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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. Wow...woke up and see a sea of Bills fans. I hope there are a ton of us here today. Go Bills!!
  2. Pretty sure it was a different poster who said the Bills were terrible.... keep up. Lol
  3. Like a Webo... they wobble but they don't fall down.
  4. Personally who cares who dissed the Bills.... just check out ANY given Bills' game threads from our OWN fans if you want to see true "disses."
  5. I was able to hear it fine. Maybe it is vastly different based on where your seats are.
  6. I have a very cute but very drunk Dolfan behind me and she jjust said "that should be a penalty for that guy jumping up to catch that ball." Oh man.....
  7. Yeah... I definitely will. I just saw Brown looking back waaay before he had to. Anyhow - Go Bills!
  8. It happened LITERALLY right in front of me... Allen has plenty of bad throws that was NOT one of them.
  9. No such thing as a trap game. Many studies show this is the point. A study that I am referring to shows that good teams win trap games just as often as they win other games. Contending teams went 389-85 overall in trap games, good for a .820 winning percentage. In all other games against sub-.500 teams, the same contenders posted a .815 winning percentage, meaning they were actually more likely to win trap games than other games. So yeah... call out.
  10. This the Buffalo Bills.... IF this pisses you off then you better have a cardiologist on speed dial.
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