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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. Guessing they wanted uptempo with time at LOS to diagnose what the defense was trying to do. It worked OTHER than the flukey turnovers
  2. The ref can decide if it was a run out or a push out starting in-bounds.
  3. No worriea....I am just soaking up as much punter news as possible is why I said something. Carry on!
  4. He is in the Hall of Fame...both College and Canadian.
  5. The Bills can give them a conditional pick contingent on him signing. They could tie it into length of Clowney's contract as well.
  6. Weren't we a "legit top 5 defense" and a "contender for the best defense in the NFL" last year without him!?!?
  7. I liked the idea. Here are a few constructive suggestions: 1) utilize less categories - perhaps O,D, special teams, coaching/refs - maybe add a thumbs up/down category 2) maybe open them before the game starts - allows for what we are looking for in terms of the catagories and to compare/contrast atvthe end 3) keep them pinned for a few days after the game - sometimes after watching all-22 other thoughts pop up Thank you for trying novel ways to enhance our forum (couch coach) tendencies!
  8. "Per Bills LB coach Bob Babich, Bills keeping “6 LBs”" I prefer losing 6!
  9. Go Bills!!!. Whether it is preseason or not.....I LOVE Bills' football!!
  10. They have VERY different running styles and bring different talents to the O....so no.
  11. Does he even read this site??!!? Anyhow..... happy birthday!
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