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Everything posted by SoCoBills
Will do. I've read enough of your posts to understand your political beliefs. You clearly struggle to hold people from your own party to the same levels of scrutiny which you hold members of the opposite party. That makes you nothing more than a party line hack. I've detailed positions and outlined points of my positions and in response you've avoided answering to things for which you have no answers. Instead, you deflect with a condecending one liner as if it isn't easily seen through. That's fine, I knew what I was signing up for when I entered this conversation. This isn't exactly an impartial or objective audience.
I bet you don't take any issue with the amount of times Trump has been caught lying...over and over and over again to the American people. I bet you also don't take issue with the fact that he was caught paying hush money to a porn star he was having an affair with when Barron was just 4 months old. I bet you don't care that Fox News had this story before the election but sat on it because they wanted Trump to win. I bet you ignore the fact that Trump faked a medical condition of bone spurs he didn't even have to avoid serving this country only to blast McCain for getting caught and then feign anger over football players kneeling during the anthem when he's a cowardly pathetic draft dodger. Who is not a serious person exactly? I'd say it's people that are brainwashed into being party line drones. I am very critical of members of both parties and I let voting records do the talking to see if they match my own personal values and opinions based on research. Voting record consistency doesn't lie. Most people here though would rather just lazily regurgitate Faux News Propaganda. All of this stuff you don't care about but when Omar points out the lobby influence AIPAC, an Israeli lobby group focused on Israeli/US relations has by get this...lobbying...she is somehow being racist by pointing out that they...lobby. I bet you all also believe AOC wants to steal your cows, ban airplanes and make everyone become Vegan.
It's all cherry picked garbage and selective outrage. I'm sure these are the same people that shrug at Trump's "shithole countries" line and roll their eyes at people who think the way he speaks about Mexicans and immigrants is racist. Trump could walk down the street shooting people dead for sport and they'd be more fake angry by Omar quoting rap lyrics.
I shouldn't have to do all of your homework for you. Instead I will direct you to go to the AIPAC website "about sections" and read through it. They brag about how they lobby and what they've accomplished. They don't hide or deny it. It's what they do. They exist to lobby to impact US foreign policy relations with Israel.
It's odd that you hate Muslims so much but I'm guessing Christians are perfectly fine regardless of how many hate killings and mass shooting atrocities are committed by far right, Christian extremists in this country. I don't hate anyone of any religion. Extremists come in all shapes, sizes, ethnicities and religious backgrounds. I hate extremists. Having a Hijab does not make you an extremist just like being a Christian does not make you a mass shooter or Domestic Terrorist like that coast guard officer Christopher Paul Hansen among others, Dylan Roof and mass events throughout history.
The very first Senate Bill that was passed in 2019 is one that punishes critics of Israel. Lobby money impacts policy. It's truth and in this case it's kind of scary. While I don't disagree with all that you've said did you really have to say it in the most insulting and racist way possible? "Jews are Jewing it up"?? Talk about anti-Semitism.
Democratic Socialists: You Have No Case
SoCoBills replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Omfg with the bread lines. You really regurgitate Fox News Propaganda. He doesn't think people should have to wait in line starving for bread. If you listen to context of anything ever or just used your brain you would know this isn't true. Come on, stick to reality and don't talk crazy. -
Democratic Socialists: You Have No Case
SoCoBills replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Bernie has never said being successful is a crime. He's embraced the term socialist rather than fight it constantly of late but he is a Democratic Socialist. Socialism aspects only provide what should be human rights - access to education and healthcare. He believes in the ability to achieve the American Dream. Crony Capitalism and a corrupt and rigged economy is the greatest threat to that issue. Can you date that quote for me? I disagree with everything in this response but appreciate your attempt at a logical debate. The idea that a core value of capitalism today in America is altruism and not profit and greed above all else sounds absolutely bonkers to me. Profit and greed is the name of the game today. Not helping our neighbors. This profit and greed is what got us here. -
Yep. Racism goes in all directions. Care to explain what exactly is factually innacurate about my post or the racism displayed within this thread? AIPAC and Israel lobby our government using millions of lobby dollars annually. It continues to and has already impacted foreign policy in the region. Rep Omar was elected on a "anti-corruption" rid money from politics platform so anyone acting surprised she brings these ideas to this committee is ignorant. You claim I speak in meaningless platitudes and yet you offer zero analysis to debate me.
