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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. Interesting that he didn't wear a sport model. I assume that's better
  2. Lol have you seen Washington play?!? On a serious note....they are endangered but about 300 still around. Cute lil buggers.
  3. I actually like Redtails but Red Wolves take it for me. Howl after every score lol.
  4. You obviously don't understand research. EVERY good research document is ethically bound to tell the reader the limitations and where someone can pick up/improve upon it. It is the core of proper and well-done research. Besides....it is not my job to convince you of something you are unwilling to see. As I said to someone yesterday...arguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon. The bird just craps on the board and struts around thinking it is winning. Keep pooping on arguments and feel like your winning. You viewpoints are coming across well /sarcasm.
  5. I dont want to make this personal but lolololololloolloollolll.....umm go back and read your posts , especially how you staked your major argument on the Washington Post's unscientific poll.
  6. Cute straw man argument. You couldn't find a well thought-out response?
  7. /yawn. So let me see IF I understand the game plan here. FIRST swear by a faulty study that the ORIGINAL authors refuse to give details or even the questions involved in the study. SECOND, go on forums utilizing said study as if its gospel without knowing ANY details other than what fits the 90% dont care narrative. THIRD, when posters point out alternative studies they get they were bad ones with agendas. FOUR, when a peer reviewed study gets completed with a representative sample AND they show the entire planet their data it gets dismissed behind "heresay....they are showing their transparency behind a paywall lololool." AND FIVE when an open link gets provided the come back is "This is nothing more than an excuse for woke whities to justify their busy body activism." Quite learned and adorable argument there. I wish people would just call their bias for what it is and stop pretending they have facts behind it. It is truly okay to say "This makes me mad and I feel that my identity is being threatened." One might get scoffed for it but it would be genuine.
  8. You DO know Albinism is NOT just a Caucasian disorder..... it affects blacks too (among others).
  9. Stop being lazy. Read the article and click on a link. Just to be transparent the link was embedded in the first sentence of the second paragraph: "... a new study from academics at the University of Michigan and UC Berkeley contradicts [the] data." You will have the ENTIRE survey as well as the 31-page scholarly report that is associated with it. And well... for those who still are too bothered to check it out - it says Native Americans are offended....a BIG percentage of them.
  10. 1) Doesn't matter see 4 2) Yes 3) Yes...however, I matured and listened to those it offends and stopped last year and just call them Washington (much like I say Seattle) when referring to the team. 4) umm okay... look it up. 5) Finally, I am personally done "discussing" with you. I feel like I am playing chess with a pigeon....the bird will just crap on the board and strut around as if he is winning.
  11. On the quest for understanding.... check out strawman argument (and as you respond to me then ad hominem attacks).
  12. Sure.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_Bills_(AAFC)
  13. Do some research....yes he paraded them out in a "positive light" in their regalia riding horses (as well as other cultures like the Spaniards and Arabs) but for his shows, he hired Native Americans to play the part of “wild Indians” whom he and his “Indian Fighters” would dramatically act-out how to defeat and kill them (for a fact check read Louis Warren's "Cody's Last Stand: Masculine Anxiety, the Custer Myth, and the Frontier of Domesticity in Buffalo Bill's Wild West" among dozens other articles/books).
  14. It isn't "conflating" it is being intellectually/morally consistent. What is more harmful to someone's feelings....being called a Redskin or being constantly reminded (and cheering for) someone who slaughtered "your people" (think of being the Buffalo KKKs). Remember.... I am not personally calling for changes, however, I am pointing out to be careful of what one asks for.
  15. IF someone wanted the Redskins changed, THEN would expect them to want the Bills name changed - yes.
  16. Well...Washington owned 100s of slaves. I can see them dropping Washington in their name. Heck our beloved Buffalo Bills (ya know named after Buffalo Bill Cody) should be questioned in all this ruckus. In other words,, should the Bills change their name due to Buffalo Bill Cody’s racist behavior as a gesture of apology to all Native Americans and other U.S. citizens? After all, Buffalo Bill was an Indian (Native American) fighter, assisting in systematically committing genocide against the indigenous inhabitants....just sayin'! NOW I personally don't believe we should but you can see the long slippery slope we get into. My only hope is that people at least be consistent with their "cancel culture" herd mentality and not cherry pick and choose.
  17. Agree....and he already has been as evidenced by watching him last year. EVERY great NFL (or pro anything for that matter) will tell you that hard work is what separates the decwnt the great. Many talented NFL players not a ton of super hard workers.
  18. I get the "dam" part to slip past the profanity filter BUT for you boomer I will fix the rest: "Dam [sic] millennials and THEIR slang".....or keep it and add "And WE slang haters with ARE grammar."
  19. My old man was in the air force during that time. He loved the Bills and followed them the best he could. He was in "intelligence" and wasn't really allowed too much contact with the outside world. I was picking sand out of my arse during t our first super bowl. Both my kids are serving now too and keep up with them (one army one airforce). Go Bills!
  20. My FAVORITE memory of Ben was at a game in 1979. My Dad's best friend was a security guard for the Bills. He asked Ben if he would sign something for me. Ben obliged. However, all I had was my father's pay stub. Ben came over to sign it.....looked at the "paper" oddly and said "I am not going to sign that. You have a football?" I told him no. He went to the nearest ball boy and grabbed one from the bag and signed it to give to me. It started my signature collection. Big Ben was my first from a player on the field. ALWAYS memorable and a great man! RIP Big Ben. You made a memory of a lifetime for a 10 year old!
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