He was 27th in passing efficiency among QB's with at least 100 attempts in 2019. Why do so many people willfully ignore the fact that he's not a good passer? This has always been a problem for him and it always will be. His deep ball accuracy may fluctuate as it often does with many QB's, but his short range accuracy is terrible too. The game may eventually slow down for him and he may even learn to handle pressure better, but he'll always struggle to put the ball on target. We need to start using his running ability more and teach him to start securing the ball better. He was also 2nd in the NFL in fumbles. He still has a very long way to go, but in the mean time, we'll just keep ignoring the obvious and calling him "future MVP". McDermott had better figure this out or he will go down with his QB. I suspect that he is beginning to doubt, though. I never believe any GM that says he never drafts for need because they all do it every year unless it's a very high pick that falls to them because other teams didn't need the guy. I suspect that Fromm was only drafted to be a backup, though. We'll see. The only exception to the 'draft for need' I can think of for us was when Buddy Nix drafted CJ Spiller when he already had Marshawn Lynch and Fred Jackson.
  9. More realistically, 10 wins is the most that I can imagine. I'd say 10 wins and 1 wild card playoff win would be considerable accomplishment with our schedule. 8 or 9 wins and 0 playoff wins is more realistic. My greatest desire would be to see Josh Allen in the top 10 NFL starting QB's in Passing Efficiency, but that is very doubtful. If it did happen, we could win 12 games. Add a lockdown corner and shore up our OL to that wish list and we're a serious threat to go all the way.
  10. Well, Josh was 2nd in the NFL in fumbles, but behind only league MVP Lamar Jackson. I'm always critical of Allen, but he can still become a better passer and I don't see Fromm taking his job. That just shows why this guy works at newspaper and not for an NFL team.
  11. I'm going to double down on what Beane and McDermott have said -- Until we prove otherwise, the Pats still own the AFCE. No doubt this is our best shot in a long time though. I also think the Dolphins are a well coached team and will be tough at home. I always liked Chan as an OC and still do. I suspect they won't let Tua anywhere near the field this year, but Fitz still has my respect as well.
  12. Going against Cody Ford made a lot of DE's look better last year. Still, Ford did show improvement and could take a big step up in 2020, especially if he's moved inside.
  13. He contributed in so many ways: Player, coach, Rules Committee, sports medicine and sports science. I think that's right anyways. He also died as the only HC to take a team to a perfect season. Perhaps you aren't being entirely fair. I see no reason to think they have any less class on the whole than any other fan base. Why would they?
  14. Nobody. There may be some things they weren't able to accomplish, but I believe McDermott has made his mark on every guy on the roster. They will be in shape, but missing time spent working on skills and techniques perhaps.
  15. RT, RG, WLB, outside CB opposite White, slot CB and we need 1 of our TE's to step up and play like a starter. A LT upgrade would allow Dawkins to move inside. A RT upgrade would allow Ford to move inside. P and PK are also a concern. Of course, we need Josh Allen to take an even bigger step this year than he did last year if we're ever going to get deep into the playoffs let alone hoist the Lombardi Trophy. He needs to raise his passing efficiency by a good 10 points or hopefully 20. I keep seeing the words "good enough" when discussing our position strength. We need to start thinking beyond that. Why Beane hasn't gotten serious about addressing our OL this offseason is beyond me. He had plenty of cap space to do it. Spain and Dawkins are both pretty average. Morse is slightly above average. Feliciano is slightly below average and Ford is a turnstile on the outside. Williams suffered a terrible knee injury and played very poorly last year, so I don't know if he'll ever be any good again. One other concern is for Singletary's and Allen's fumbling. They need to get that under control.
  16. I could see us drafting a pair of OT's next spring if Dawkins insists on being overpaid. RT and WLB are our 2 weakest positions. CB and TE are major concerns as well.
  17. Kicker trivia: Pete Gogolak and his brother Charley were the first soccer style PK'ers in pro football. John Leypoldt was not your usual PK. He made a LOT of tackles on his KO's, but I can't find that stat anywhere. Scott Norwood was cheered even after "wide right" but Booth Lustig (the 20 year old kicker with the 60 year old face) got beat up by irate Bills fans on Delaware Avenue after missing a FG in the 1966 AFL Championship game that would have sent the Bills to SB 1.
  18. Maybe expand the Practice Squads to allow teams to keep and protect some rookies?
  19. Bicuit, Kyle and Fred are my top 3 choices. If Cookie isn't there, he most certainly should be. Cookie held the record for most rushing yards in a game (248) until OJ broke it. He was underappreciated.
  20. This could go 1 of 2 ways, I think. You either assume rookies will be upgrades to the roster or you err on the side of caution and stick with your veterans. I think teams in 'win now' mode might be more cautious and rebuilding teams will go with their rookies. In any case, the roster cut down process will possibly be the most interesting in a long while.
  21. I thought Taco Charlton was starting to pick up his game. Guess not, unless there is some other reason they let him go. He might be a solid backup for Epinesa if they release Trent Murphy to clear cap space, but we still have close to $20 mill. Is Charlton a good fit? It certainly looks like we aren't spending up to the cap unless Beane signs someone else that gets released. Oops. Never mind. He's a Chief already. That didn't take long.
  22. We'd be a better team right now with Dalton at QB, but it's not happening.
  23. Both Tannehill and Cam are better QB's so why would they agree to play backup to Allen? Tannehill is, in turn, a better QB than Cam at this point in their careers.
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