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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. Sorry to hear of your loss. I have many great memories of my dad. One of my favorites was him teaching me how to drive on the farm when I was 11.... with a manual!!! I have never heard him laugh and shriek that much EVER in one event. BUT I learned to drive that land rover lol!
  2. 100% agree and I think we are saying the same thing. My first game was in the %$&@ rockpile.... so yeah forever fan here as well. People just need to relax and allow this plan to work out. In 3 years, IF we suck.... churn the butter and go from there. Many Bills' fans have the attention span and the patience of a gnat!!
  3. It is bizarre. The world's best CEOs do not continuously churn upper management to "win." S/he hires a team with a strategic plan and gives them tools to carry it out. IF that plan doesn't work out they support the team until it is no longer reasonable. Also, good administration understands "a plan" will patient to allow it to come to fruition.
  4. IF one watches the all-22 Daboll is good... the players suck. Every time I watch it, I generally see receivers who can't get open and require a perfect pass to make things work. I also see IF the receivers happen to get open they are downfield and the QB is frazzled.
  5. No. This offense REALLY REALLY sucks. However, to hang your comment on Tyrod (who was benched in Cleveland) to fix this is imo absurd.
  6. Wow!! without him in the first quarter of the game.... we will definitely win now!!! PS sarcasm
  7. For a first round pick?!?! Lolololololol crazy season 'round here!
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