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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. When Buffalo drafted Allen, I was "dissapointed." I wanted Mayfield all along (I KNOW he was gone before the pick). However, I just dug into Josh and found that he is a genuine competitor and all around great young man. Those attributes allowed me to chill and purely judge him on his merits going forward....never so glad to be this wrong - he will be a great QB at the NFL level. Go Bills!
  2. SARCASM ON .... What is up with ***** and McClappy??!!? With all the $#%#% jokes we have on offense...they sign a FREAKIN' back up QB. Does this team EVEN know what they are doing??!!??? First they miss on Mahomes (fill in any QB of your fixation) AND THEY THOUGHT they could placate us with this crap pile of a signing??!?! I will wait for all the McBeane apologists to come in and tell me how wrong I am...blah blah freakin' blah.. .....SARCASM OFF PS lol why was BE AN auto filtered?
  3. For me... get me the best OLINE possible and our receivers (and any lower tier one FA) as well as the running game will be better.
  4. Looks like the one I have in my garage now....... .......just kidding. Good luck finding it!
  5. Well the good news is we see Allen again. and better news the fugly Jest chick has been "sleeping" since the start of the 4th quarter. At this point.....I dont want to even see if she is conscious.
  6. He took more that 2 steps towards Allen when he didn't have the ball. Wtf are you seeing? Ps caveat I dont have the benefit of TV reviews
  7. I was screaming on that play to toss up those wings...but nawp.
  8. What a dirty game on the JESTS.... here is where I miss players like Incognito.
  9. He lifted him up...that should be a penalty 100 out of 100 times - period.
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