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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. Depending on the average age (whether too old or not) may be hard to do (info from a friend).
  2. Well..... I like to see improvement from football year quarter to quarter. I would say the defense has a good projectory since the 2nd half of the first game. Let's wait and see a bit....
  3. From my view point.... Star looked great too.
  4. Holmes needed to attack that ball. From where I was sitting, it looked like he was just sitting in the route vs attacking it..... thus the int.
  5. Yep... and he is still learning. He needs to stop getting sucked in by play action though.
  6. Sure it does. It was the most recent completed season. This season has barely started.
  7. That article is ludicrous. IF they are sooo worried about triggering issues then: 1) remove all white males 2) get rid of anything that has a scent (perfume) 3) not use anything but natural light 4) keep the room cool (probably too cold for the women left in the audience) 5) etc.. In essence, there are ALWAYS things that upset those with sensory issues.
  8. I had a great time. People were super friendly. The old woman next to my brother was a little too friendly though lol.
  9. Why? Buffalo doesn't even "support" it's NFL team! PS sorry couldn't resist!
  10. Yes exactly.... you are adding a different context to what the OP wrote and answering based on that. It doesn't take an extraordinary amount of intellectual resources to say to someone "you can get paid x to go to a Super Bowl contender OR a the exact same amount for a bottom dwellar" and have to wonder what the most likely answer would be. However, to imply no one will come to Buffalo (or Cleveland or Jets etc) because of the record is blatantly false and THUS my original response. Enjoy the day!
  11. Agree ^ Great venue. Great fans. The old lady sitting next to my brother was a little "too friendly" though! Gmilf.
  12. I never understood how the size of someone's cajones HAVE to be in order to emphatically state their opinion as fact when they are absolutely clueless.
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