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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. I have my tix to Lambeu, Miami and a work trip to NE. I MAY go to Houston depending on if I can score reasonable tickets. I go to 3 every year (in my prenupts!!)
  2. Thanks for the post OP. I am waiting for the anti-clappers to chime in.
  3. Thank you for the information! I am really excited to be there!
  4. Great interview... Great young man. I am glad he is a Bill.
  5. There is something about her that is an absolutely turn on. Can someone Photoshop her face on the GIF of the girl humping the Pepsi Machine? I would pay good money for that... I figured I would save a lot never leaving the house!
  6. Yeah. I can see what you are sayiing. What you said is your opinion and very well may be true, HOWEVER, the patronizing and condescending method of presentation is what will get people defensive. It was "all right" to say: "I won't be impressed until..." BUT you went with (in essence) Buffalo sucks and everyone is desperate and will be happy with ANYTHING take. This method will almost certainly bring out people's negative reactions!
  7. Yeah... This has been posted before BUT still a good read. Thanks.
  8. Has anyone started a gofundme account for the Pegulas to do this? (Yes PLEASE read with sarcasm!)
  9. I wouldn't buy one.... HOWEVER, most successful companies don't make things that don't sell. If this "branding" doesn't sell, then they won't do it again.
  10. Should be a fun watch. I am actually interested to see how they portray Tyrod.
  11. I am sure any player that is a good player and a good teammate is welcome on this team. He mentions his "faith" a lot. There is nothing wrong with that as much as other players talking about their faith (or political views or musical tastes etc).
  12. Cause you have to hold on to your opponent to make that work..... besides seeing the O line in depends would kill my love of the sport.
  13. Something is "aFOOT" with this topic.
  14. I (as I have mentioned multiple times) was not a Josh Allen first guy. For the record, I have been beating the table for Mayfield for a very long time. Also, the more I look into Allen the more I realize he isn't a finished product. I truly believe that he has not been playing QB long enough nor extensively enough to have cemented bad habits. When people refer to previous QBs saying that they will revert to bad habits "once bullets fly" are typically correct. However, in Josh's case I don't think he has been playing long enough to have formed too many "bad" long term habits. I was telling my wife that I have had more experience and coaching on how to be a QB than he has (PLEASE don't twist training with talent - I was below average at best - D3 wise). I wish him all the luck in the world and I see him as unmolded clay.... thus his improvement in the senior bowl which "BBs were flying."
  15. Crazy it hasn't happened sooner. Inc NY State tax revenue and all the betting sites collecting taxes and reporting standards increase.
  16. Sounds like an aftermath of a good Happy Hour.
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