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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. I enjoyed your write up. Thanks you for your time and energy on this.
  2. I just lost 2 IQ points reading the OP and I have very little leeway to lose any.
  3. Lol I have been married for MANY years.. i understand things now that were not comprehensible 30 years ago. IF I ONLY knew how bad mullets were back then as well.
  4. You didn't read the link you posted. It says IF someone was diagnosed with Asperger's in the DSM IV they will qualify for the newly revamped classification autism spectrum disorder DUE to the fact the DSM 5 eliminated it. I specialize in this field in the Rochester NY area. I truly wish they kept Asperger's because it was helpful for non professionals to distinguish between the two.... But they did not. Finally, there is no longer a clinical term of Asperger's and it has been replaced with autism spectrum disorder with qualifiers and modifiers. On a personal note, thank God you advocated for your child and got him the support and help he needed and obviously benefitted from.
  5. Lol.... I was JUST tellling my family that same thing over lunch today. I also added I was contemplating not logging on to any forums as well.
  6. I think all of our strengths can be turned to weaknesses IF not held in check and in the wrong context. I do worry that someone can burn out IF they don't have other avenues to vent. So as far as that goes.... I think we find ourselves in agreement. What bothers me is when people throw out diagnostic impressions without the proper training or even without personally meeting someone. However, I guess this IS crazy season. Good luck and enjoy the process.
  7. OMG.... What is it with Internet shrinks? First of all, IF you were up-to-date on your incidental psychology.... You would quickly realize there is no such disorder as Asperger's since the DSM 5. Secondly, IF his way of handling stress was oft putting (or pathological as your innuendo suggests) , then his teammates would not love him to death and swear by him. They would NOT bring out his jersey to mid field when he got in trouble. As I said earlier in this thread.... It is okay to just say "I don't like him" without trying to create a biased psycho-assessment attempting to pigeon hole a young man to fit your unwarranted diagnosis and draft needs.
  8. Well.... On a humanistic side of things and without knowing you - I truly hope you are (continue to be) successful in your endeavors. However, there is NOTHING about his actions that speak to a personality disorder either using the DMS IV or the newest DSM 5. I just think that people go to great lengths to prove their point about someone's mental stability to support their draft accumen. I think it is lazy and wrong to do so.
  9. So based on this answer and improper use of "personality disorder" you are NOT a mental health professional and are just spewing garbage to make your point sound like it has merit. It is TRULY okay to say.... "I prefer ++++" without trying to Internet diagnose a young man in his early 20s.
  10. And you are a licensed mental health professional to know this? Anger is a natural human response. It can motivate OR debilitate depending on one's character. So far for Baker... It has motivated him. PS his TEAMMATES absolutely love him and that says a lot of him as a young man.
  11. He didn't just "start" this LIST after he left college. He has kept this LIST since the end of high school when he was a historic miss by college recruiters outside of his only listed offers from FAU, New Mexico, and Rice. Started the LIST of nay sayers. He walked on at Texas Tech and was the first true freshman walk-on in FBS history to start a season opener at QB. He won. Got hurt and was replaced. He increased his LIST. Felt slighted by his coach while he was hurt and was not offered a scholarship and decided to move on to Oklahoma ... Adding to his LIST. Once at Oklahoma and due to a silly Big 12 rule, Texas Tech refused to relinquish his "rights" and Baker missed a year of football (2014)... Yep he increased his "LIST. " He fought hard to earn to a spot on the team and to get credit to become a leader. To make a long story short... He succeeded. He won the team's heart/respect along with the Sooner die hards and grabbed a Heisman along the way.. Guessing due to the motivation from his LIST. Baker's career has been full of spectacular play fueled by grudges, slights and efforts to prove doubters wrong... Guessing while he reflects on this LIST. As I said on an earlier post, show me where this fueled moxie has hurt his game... I will wait.
  12. Until someone proves that it hinders his performance... Who should really care? Angst is angst - whether it is a list of doubting teams OR doubting media members. Professional teams have bulliten board material from any source all the time. It provides a solid baseline of intrinsic motivation.
  13. Or Jackson UNLESS you are confusing "moral" with bias.
  14. IF Andy Dalton did that week 3... People like you would not keep reguritating that nonsense.
  15. For a dude with "420" in his name.... You are awefully angsty in your posts. Are you sure that blunt isn't full of oregano?
  16. I am not comparing him to anyone. I DO mention portions of his fiery behavior. I do not think I am enough of an "Internet expert/GM" to truly have a comparison opinion of him. I do think clumping all supporters into tiny packages is lazy. Soooo... I deem your post a lazy response and quite narrow in focus.
  17. Well the word "folks" on THIS board usually implies people from TBD. Moreover, I do not follow the Browns and have no friken idea what they say on their boards (or anyone else's forums for that matter). I guess thank you for the clarification.
  18. ^ Is a pretty lazy take. Give examples why. Explain yourself. Or don't and sound like a troll.
  19. I have loved to have Mayfield since the start of the college season (as my posts have been saying since then). I am not afraid of his 6ft status. He is accurate, creative, smart and best of all.... Guts and gall that remind me of Kelly. I would love to see him score and "dunk" over the patriots. Finally, his team mates LOVE him. The way they brought out his jersey was a phenomenal gesture.
  20. Him and Sal apacio are the two I really enjoy listening to/reading. I trust him with Bills info.
  21. Are you SURE that was the ONLY reason for that name? Lol j/k
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