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Everything posted by Jpsredemption

  1. If the draft in an inexact science (which I agree) then you may want to keep all those draft picks you accumulate (referring to Beane) instead of constantly trading up and thus lessening your chances of finding several players that can contribute and improve your roster.
  2. How about let's join the modern era of football and wait to draft a running back until round 4 or later.
  3. He will play and he will hook up with Hopkins all over the field.
  4. You're not allowed to say that! Just look at my thread.
  5. Oh so I should have said his td int ratio is good and his comp percentage is stellar. His numbers are bad and his play is a reflection. If you think otherwise then I don't know what you're watching.
  6. Exactly!!!! It's not like this guy was a stud in a 2nd rate conference. Much like Manuel I believe his accuracy flaws may be fatal. Couple this with the crap job the staff did surrounding him with talent and you have a recipe for disaster. So as much as a 13-12 win is a win it is not a sustainable model of success in today's NFL. The past 2 weeks have also offered nothing in terms of progression. Disagreement is fine and expected but I've been personally attacked and that you can't possibly justify that. That's why I made reference to the club..attack me personally and I'll go away. You're a mod..you should be vetting this behavior.
  7. I actually do have a lot of respect for you because you usually avoid personal attacks and actually offer insight as to why you disagree. I can't say this board is very classy otherwise .. and I was on the receiving end of a ban because I had the gall to fight back. I'm just not sure how I'm in need of attn when the past two weeks our QB has been 26/52 with 3 picks. I'm really not sure how you can take my initial post as confrontational or is it confrontational because you disagree? I think that's a valid question to be asked around here. Very much seems like a good ol boys club who can't handle dissent sometimes.
  8. Just don't let him throw. He looked like a young Garo Yepremian.
  9. I live in a world where all possibilities must be considered and I think Beane and McD should think long and hard IF things continue down this road about what hitching their wagons to this QB would mean to the long term prospects of the franchise. Don't want to set us back several years based on a faulty belief.
  10. I'll be thrilled and admit I was wrong. I'm just not banking on it. Thanks again for your automated opinion.
  11. Not sure what's misleading with as many replies as I've received.
  12. I'd start him and McCloud and see what happens. Can't be any worse.
  13. Obviously you aren't very good with numbers if you think Allen will even sniff 26.
  14. He was very impressive and into the game and getting the crowd going. Nice pickup.
  15. This is not a crusade. It's not like criticizing Allen is some radical concept. If we had Aaron Rodgers and I was spouting off constantly about how awful he was then that's crusade territory. Dissent is a good thing. We can't lose sight of that.
  16. I believe he threw 26 td passes. Think about that...and I have no part in social media so nice miss on you're philosophical injection. If only we had a Sean McVay or Matt Nagy to save us.
  17. What I've said was highly corroborated during the previous draft process.
  18. He couldn't hold Taylors jock.
  19. You are not allowed to post facts that make people feel uncomfortable. Kind of reminds me of a certain political party...
  20. 11-10 regular season..I guess that's good..
  21. I'll add you to the list of those who accept anything and any plan the Bills have as gospel.
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