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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. @BuffaloBud420I looked over some of your previous posts and I cant help but picture you as an angry stoner. Some millennial who doesnt know how to handle his weed..... getting all annoyed or paranoid over little things. So enjoy the good season and stop playing victim and looking at everyone's shortcomings but your own or you will end up panhandling outside of walmart until you are 80. Take a shower, get some sunlight and be amazed that the world isnt as dark as you think!
  2. I like Tyrod the man but get sick of the excuses for his mediocre play. Good luck in Denver (or where ever).
  3. Anyone know what happened to Tre White? I saw him hobble to the locker room?
  4. Considering we had a turnover.... I will take 3 to 3. Go Bills!!!
  5. It is windy here. Calling a TO may catch the wind picking up. Also, Newsflash: even the great coaches do it (unless you think Bellicheat is trash).
  6. Thanks.... it is freezing here lol LITERALLY. I woke up to 32°
  7. Understood... however with that logic I can say Kyle Williams, Shady, Zay Jones, etc lead us here. Please dont twist being a starter with carrying a team on his back. I can not recall ONE game this year Tyrod has carried the team on his back for a win. Moreover, TO ME that is what the OP is implying and it simply did not happen.
  8. It is one of the last stadiums east of the Mississippi that I have not seen a Bills' game in. I am excited for tomorrow to both check out the stadium and watch the Bills play hard!
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