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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. I was there and drank gallons of water. The biggest concern was with the drunk dehydrated fans. I started out with a full tube of sunscreen and it was empty by halftime. My small section didn't get sunburn lol.
  2. Will be at The Stadium View soon. Just drove in. A few Bills fans in my hotel (I have seen about 15 ish).
  3. What's the problem??!!? We are number 1!!!!!! PS sarcasm for the intellectually challenged
  4. Yeah I LOVE Sal going after him. I feel he is the only one who consistently does it.
  5. Damn the Viking fans are more vocal in LA than they were in Minnesota
  6. I am amazed that the mods have not shut this thread down. It is a thread full of drama and I can't see how it adds to a football forum. Either he bet and he couldn't afford it and is an imbecile OR he was not telling the truth and he is liar and a troll. Either way... this thread officially sucks.
  7. Man I feel old when I see these things. Now get off my lawn!!
  8. I am guessing the negativity is mainly because wiser folks on here think you were full of crap with your LAMP type of post. The same people perceive that your attention seeking is unbecoming and it was attempted to be done on the back of an "expected Bills' demise." Finally, I would expect people will continue to be "negative" towards you by holding you accountable to this silly stunt.
  9. Let's bring him in so he can quit at halftime. In that way we can add HIS half to Vontae's half and we got ourselves a FULL game before retirement and the world is right again!!
  10. I was at the game with my nephew who "was" a Packer fan. It was a great game that Buffalo was suppose to lose.
  11. Thanks for posting. These background stories are very interesting and I enjoying getting "to know" players outside of Sundays (in a healthy/productive/positive way)!
  12. I really enjoy these well-produced background stories. Thank you for posting!
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