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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. 34 to 24 Buffalo. Josh gets his first 400 yard passing game OF THE SEASON and a spot on Angry Runs for plowing Bud Dupree putting him and his bum ankle back on IR.
  2. Whiskey Kitchen is nice but the service is VERY hit or miss.
  3. I will be there as usual. I live in the Rochester area but own a place south of Nashville. I spend the night at the Hilton near the stadium.....always an awesome time!! See y'all there with a handful of friends!
  4. A great reason to remind me not to wear sweat pants watching a game.
  5. Edmunds having another great game and clogging up fast throwing lanes to TEs and fast slants.
  6. 34 - 27 Buffalo over KC. Josh has 250 yards passing 2 tds and 69 yards rushing 1 td. Mahomes grabs 325 yards 2 tds and 1 pick. He rushes for 3 yards and has 2 sacks AND Nick Wright uses the game to show how superior a QB Mahomes is over Allen....cause that 1 int on Mahomey was really on a bad drop by Kelce.
  7. I am guessing so the coaching staff has first dibs? My favorite odd story from South "Bend": https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.southbendtribune.com/story/news/crime/2015/10/31/lawsuit-says-notre-dame-employee-arranged-sex-between-her-daughter-and-students/46217801/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiIsKy9hrfzAhW3gXIEHfkVA0gQFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw0yOwRG1hamRjMbUq9zmqGj
  8. There aren't too many things people post (especially during a "live" game forum) that irritate me BUT fans (of all teams) blaming refs when their team sucks is one of them.
  9. I still cant figure out why now vs during next off season being so much on the hook for all this years guaranteed money.
  10. Wins these next two weeks will give me the home advantage feeling.
  11. I could care less. However, my wife came in during the 1st quarter and commented on how bad Mowins was. I laughed and said I watch the game and dont really pay attention to the announcers.
  12. Surprisingly good game and I want to go to bed.
  13. We were certainly NEVER (in recent memory) a "trap" game for the Pats**.
  14. Why trade him? If he signs for good money somewhere after the season it will greatly help our compensation formula. I forsee many vets let go this year signing on other teams (Hughes, Addison, Trubisky etc).
  15. I have been saying this forever...but then again it is fun to bag on his phallic shaped nose.
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