Democratic Socialists: You Have No Case
SoCoBills replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Ahh the 3 house argument. Listen, it's not a crime or bad to be well off. His homes are all modest but Senators make close to $200K annually. Being in Congress as long as he has of course he's ammassed personal wealth and there is nothing wrong with that. Bernie is still willing to pay his fair share of taxes on his wealth. He also is far less wealthy than all other members of Congress who have been there even half as long as he has because he hasn't sold out to lobby's. -
Democratic Socialists: You Have No Case
SoCoBills replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Regarding Bernie contradictions - it's amazing the standards people try and hold politicians to with whom they don't like while overlooking complete insanity by their parties electorate or POTUS. Let me address as many of those "contradictions" as I have the time to right now. Im rushing and using my phone to type so apologies for likely spelling errors to come: 1. Of course he uses planes, for a politician traveling the globe campaigning it's a necessary evil. Bernie's climate change beliefs still hold and this is not a contradiction. He's pushing for alternative options for transportation like high speed rails and ways to make air travel more environmentally friendly. Biofuels or alternative energy sources etc. 2. Joining the Democratic Party isn't a contradiction. Bernie knew he couldn't win as an independent so he started helping to transform the Democratic Party bc it lost its way long ago. In comes a group of Justice Democrats and also notice how all of the centrist candidates now are using all of Bernie's talking points in their campaigns for 2020. He's transformed the party into something that more closely mirrors his views because they make sense. 3. You mention his donations and how much money he's raised. He took a no corporate donation no Super Pac money pledge. Again, Bernie doesn't believe in absolute wealth equality but just an end to immoral levels of corruption caused inequality. Average donations of $27 dollars I believe whereas Kamela had an event recently with tickets by lobbyists going for like $30,000 a pop. I'm out of time for now but it's wild u need to focus on things of zero consequence bc politically speaking Bernie has been the most consistent politician in terms of voting record, rhetoric and policy position of the last few generations. -
Democratic Socialists: You Have No Case
SoCoBills replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
When the constitution was written a free market made sense. Competition, hard work, supply and demand and the American Dream. Now however, regulation is necessary to prevent corporate greed from ruining the economy for the benefit of the richest in the country. Our Republic doesn't represent the will of the people and that is a 100% fact. Studies have shown this. The will of the people has 0% influence on whether or not laws are passed in Congress. How many more times can we pay for bailouts? Banks are already back to handing out subprime mortgages. Again you go to the "socialism" is evil type argument but when social principals are being used to establish minimum standards of living, when money is removed from the political equation and regulation of big business creates real competition as opposed to corporate consolidation with all competitors under the same umbrella of a few parent corporations price fixing the market to suffocate consumers....then and only then in an economy this big can the will of the people and not the elite be represented. Capitalism unchecked in this modern era is all about greed, corporate consolidation, monopolizing markets and finding loopholes in laws and tax Haven's to get the rich, richer and richer. No longer does increased worker productivity equal increased wages. No longer can most families afford to have the typical old school family dynamic where Dad works and Mom is at home raising the kids and keeping the home. Now both parents must work full time, kids are raised by daycares or babysitters or if you are lucky, family members while you are at work. People call this generation lazy and entitled but this generation has it way harder than generations before it. Paychecks don't go as far as stagnant pay with increasing costs of living continues to shrink the middle class. I'm sorry I understand the fear of calling things Socialism and change being scary to some but establishing social minimums of healthcare and education as human rights is not the same thing as the government taking control of the entire economy with Socialism in the fear mongering ways Fox News pundits would have you believe. If you look at the corruption and greed of pharmaceutical and health insurance companies alone and really researched it you'd be all in on single payer. These other countries rank way higher in quality and pricing than we do. People are legit dying because they cannot afford to get healthcare they need to live and these are including people with health insurance. -
Democratic Socialists: You Have No Case
SoCoBills replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
How is Bernie a contradiction. I've seen a few BS arguments about this so I'm wondering what pretense you are basing this claim on. -
Tales From a Socialist Utopia
