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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. I liked Mayfield. I have said it months. I thought Darnold (with the talent around him) did not meet my expectations for him. I had Josh Allen 4th... But what do I know?!!? Go Josh!!! (Allen)
  2. I bought them as soon as the schedule came out. An hour later they were 200 dollars more for the rest I didn't buy. 50 yard line visitors side club area. I think I caught the buyer who realized s/he listed them incorrectly (but I have the tix in my hand so no matter :))
  3. Yeah. I plan on going as well. Scored some awesome seats super cheap!
  4. Thinking a better video would have been to the music of Bon Jovi! (YES for all of your nuclear post reactors.... I am kidding)
  5. Whenever my company "takes over" another company, we tend to keep most of the staff until 1 we understand the culture and what makes it click 2 identify who the "healthy" movers and shakers are and 3 how it will manage the bottom line. There have been situations we have kept all the staff and just added more and other times it was a major overhaul. Terry and Kim are not looking at this as a money making venture but rather a successful winning one. It takes more time to develop for the long haul vs faster profit.
  6. The only "curse" I am aware of were the "curse" words spewing from my mouth watching the QB play since the Bills were in Fredonia.
  7. I listen to WGR via their app utilizing the on-demand portion. I mostly listen to Sal Capacio and guests that interest me. I can NOT imagine anyone actually listening to them when they do not have the option to forward past innane conversations and their "hot takes."
  8. Geez Gugny.... (Deleted well thought out mental illness description here).
  9. The two things I really got from this is that Evan Silva ranks pretty much everyone low and that Buffalo is the most polarizing. Both things one can garner reading this forum.
  10. LOL... I do not believe there is ANY way the Giants move from 2 without a crazy amount of capital - capital the Pats* couldn't offer.
  11. I would do it for 2 pounds of Duffs wings (even throw in an extra blue cheese.... but don't push it).
  12. I have always been torn on Pettine. I DO think he was screwed over in the Browns wasteland.
  13. Yeah. I have been watching any video I can on him. His flattering ones as well as his critical ones. He is growing on me as a player. As a person and potential leader/teammate, he is a slam dunk. He will have to work hard on improving (but every rookie will have that in varying degrees). I hope and pray he becomes the franchise QB the Bills need for the next 15+ years.
  14. @mods why was the title of my post and tags removed? Did I violate TOS mentioning the "outfit" who produced it? Update: seems it was merged but confusing
  15. I THINK the issue here is that I posted a video about the kid. I did NOT add ANY commentary whatsoever. You were one of the first posters to respond saying "people were unhinged" about criticism. IF you really look at the BIG picture here... it seems you are the one stirring up the pro/con debate from an innocoulous opening post. Maybe you need to take a small break from posting OR at least count to backwards from 32 by 3s before responding to any post.
  16. I agree. Also, you should add, you have never seen any Bills QB be so battered and criticized BEFORE ever playing an NFL down. As I have said multiple times, he was NOT my first choice but he was the BILLS choice. I will support the young man and see what he can do. Finally, do you think linking a documentary about him without commentary from the linker as defensive?
  17. Here is another video I have not seen posted yet. It was filmed the summer before his last college year. https://youtu.be/I7pqoSVTHVU
  18. As I have said (many times on multiple background video threads), Josh has been growing on me. He was not MY first choice but he was the BILLS first choice. I appreciate his work ethic and seemingly desire to do well. Plus, I grew up an ole farm boy and I can truly appreciate the kind of man it brings out. Good luck Josh! God knows the Bills and all its fans needs you to become a franchise QB for 15+ years!
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