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Everything posted by SoCoBills

  1. Darnold is so money man. He is damned good.
  2. Again I’m no Foster fanboy but those saying he should have laid out for the 2nd one LOL have you ever played football? He had no chance to get that ball. Stretch Armstrong wouldn’t have reached that ball. Jordan wouldn’t have been able to reach that ball even if it were in the movie Spacejam and he could stretch. The 3rd one that was the free play you may be right. I have gamepass so I’ll check that one again. Also, I’m no Allen hater. I root heavy for every Buffalo Bill to succeed. Allen showed some good things. Lots of potential. He’s exciting to watch.
  3. Everyone keeps saying he stopped running bc the announcer babbled about how he turned his head to locate the football but when he turned his head he lost no speed at all and kept sprinting. Allen overthrew him twice or his stat line may have read 2 rec, 170 yds, 2 TD’s. I’ve seen people blame him for Allen throwing the first pass out of bounds and people claim he stopped running when he clearly didn’t. Im not some crazy Foster homer. He has very suspect hands and hasn’t proven to me he can run the full route tree but come on people. I know we all want Allen to be GREAT but let’s be objective.
  4. Oh your buying what the announcer said about not looking over his shoulder on the other one? Come on Foster had the top off the defense by several yards and I watched the replay and Foster didn’t slow down at all with the ball in the air. Allen has to drop it in there better. as for his hands I won’t defend him - even if Allen drops it in there’s a 50/50 chance he still drops it lol
  5. Whoever said Foster sucks - to be fair - if Allen threw 2 separate deep balls accurately Foster would have a stat line of around 160 yards receiving and 2 TDS.
  6. Meh I really couldn’t get a feel of Allen from this performance. I honestly couldn’t tell you if he was awful, okay or pretty good but I’m leaning towards sub par with flashes of ability. He looked like a rookie. Unsure and a bit antsy. Poor OL and WR play didn’t help though.
  7. I apologize if this is widely known stuff already but how do we watch tonight? Is tonight nationally televised or no? I’m out of area.
  8. If he stays healthy he can be a star and a clear cut WR #1.
  9. I see a great play and break on the ball by Ramsey. Not a noodle arm throw.
  10. I just want whoever is best to play but I’ll also respond to one persons comment. Peterman doesn’t have a “noodle” arm. He also isn’t Josh Allen but he has enough of an arm to make all the throws.
  11. Whoever this dude is that’s ripping apart the other dudes grammar - please stop. That is quite possibly the most annoying thing someone can do on a message board. Also - it is unequivocally the laziest argument a person can make. It is probably the MOST COMMON logical falllacy. Instead of trying to prove his point wrong or argue his point in any way you are trying to dismiss his point all together by attacking grammar. Pathetic. Please stop. That’s all - back to your bickering now. *Gets popcorn ready*
  12. Why would I be a troll? Get real dude. I’ve been a huge Bills fan for at least a solid 25 years and I hope he’s innocent. The story is now starting to get crazy to the point I’m more 50/50 on it.
  13. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/07/10/report-bills-aware-of-allegations-against-lesean-mccoy/
  14. My gut says this is real. Bye Shady.
  15. I’m pretty sure I read that all 32 teams did their due dillegence by sending at least someone to this kids pro day so... ??‍♂️
  16. I hate these Tebow comparisons that are completely devoid of fact. Tebow is out of the league because he couldn’t throw the football and wasn’t athletic enough to be a decent H back or TE or very effective as a wildcat QB. Tebow got given opportunities to earn playing time and make an impact for the Broncos...the Jets...and the Pats...who were looking for any way to capitalize on Tebow’s popularity and skill set. Heck the Jets even tried him on punt coverage and such just to try and justify his roster spot! Kaep had one opportunity with one team. Is a much better athlete and a much better thrower of the football. Nobody tried to even give him a 2nd look even though took his team to a championship game and is more talented than half the QBs in the league. Tebow is out of the league not because he loves Jesus. Everyone loved Tebow - I love Tebow even though I’m not religious at all. Tebow is out of the league because he can’t play.
  17. I’m pretty sure I’ve never reported another user on any forums. I’m a big boy - if I disagree with someone I will debate them on it but it’s just not worth taking it much further than that.
  18. My hostility? I’ve not used any hostile language or personal attacks on anyone at any point within this thread. You on the other hand just referred to me as “mom” and continue to say random things that make no sense or are highly irrelevant. Why you felt the need to throw out your length of time as a member on this forum as a badge of honor as if that somehow elevates you above me I also don’t know. I just think this entire thread was created in a mean spirited fashion and it’s always been part of my character to speak up when I see some form of bullying of ridiculing of others. If you disagree. Fine. I’ve said my peace. If you want to ignore my posts - go right ahead, and you are telling me I need to have thicker skin? Interesting. I don’t know why you feel you have a “problem” with me. I feel I’ve spoken soundly and fairly. That’s on you. I’m moving on.
