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Everything posted by GreggTX

  1. I suspect Edmunds has reached his peak, but he's still young enough and he has plenty of room for improvement. I don't know if Oliver will ever live up to expections, but if he does, that would be huge. I don't expect him to make a huge leap just because of Star (Who is very ordinary). Coach Frazier said it best. Oliver will have a breakout year because he's overdue. Davis will be better, of course, but he will still struggle for snaps because there is so much talent at WR. My real hope is our young DE's. I'll vote for Epinesa to have a solid season and Rousseau to feed his critics a healthy serving of crow.
  2. I don't see this as an unusually high scoring game as the Steelers have an exceptional front 7 and our OL is pretty ordinary. Josh will need to be in top form. I just hope Levi Wallace can raise his game. Offenses will be looking to exploit him all year. Those young DE's will need to catch on quickly. Hughes and Addison are long in the tooth and have long since put their best years behind them. I see the Bills winning in a game that goes down to the wire.
  3. Good for Tyrod. He's a class act and former probowler. I wish him well except when he plays against us.
  4. I'm certainly not looking past them. Ben is a big upgrade from whatzizname last year and they have a great front 7 to match up against our very mediocre OL. Also, our DL remains a ? until they prove otherwise. I think we'll win, but I don't know if we'll win comfortably. Roethlesburger is past his prime, but he'll still have the Steelers in the mix in December.
  5. I agree that Devin will have his best year yet, but I don't think he'll get enough carries to make 1,000 yards even with a good average. His fumble rate went well down last year, so let's hope that trend continues.
  6. My crystal ball says we're going to see a lot of 3 and 4 wideout formations. I like the idea of giving GD a lot of snaps against other teams 3rd and 4th best CB.
  7. It's entirely possible that we could upgrade the CB2 spot. It wouldn't take much. The same is true at both G spots. These are 2 weak areas that other teams will seek to exploit. Ford needs to take a huge leap this year or he'll be gone. Feliciano is better than most backups, but not quite starter quality. Wallace will get picked on a lot as always, but I'd still like to keep him as our CB3 or CB4.
  8. Well, I've been around since 1956 and have survived a major heart surgery, so I'm with you Shaw. If this current regime can't do it, I doubt I'll live to see it. We're close, but I really feel like we need to be much tougher in the trenches. Hopefully the young D Linemen will all turn out well. Next year I hope we turn more attention to upgrades at G and CB.
  9. So only Knox and Sweeney at TE? I smell a trade. I hope we can land an upgrade at G or CB2.
  10. I love football, but I hate all the injuries. I especially hate the brain damage that so many of the players suffe-- Even the ones never sidelined by a concussion.
  11. The Madden raters have both KC and Baltimore rated higher than us. It seems like those 4 SB's followed by 17 years of frustration have scared many people off.
  12. They opened a Duff's down here in Texas. Yay!
  13. We're pretty average at DT, but our needs at CB, G and TE far outweigh the need at DT. As usual, the national media gets it wrong.
  14. 1. There's nothing wrong with Bills Stadium. 2. If we must fork over a mountain of taxpayer cash to build a new stadium, why not build it near the falls?
  15. I'm amazed at how underrated White is (#94). Last year PFF didn't even put him in their top 100. I know people are hating on Allen, but this is every bit as loony.
  16. You have to adjust the CPU sliders. Set qb accuracy to 30. Boost the pass D by boosting reaction time and pass D.
  17. I predict that Rousseau and Epinesa will be the starters going forward. I've long supported Hughes, but I wonder if they would trade him for a CB or TE or G. Then again, they might not want to move him at the risk of upsetting the other players.
  18. I wonder how many wins this could cost us. I thought we were only signing 'team first' guys. Guess not. Seems like they don't even care about protecting each other. The best ability is availability. Cole can play on a bum leg, but he can't man up for this?
  19. Singletary played well again despite the missed TD chance. I think the starting job is his to lose.
  20. I don't recognize any of those names besides Benenoch who I thought made a couple nice plays vs Detroit. Maybe he'll get a shot elsewhere.
  21. Looks like Wildgoose is struggling. Too bad. I'll be disappointed if we can't upgrade CB2. Dl looked really good early on. OL has been hot and cold. That's another concern of mine. I hope S Brown is a total stud.
  22. I see us winning more if the team stays healthy and 1 of our young DE's becomes a real stud. This also assumes that guys like Edmunds, Oliver and Knox take the next step. I also think the run blocking must improve at least a little bit.
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