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Everything posted by Jpsredemption

  1. A great economy has helped everyone is ever race. No one can dare make that point thought. If we find a way to eliminate any George Floyd incidents in the future, an absolutely appalling incident, and then ask ourselves how often those instances are taking place we have a logical starting point for combating these issues with actual solutions. Not look at me demonstrations, which I support the right to perform by the way.
  2. Is anything he said not true? The 24th ranked offense in the league but they have a franchise quarterback?
  3. I think athletes can have strong impacts with their voices and that can be great. What they don’t need is political correctness skewing their messages or opinions. Just like those who want Kaepernicks voice to be heard, they must also allow for everyone’s voice to be heard.
  4. Only in today’s day in age must you apologize for having a dissenting opinion with the mainstream media. The mainstream media is a champion of limiting free speech. The quicker people begin to use logic and understand this and also understand dissent can be a catalyst for change and productivity, the better.
  5. He outplayed McCoy that year when he was on the field. An incredibly sad story. What a future he had in front of him.
  6. Buffalo really should have considered this.
  7. Would have been a risky and an odd pick.
  8. Antonio Gibson from Memphis is an underrated and fascinating prospect
  9. Who cares. Speak your mind and don’t get bullied into apologizing. The media in today’s day in age is a bully. Free speech is a thing of the past. Set aside feeling for Rex..this is ridiculous.
  10. The Bills just had to rush to sign Josh Norman when better talent was going to become available.
  11. What has Rashad Penny done to warrant trading a player who is a valuable rotational defensive end?
  12. Who is this source?
  13. They were 24th in offense last year. So anyone that wants to point to last years FA and say that was enough needs to ask themselves whether or not 24th is good enough.
  14. Problem is people latch onto these rumors as fact and then it jams up the message boards with guesswork speculation.
  15. Maybe a Vernon Butler type on the DL.
  16. Oh he must be reputable then.
  17. The trash sources continue to be allowed by moderators with no vetting process whatsoever.
  18. Here come all the garbage sources
  19. The only ones who would be offended are people that don’t pay attention anyways and the self righteous media who’s hollow thoughts don’t reflect the masses anyways.
  20. It’s not the eve of the legal tampering period.
  21. Yea because when players sign contracts 99% of the time they are meeting with elementary school officials. Be real.
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