SoCoBills replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
People comparing AOC or Bernie Sanders brand of Democratic Socialism to Venezuela are either purposefully spreading fear mongering Propaganda, are extremely ignorant or are incredibly unintelligent. Look to Scandinavian and European models as a more accurate depiction of some of the policy ideas surrounding their platforms. I am shocked you guys take this lunacy seriously. I bet you all believe AOC wants to steal your Hamberders and ban airplanes and cows too right? Unbelievable. -
Racism is always bad, regardless of who it is directed at. While many in this thread have been out in the open racist the closest thing to an anti-Semitic trope she said is an "it's all about the Benjamin's" line but the context of the line was directly in reference to AIPAC who spends millions lobbying our government. You could maybe argue, but it's still a reach, that she should be more careful in usage of casual language and pop culture references when referring to AIPAC and the impact of lobby money on foreign policy pertaining to Israel. That's about it. Should any government be above criticism? It seems awfully difficult to criticize Israel for anything these days without being called an anti-Semite. As for the beatings I'm allegedly about to take on two fronts. I'm not worried. I believe in political discourse. I have zero concerns over the outcome or response I receive in this thread. Those of you spouting Islamophobic anti-muslim racist rhetoric throughout this thread already lost. I'd be stupid to expect a single ignorant racist to respond in either a fair, logical or well thought out manner. The truth of their racism however will ring loud even if they don't wish to recognize it. With regards to the Democratic Socialism thread I welcome dissenting opinions based on logic or intelligent dialogue. The only arguments that are tough to swallow are the buzz word fear mongering kind based in fantasy like those who claim Bernie wants us to be Venezuela. I'd personally settle for both parties agreeing to overturn Citizens United and get money the hell out of politics so that at least we can have the government represent us instead of only representing the Amazons and Netflix's of the world. I'd vote for any politician, Dem or Rep, if they agree on that issue against an opponent that doesn't.
I am utterly shocked at the ignorance and racism within this thread. People bashing Muslims as a whole in disgusting ways throughout while grasping at straws to pretend that criticism of the Israeli government and the AIPAC lobby is somehow criticism of Jews and anti-semitic. Facts are facts. Israel has poured millions into lobbying in the past year alone and it has impacted policy. Some of you should be real embarrassed about the racism you've voiced in this discussion. Look real hard in the mirror. Racism is never correct. It is always pathetic and shameful.
Democratic Socialists: You Have No Case
SoCoBills replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I couldn't disagree with everything in this thread more. The main argument that seems to be perpetuated here is that there is no such thing as Democratic Socialism, it's just Socialism. This argument is complete and utter garbage. We don't live in a world of absolutes. We currently have a mixed economy and if Bernie had his way we would continue to have a mixed economy. There are a couple of major differences though: 1. Democratic Socialism seeks to guarantee minimum standards of living. This is not to create absolute wealth equality but to reduce the insane levels of inequality. Examples of this are: Social Security, Single Payer Healthcare & Affordable access to education. 2. What happens to capitalism when the economy gets too big, businesses get too rich and corporate consolidation crestes the illusion of choice that isn't there and the illusion of competition that doesn't exist? Well, we have what we do now. Big business like Wall Start, Pharma, etc lobby politicians and laws, loopholes, tax breaks etc get passed which represent the best interests of the wealthiest in the country and not the actual people in it. This is why Bernie wants to overturn Citizens United and relentlessly harps on wealth inequality. We have crony capitalism in this country in a rigged economy. Another thing I want to set straight here is that "Bernie Bros" as you referred to them, are not lazy people looking for handouts. This is propaganda. These are not indoctrinated youth. These are people in a generation that are entering a job market and economy with dropping standards of living, longer hours, higher costs and stagnant wages. These are people who see tax reform promised to help the middle class have 80% of tax breaks go to the top 1%. The IRS already is reporting refunds are decreased by about 17% so far. Not for Amazon or Netflix though. I paid more in taxes this year than either of this multi-billion annual income earning corporations did. Corruption corruption corruption. Prescription drug prices in this country are insane. The price of a vile of insulin went up from about $27 to well over $300 and that's for people with insurance. Did you know the leading cause of bankruptcy in the USA is medical debt? Did you know this is also the case among people with solid health insurance? How are we going to pay for all this "FREE STUFF"?? That's always the next question I see