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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. It never ceases to amaze me how some people can't enjoy EVEN ONE DAY OF HAPPINESS!! I know there is medicine for those like that.. but what is the point of "Bills are lucky and won some close games" when LITERALLY EVERY team in the league has done the same thing! Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses. So stop being a prick!
  2. Went with my head NOT my heart. I can't see Buffalo cracking Jax defense without Shady. I TRULY hope I am wrong!
  3. Got my tix and hotel already. I am just waiting to see about the flight with bonus miles.
  4. Poor Tate... been sucking all year and gets a return called back.
  5. Was THAT the Spider Webb Trap play DD was talimg about?
  6. Just wow.... what the heck is Baltimore doing. They look absolutely terrible (I have it on another screen) - which is a good thing.
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