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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. Hmmm.... east of Buffalo sounds like a good opportunity for the mucks of Elba!
  2. Here is a nice link to the over 100 page stadium study.... happy reading. http://wivb.com/bills-stadium-full-report/
  3. But but.... we let Darby, Williams, and Gilmore get away!!
  4. I have watched it a few times. I can say it would be hard to say it was intentional. I think that it is because it was Suh that did it .... thus we asSUHm the worse (bad but cracked me up!).
  5. I am guessing that MANY words start off as slang and then they become part of standard English. For example, "I will 'text' you later." Text started off as a much different word than "I will send you some digital information via my phone." I could go on and on but I won't. Finally, making a point by calling out someone's fine understanding of the english language (whether it be spelling, grammar, or use of non-standard english words) just ironically weakens one's eventual counter point.
  6. I am unable to grasp the purpose of this thread. Are you saying that a coach who has pushed/praised group accomplishments (aka "be 1 of 11) should discuss a personal accomplishment or two during an after-game interview? It appears that too many people need to lay off the nit picking. What's next? Go back to the clapping complaints?
  7. Anyone want to go in with me? I have a TON of beer bottles to return!
  8. LOL oh dang... with both teams in contention and they throw us her? Too funny!
  9. Whoa whoa whoa..... IF Shady is out of of the game who will be running the sweeps????
  10. IF Dunkirk is right.... I have a feeling the info is coming from one of the soon to "retire" long-term Bills' employee lol
  11. The OP doesn't make sense to me.So we are to Billieve that Mcd did want to give up marginal players but was totally fine with "pro-bowl" type ones like Watkins, Dareus, Gilmore (slightly different) and Darby???
  12. I want the Chiefs to fall from grace and lose every game the rest of the year.... better draft pick for us.
  13. Guessing it is the team uber driver! On a side note..... has Dunkirk broken news of note in the past. I know others have.
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