mockingly asked and it's absolutely mindless. For one, the only people calling it free stuff are Republicans as a way of pretending it's a pipe dream. Secondly, people want a one line answer for something that isn't a one line issue. For one, it isn't free. Taxes will go up for everyone a bit and I stress a bit BUT most if not all Americans (except billionaires) will save more in prescription drug, insurance and copays each year by a wide margin than they will lose in tax increases. A 70% marginal tax rate on income earned annually starting with your 10 millionth dollar earned and up will pay for it alone. What you also don't factor is the trillions of dollars is costs Republicans report this will cost isn't net increase, it's total. A Republican study actually showed it would cost the country, net, less than our current system. Next I hear - oh but you'll die waiting for Healthcare and have month long lines to see a doctor. This is not even close to true. Every other major country on Earth uses this. USA is ranked 20 or worse in medical outcomes and life expectancy and quality of health care. People aren't rushing from Canada into the United States for medicine or procedures. In fact, people are consistently trying to do the opposite. As for college education. The degree now holds less power and yet the price has astronomically increased. We have colleges giving massive salaries to top administrative officials and sports coaches and sports directors like they are coaching in the NFL or something and students are paying for it. I spoke of medical debt being the leading cause of bankruptcy well, guess what else is right up there? I recently read the story of a dude that worked his ass off through law school and works for a prestigious firm and lives at home with his parents in a small room with a twin sized bed because he's in such massive debt due to student loans. Let's be real, the government hasn't represented the will of the people for a long time. 100% of Americans could want a bill and it wouldn't pass Congress if big money lobby's didn't want it to. Is that democracy at work? -
First and foremost I want to thank you and let you know that I 100% respect your opinion as you've voiced your concerns in an intelligent and fair minded and respectful manner. A lot of people on here seem incapable of having any real political discourse. My entire Facebook feed are friends and coworkers who work for the government. Many of them voted for Trump and I'd say 95% of the people I know that are government employees blame Trump for the shutdown even if they want the wall. Out of the people I know who are openly Trump supporters and government employees I'd say 3/4's of them fully blame Trump for the shutdown. I have one female friend in particular who is a strong Trump supporter that I work alongside daily and she even said Trump needs to open the government. As for your question I'd mostly hold the line because if Trump gets his way at this could set an extremely dangerous precident. Unlike with the healthcare shutdown this is a manufactured crisis. It is wildly unpopular Nationwide and it is littered with propaganda. Before Democrats seized control of the house it didn't have the votes to get through and it certainly doesn't now. How Mitch has behaved with not opening the floor to vote as if Trump is a supreme ruler of a totalitarian country worries me. The impact has gone far beyond wall or no wall. Democrats in the establishment aren't any better. Say if an establishment Democrat wins in 2020 and the shutdown gets Trump his wall you don't think that President and the Dems in the Senate would do the same thing for even longer next time to get what they want? What if Trump gets what he wants and wins in 2020 and wants some new campaign promise fulfilled? You don't think he will do this again? If it were me negotiating as a Democrat from the beginning I'd have first compiled facts like a business pitch. I'd visit the entire border and speak with ice and border agents top to bottom. I'd have them identify key areas of need for fencing and personnel and technology. I'd have pitched to the President we can add some border fencing here, here and here per the reports of border experts and use this money for this, this and this. In the end Trump could say he achieved getting more border fencing along more of the border and then lie like he does in 2019 and claim the decreased immigration numbers are his doing even though they've been on the decline for decades and is at a 46 year low and Democrats can get something in exchange whether it be DACA, better paths to citizenship or something else. I think part of the reason this didn't happen other than incompetence from both sides is the propaganda nature of Trump's entire Presidency. Never in my life have I witnessed a following where people don't care about what a guy says, whether it's truth or lie, or whether he said the exact opposite thing just a few days prior. If the Democrats give Trump even a mile of fencing Trump is likely to call that mile of fencing a wall and claim the rest of the wall is already being built and even if easily debunked somehow his base will believe it and then in 2020 it will happen again. The agreement would have to contain a lot of language and details including some sort of guarantee that if you give him some now he won't go asking for the moon a bit down the road.