  19. The entire point of this thread which you created was to mock a player based on how he speaks. It’s hard to say if there were any direct insults beyond that from you because your posts down to the original in the thread are now all highly edited at this point. You still don’t get it. I just checked your now highly edited original post and you say “I will not be chastized for posting this video since it’s from the official Bills site” but nobody cares that you posted the video. There’s nothing wrong with the video. The issue is that you posted a video and then used it to mock him and I’m not meaning to single you out but you happen to be the one that started the group roasting of a player just trying to give an interview. Plenty of posters appear to have joined in and upped the anti to the point some shameful things were said but you opened that door.
  20. You attempt to make an intelligent argument here but legit nothing you just said makes any logical sense. I’ll start with your drinking analogy - drinking is a choice that impacts only yourself. You can choose to drink or choose to not. That’s cool. That doesn’t hurt anybody. Drinking in of itself isn’t inherently wrong - mocking someone else for the heck of it is. Now if you choose to drink and drive - well now that’s a really bad decision. Why did I read this thread if it’s trash? Well - this is a message board I enjoy so I choose to come here and read posts. That is why this board exists is it not? The title also didn’t make it clear it was going to be a thread created for the purpose of insulting the guy. Also - whether I read or not has no relevance on the fact that this thread was created for the sole purpose at having a laugh at Leodis McKelvins expense. As for this video being on the official Buffalo Bills website so why aren’t they taking it down if I find the video offensive?? What are you talking about? The video in of itself isn’t offensive. Leodis isn’t making fun of people based on how they look or talk. No - that is what this thread is doing. This thread is what is offensive. How are you not able to make this distinction? I am honestly blown away by how righteous you seem to feel in your response when what you are saying makes absolutely zero sense?? Simply put - it is always wrong to mock another human being for any reason. Whether it be their speech, appearance, race, religion, color, ethnicity, sex, disability or anything else. This is a simple lesson. My 3 yr old could tell you that it isn’t nice to make fun of others. How are you even trying to argue this?
  21. So we are creating threads to make fun of current or former Bills players now? It’s sad that some people think it’s funny to make fun of others. I thought it was disgusting when people bullied and mocked Ellis Lankster, one of OUR Buffalo Bills, after his “I was like um” interview where he bravely stood in front of reporters and answered questions as best he could like a man despite knowing how he’d sound to ignorant judgemental and mean spirited bullies due to his speech impediment and years later you feel the need to make fun of a different Bill? I’ll never understand this type of thinking. It’s not funny & trying to pretend this isn’t a mean spirited thread isn’t fooling anyone. This thread is trash. Oh and speech isn’t a definitive measure of intelligence. I felt the need to point that out. EDIT: I didn’t mention racism because I honestly didn’t think skin color or ethnicity had anything to do with it. Mean is mean though and whether in jest or not this thread wreaks.
  22. I was on another private board for many years even while BBMB was active but I left recently because it seemed that everywhere I looked the conversation was toxic and only 2 or 3 voices seemed to get anyone’s attention. In my brief time here thus far I’ve felt welcome and equal and simply just a part of a fan base. So I’m thankful to be here and for these forums as well. It’s nice to have an outlet - especially as an out of towner who isn’t privy to the normal Bills exposure as many others.
  23. Nathan Peterman has a decently live arm and can be pretty darn accurate when he has a clean pocket. When he’s getting crushed by JJ Watt repeatedly in his first start he also showed he can turn the ball over plenty too. That said - for McDermott to make the move he did last season to put in Peterman it tells me that Peterman must perform really well in practice. I truly believe the coaching staff expected him to go out there and light it up. The biggest shame isn’t that performance but the fact that his other start was in the snow storm game where it was nearly impossible to evaluate him. He made plenty of clutch throws in AWFUL conditions and that really showed me something. Especially some of those back shoulder throws to a hobbled looking Benjamin. Remember - we don’t get to see what happens in practices all season.. The coaching staff does. I do believe Nate has a realistic shot at winning the job and performing well. McCarron doesn’t have great stats. He has one meh playoff game where he almost got a win. I watched him at Alabama bc my wife and I are Bama fans as well and while he’s a real good leader he was probably the weak link of that offense in that he had elite talent around him but he was limited in what he could do. He was just trustworthy with the football.
  24. Not in the slightest bit. I’d be annoyed if the hat read “Bills Mafia” which I’ve never been a fan of. Bills Mafia started as a hashtag term on social media and by chance happened to go viral. I don’t like the amazing fan base I love being referred to using a term that by definition is calling the fan base an organized group of criminals. I’d much rather have a hat, shirt or anything with the word “BILLIEVE” on it because I’ve been here billieving since I was young enough to remember. I’ve learned over the years the resilience this team and fan base is all about. I watched the comeback game from start to finish live and many times thereafter. I’ve felt up and down and the entire emotional spectrum over the years. But no matter what...one thing always remained constant. You gotta billieve.
  25. Those saying it’s an overpay are crazy. When he’s healthy he will be a solid #1 WR in this league. That said - there’s no way the Browns deal him. He’s cheap and has a massively bright future.
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