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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. Good article. I started paying attention to Cover 1 last year and it has been a great find. Thanks for posting.
  2. 'Cause 4.9 is basically 25% more than 4? And btw.... 25% more is significant!
  3. Lol crazy. PS Anyone else notice the blonde in back?
  4. Okay... got it. I really read it in context as the traditional forum LAMP meaning.
  5. 21/32 277 yards 2tds 1 int, 4 rushes for 26 yards and 3 sacks
  6. David Carr waves hello (after his record breaking 76 sack rookie season).
  7. Isn't EJ still out there? (/snicker)
  8. Lol fair enough... I am sorry if it sounds like I am attacking you personally. I coached for a long time and it would drive me bonkers with the why why why questions when I KNEW the answer wasn't for information but rather for drama. Also, I watched the all 22 and there were open receivers often. However, the money players were apathetic af and that KILLS a team when that occurs. Anyhow, enjoy the day!
  9. I understand you care... apparently the Bills' brass don't put much stock into your thoughts. My suggestions are 1 watch the games 2 look at roster 3 keep an open mind and 4 make you own conclusions. I am sure you will be pretty close to what the Bills think.
  10. And who says that fans "need" to know? Who cares? The Bills owe nothing to any fan. If we don't like it, we don't support it. Also, as far as the media goes, ANYONE with two brain cells to rub together can figure out what his response is going to be after the 3rd time asking the same question.
  11. This ^^ x100. I was my opinion thatbthebleak pissed him off. In fact, he started of the press conference without saying who the QB would be but rather let a reporter ask the question. McDermott has tried really hard to plug up leaks in the organization and this was a biggy to be released.
  12. How is this a LAMP post? I am pretty sure you think it means something different than it does.
  13. A bottle of wine and a private consultation with Kim.
  14. Yet they made the playoffs. Not a bad "turn around" for being the worst team in the NFL for a stretch - almost coach of the year worthy!
  15. Whelp... there goes one of McDermott's haters.
  16. And why not toss his thoughts into another one of the dozen threads started. Some people like to start threads vs contribute to others due to the LAMP theory.
  17. Yep... this sure needed another thread to be started.
  18. Well.. we SHOULD bring back Bruuuuce and Thomas. We let them go way too early (sarcasm)!
  19. Wow... not what I was expecting when I clicked the topic. It was a like a stuffed push up bra on your prom date during high school (according to my friend).
  20. Hopefully they get extended so they can see this rebuild through.
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