But as I just started the wall was meant to keep people from moving beyond the wall in either direction. Was keeping them in communist East Germany a priority? Yes. They also were looking to keep people out. I will give you that there is a difference there in some ways but I've grown frustrated with this issue because on Fox News and the like and even Trump himself has compared rich people's homes having walls around them or doors being locked to homes to border walls. I hope you call out how obnoxious that is too? Also, you are cherry picking the weakest little last to be mentioned tidbit of my post as a way to try and discredit all of the other points I made about the wall itself before that. Lesson learned. I should have left the last part out to avoid the inclusion of a weaker link for you to attack.
The Great Wall was built to keep people out and it was ineffective. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in by East Germany yes but also they said, to keep Capitalism out. They didn't allow people to cross in either direction except with permission legally at points like our own legal points of entry. Either way this is semantics. This is only one small point in a long post about why I personally am against the wall. Also in or out really isn't that much different. The question is does the impediment of a wall stop people from illegally getting to the other side? The answer is that it is only partially, I would even say minimally effective. The history of wall building has always had ties to totalitarian governments. Lots of comments here: 1. why aren't there sensors on what's there now then? 2. I believe in due process and the law but you are vaguely stating "severe penalties" and to me I would say the penalty of a visa overstay should typically be deportation and an enforced wait period and process to be able to legally return again. I'd want these things to be more of a case by case basis though which would require funding allocated towards legal and administrative needs. I mean are these overstays actively in process towards citizenship? Are they contributing to society?Any criminal record? A lot of the problem is that the paths to citizenship and visas are all under attack at the same time as being illegally in the USA is under attack. We need better and more efficient processes to handle visas, legal immigration requests and border entries. 3. Caravans - the last big scary caravan Trump and all of Fox News labeled a hostile invasion is already done with and now they are talking about a different caravan forming in Honduras. Where are the images of mass invading caravans storming our borders? I haven't seen them. It isn't like that.
Long Island born and raised. This area is my home and where both our lives have always been. Unfortunately though the cost of living on Long Island is insane. We have debated trying to relocate and start over. To do that though one of us needs to get picked up for a government position at one of the other service centers around the nation and then the other will have to put in an exception harship transfer request which would take likely several months to fill and get us reunited in the same service center. I live in a home that would cost pennies elsewhere but since I'm on Long Island it costs a ton. We don't live lavishly. I've been with the government since 2009 and my wife since 2007. We purchased our first home 2 years ago and used our TSP's to cover down payment and closing costs. We have a 4 year old and also do volunteer work at a local animal rescue including fostering cats and dogs in our home. We work hard and we are passionate about our volunteer work. There are so many cats and dogs out there treated horribly and suffering. Combined annual income and other things is TMI for a message board for my liking. I can tell you we live on a super tight budget paycheck to paycheck, we almost never eat out, we don't drive fancy cars, our home isn't in some wealthy rich and nice neighborhood. It's an average working class area. The safety net also vanished instantly and was small to begin with due to cost of living. My dog tore her ACL (she had surgery yesterday) and the bill was several thousands of dollars thus far. Being off work is almost a blessing in that we are home to take care of her but terrible to not have income or just to use our paid vacation time we have saved. Also - my car was up for inspection and failed. I needed all 4 tires, breaks and some other issues. All in all it came to another $1,500. Planning can only get you so far. Life isn't a straight predictable road. ***** happens. Emergencies happen. While we are talking about this I'll throw out there that even among people with solid health insurance - medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. Our healthcare system is broken. We often pay 10x more for the same medications as people from other countries.
That was your big response? When you get flustered you resort to one liners and insults I see. Im not crying to anyone. I'm a hard working guy. My wife is easily the most intelligent person I've ever met and is also an extremely hard worker. We are actively looking for work. I apologize if my sharing our story during this government shutdown has somehow triggered you into behaving like an immature, arrogant and demeaning empathy lacking jerk.
