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Everything posted by Jpsredemption

  1. He’s probably higher on Lamar Jackson because you are not allowed to criticize Lamar Jackson.
  2. The show is flawed. Murphy is articulate but arrogant and Tasker is not articulate and doesn’t do his homework. I really wish they’d reconsider the concept of the show and it’s hosts.
  3. May supplant Dion Dawkins for a year or two while the Bills search for a long theme answer at Left Tackle.
  4. The Castillo hire underwhelming along with a lot McDermotts initial staff.
  5. They tried to cover up the Brown thing about him not wanting to come to buffalo to save face with the fans and prospective free agents. Now Brandon called out unreliable sources for being right. Why don’t you just focus on trying to win this season. You wouldn’t want your seat to warm up.
  6. I do object to the bigger not faster point. Ed Oliver is a modern day player in every way imaginable. Same goes for Knox and V. Joseph. The only pick I didn’t really agree with too much was singletary. They reached a bit there and the positional value says they could have waited.
  7. It’s not smart. This team is not anywhere near a super bowl contender and they signed a bunch a mediocre free agents. You build through the draft. Stop pissing away assets.
  8. https://www.ourlads.com/nfl-mock-draft-challenge/mock-draft/298425
  9. The Mahomes deal is in McDermott. Don’t for a second absolve him of that.
  10. How about not. If 10 picks is too many then fine even though I don’t agree. They should focus on adding picks in rounds 1-3 and after that they can shed if they want.
  11. It’ll take a ton of improvement for Edmunds to be dominant. Overlooked was a very average to below average rookie season on his end. He got a free pass with so much of the focus on offense but he needs to step up.
  12. Yes he is. Zay had a fluky 7 TDs but even in his best games, see at Miami, he had critical drops. I was always baffled by a trade up in the draft for a receiver with no outstanding qualities and his best quality in college, his hands, are even suspect.
  13. Is he related to Damond Talbot?
  14. He has a cumulative record of 15-17 and wasn’t responsible for the draft in year 1 or free agency. This is ridiculous to jump the gun. And the free agency hauls under him have been suspect. Star and Murphy last year underwhelming and this year a bunch of middling talent. His make or break is Josh Allen. Let’s be honest.
  15. They brought Groy back so I guess it reflects on both. I wouldn’t exactly right home about Beane yet. Let’s see results. The my guy nonsense gets people fired in this league. I guess we will see how it plays out.
  16. No you must let the nfl strong arm you into building a multi billion dollar facility even though you sell out all your games, have a recently updated stadium, and have great sight lines from every angle.
  17. I guess an alleged offer from the Texans is plural.
  18. That’s fine but my point is this teams roster building has been so poor that many of their free agents are sub nfl caliber talent. No matter how you spin it that speaks how bad they’ve been at drafting/developing/and evaluating pro personnel.
  19. Like most of the Bills free agents he has not signed yet. Speaks to the poor roster development that has taken place here when you have no desirable free agents.
  20. linebacking depth is atrocious right now....yes upgrades needed and if they liked a player early then Lorenzo's presence should not hinder them from taking someone.
  21. It’s a unique day when we see eye to eye. I’m an advocate of premium picks - rounds 1 through 3. However we darn well know if you are moving up within the top 10 you are sacrificing premium picks whether it be this year or next. Analytics suggests taking as making cracks at the draft - taking into account the aforementioned premium picks - as possible. This regime, if they make this move, will prove again they are of the anti-analytics movement when it comes to the draft.
  22. Football night in America sucks. No personality. Not fun.
  23. 40th ranked guard in the nfl last year and you’d think he’s Brian Waters. My god.
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