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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. Hmmm... you said "McBeane personnel". Let's check out your list: first "McBeane" didnt hire themselves - take those two off the list. Star, Benjamin, Clay and Marlowe are players - take them off the list. This leaves only Farwell as "personnel"...helluva list there buddy! PS EVEN if you consider players as "personnel" it still is a pretty short list seeing how the football operations has over 170 people (front office staff, trainers, all kinds of coaches, and players).
  2. Dude....your posts ("hot takes") are seriously ironic given your forum name.
  3. They are an ABSOLUTELY different team at-home vs on the road .... especially this year.
  4. It must have been the best of the "please work for us" offers.
  5. OR if someone finds (manufactures) any racist tweets from high school!!!
  6. I TOTALLY agree! I cringe, at times, when I see which officiating crew we drew. I wonder what the % of new crews New England got.
  7. Wow...gratz! Now put down the phone/computer and go outside!!
  8. Do you realize how impeachment works? It is like a grand jury. Once someone is impeached it is still up to the Senate to put him to trial. It is not happening.
  9. Congrats... boy or girl? I am in S. Korea atm.....try that for early lol!!
  10. This kind of player is all we are allowed to get....Ralph is cheap!!
  11. .... did you mean "who can catch and and hang on the ball" ?
  12. Also....the Bill's had a winning record AND made the playoffs last year (ending a drought) and fired a coordinator! People have agendas.... I wonder what his was? Lol
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