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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. And you do understand he currently has a long term HOF job in the NFL as a head coach due to his acumen? Bad example.... there were actually better
  2. Guessing because he doesn't like pie... But like I said just a guess.
  3. Beast is preferable. They are more desperate and usually better in bed. Plus she probably looked good when leaving the bar.
  4. He served the suspension last year. IF that was your question.
  5. I am guessing it was first class? Also, your daughter should have "accidentally" thrown up gagging the words "trreeeee whiiiite"
  6. Someone older.... Give the old man a break. Think of it as how you would want someone treating your parents on a forum at their first attempt at a topic post.
  7. Quotes like these cement people's opinion that you are INDEED Dunkirk Don!
  8. Hello Dick. I revised my response after reading a previous post of yours. Next time put your topic in the subject line vs your name. It is nice to have fans from all ages.
  9. 1 Shady 2 Hyde 3 Poyer 4 White 5 Clay and five who are not on the team yet.
  10. Dunkirk Don coming back as Derby Dan is SOOOOOOO obvious. I am sorta ashamed he didn't try a little harder to conceal it. So my vote is Dunkirk Don just due to this lame attempt at a comeback.
  11. Yeah because the Browns are the epitome of good decision making. BTW Carson Wentz says hello to Browns fans.
  12. Worked for Sammy Watkins (sarcasm font needed)!
  13. Sounds like something said about Jim Kelly.. I think he did fine here.
  14. IF I could out run the cops while drunk in my early 20s, THEN the QB of my team ought to be able to outrun them as well!! Or maybe I just need him to be a good QB? What a silly outdated thread.
  15. Why? 18 million savings + the FIRST pick in the 3rd round for a mediocre QB vs 5 million salary for a similarly mediocre QB seems like a no brainer to do what the Bills did ade him
  16. The bigger question should be "how did we NOT make it the previous 17 years? "
  17. Draft gate.... OP I think you are on to something!!!! (Dude go back to sleep).
  18. OBJ with a rookie QB.... Pass (no pun intended).
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