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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. How does this speculation add ANYTHING productive towards healthy football discussion? I am amazed mods let this troll bait of a topic continue.
  2. Oh snap... what round was he drafted in this year??? Oh wait - wrong draft? So he isn't a rookie? Next thread.
  3. Wow... nice "hot" take. Why do these folks come out of the woodwork and have initial posts like this? It is desirable to at least have some foundational posts that demonstrate some sense of football understanding before debunking it.
  4. You already did "say something to this." You are the one who acts like following the team passionately owes you something. I believe it is exactly similar. The problem is when you read it taking "Bills" out for "girl friend" it seems stupid. Welcome to the world on most saw your post or the post you supported.
  5. People who think cake is better than pie are out of their mind and NOT a true fan of desserts!
  6. Sure it does. Here is a parallel example: You date someone for 20 years and s/he won't marry you although you have asked five times. You break up and start to date someone new. After a month you ask to get married and s/he says "no." Do you say to him/her "why can't you marry me sooner.... I have been waiting for over 20 years!!??!" This scenario sound stupid? Of course it does.... as does your argument.
  7. Entirely different front office and ownership. But IF you feel the personal need to hold them accountable for all that to make you feel better...... have at it!!
  8. INteresting I have never seen a post topic like this yet. Good catch!
  9. Hmmmm... I hope this "hot take" was done before your coffee!?!
  10. Maybe.... in addition to making this "pledge" people stop refuting and bumping these types of threads. If one starves the beast.... it goes away.
  11. I am on the fence about it.... however IF we can get a 2nd and a 3rd for him - I would pull that trigger in a heart beat (as long as the Bills don't bundle 5 picks for 1!).
  12. I plan on coming down to the Cowboys /Bills game next year.... I will have to scope things out!
  13. What?!? Wait...... does daily masturbating to grannyfanny.com count (asking for a friend)?
  14. Actually.... I don't know you well enough to "know what meant." I just assumed it was another "hot take" by some random poster.
  15. Actually in college (Cornell in the 80s), in my art class, a fellow classmate made a paper mache owl with used (pre-wet with her urine) toilet paper. It was my first foray into recycling.
  16. OMG that sounds amazing. I am glad my wife didn't catch the expression on my face reading this..... she would have NEVER have believed I was thinking about this kind of pie!
  17. Yes. /close thread (or merge with one of the other Punter threads)
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