I think for myself, thank you very much. I tend to take heat from both sides because I've always been more of an independent. I'm a registered Democrat but I hold a lot of hate for the established politicians in both parties. I loathed Hillary Clinton probably as much as if not more than most right wingers and not because of her emails or conspiracy theories but because of her actual voting record. Her corporate PACs, the Clinton Foundation and how she is an ultimate politician without moral compass. I see her as a power seeker not a public servant. I remember watching videos of her rallies around the nation where she claimed to come under sniper fire a dozen times but the video of the trip she claims that she is holding kids and shaking hands and laughing it up on the tarmac. The DNC rigged the Primary for her. The Democratic Party establishment is very corrupt but so is the GOP leadership. Both parties are bought and paid for by big money lobbies whether it's Big Pharma, Big Oil, Wall Street or others. There is a rise within the Democratic Party that does have me excited though of "Justice Democrats" who refuse to take any lobby money. They have the entire Democratic Party running scared. I guarantee you will see endless hit piece attempts on any of them that try for a 2020 Dem bid come from both the GOP and the Dems. The establishment can't control those who don't take the legalized bribery that has become our model of governing. So again, I'm not biased. I'd vote for a Republican in a heartbeat over an establishment Democrat if the GOP candidate didn't take corporate PAC money and the Dem did. As for the rest - as you said they didn't have the votes in the Senate but the Senate has rolled to appease the will of Trump. It's sad that they are falling in line and Mitch isn't even letting them vote. Rumors are there are enough votes in the Senate to achieve a veto override but Mitch refuses to bring a vote to the floor which is a stunning rejection of the Democratic process. Trump is not a totalitarian dictator. Mitch needs to let the Senate be it's own separate body and vote. I don't want a wall not because of the Democrats but because of my own research. A wall is minimally effective and monumentally cost heavy. Those who want to get into this country illegally typically won't just see a wall and give up. They can go under, over and through it. There is border fencing along a lot of the at risk points initially identified by border security but they still tunnel under. A saw can cut through the steel slats they are currently pushing. Trump projections for wall pricing are way below what they will actually be. Let's also be real - Trump is rebranding the wall into a fence but still calling it a wall. About half of all illegal immigration are Visa overstays. We also have people enter by land not along the Mexican border by boat, by plane and by way of Canada. We have topographic issues and eminent domain issues which further complicate matters. Maintenance will be a continuous burden over time. Illegal crossings are at a 46 year low as is. 90% of the drugs that cross the southern border cross via legal ports of entry which a wall won't stop. Other larger cartel supplies have not been impeded by the barriers in place. The cartels are the ones using drones and tunnels. Will a wall delay some people long enough for border agents to intercept? Sure, I suppose. But simple technology for radar and tracking along the border along with satellites and surveillance will also do that. I'd rather hire more agents and pay human beings than pay for an easily defeated inanimate object. We could also use more justices and more into the administrative and legal part of ICE that processes immigrants who try to legally enter to encourage usage of legal paths of citizenship. The wait times are often over year just to have your inquiry to enter the country even reviewed and in the mean time they are held. This encourages desperate illegal crossings. Then I research historical border walls. What types of governments built them and if they were effective. I think the Berlin Wall and the Great Wall of China. Historians say the Great Wall provided China little security and the Berlin Wall we know fell and was crossed consistently. We also know the types of governments in place for those nation's - hint hint - they weren't the Democratic kind. Sorry, a wall is not for me. I don't think it's the best answer. Not even close.
Occasi-Cortez Channeling the Rent's too damn high guy
SoCoBills replied to bdutton's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
This is a misleading half truth. JFK lowered tax rates across the board but the highest marginal tax rate was reduced from 91% to 70% by JFK which is in line with Ocasio-Cortez. Today the highest rate is about 40%. When Reagan came in with his Reaganomics he lowered it down to 50% in 1981 and then down further to 28% in 1986. As for Ocasio-Cortez and her intelligence level I find it hilarious that people like you feel the desperate need to relentlessly attack her - a freshman congresswoman who has been on the job for what, a week? She's only 29 years old and she is inexperienced but she does have a bachelor's in international relations and economics. You call her stupid and yet you will give all of Trump's stupidity a pass because of team sport mentality allegiance to all things GOP? If anyone's intelligence should be under question it isn't that of a freshman congresswoman, it is the President of the United States.