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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. I actually like Sal. In fact, I don't listen to WGR live and find Sal and other guests of interest to listen to on demand.
  2. Sounds like you need some Xanax and Gamblers Anonymous meetings.
  3. I am amazed that this game thread has continued to the next day. I am unsure even Bills' game threads last this long!
  4. Yup... But how many threads started at this site aren't based on misery or at least delve into it?
  5. Darnold looks rough. However, I am pumped for all this years first round QBs. I sorta hope they are all decent for the good of the NFL and rivalries.
  6. Bakeeeeer. Bakeeer. Bakeeeeer. Oh the chants! Poor Tyrod. Hue Jackson may pull the race card and put in Bakeeeeer!
  7. Oh no... Baker chants in Cleveland. Tyrod was unleashed just to be relegated to the bench for a rookie soon.
  8. Lol they have some hope behind Tyrod. We had Peterman. I would want Tryod out sooner than later as well.
  9. Okay...27/39 for 311 yards 2 yds 2 intswith 21 yards rushing
  10. Lol ya mean... "Just trolling". I think you mean "Were they EVER successful nope."
  11. He can't because he was juked out of them during the game.
  12. Wow.... I thought we were kicking butt with our O until I saw this chart. I am usure life is worth living anymore. Do you want my things?
  13. The key is to find out who the creator of the post is and don't click on it when you know it will be moronic... well like this one.
  14. That "worst performance" by the bills would still crush ANY college team. I know these articles are click bait BUT what I don't understand how anyone with ANY actual football knowledge can give these articles ANY credence!
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