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Everything posted by simool

  1. If Cleveland takes Barkley #1... It is going to get crazy. Especially for NY and Indy.
  2. Little head or big head?
  3. You should probably check out his twitter feed and podcast. It's sorted according to his rankings which are subject to change as more information is gathered. It will be updated with combine results.
  4. You can sort it however you like. Open it in edit mode instead of html mode and make a copy. The document owner is Mark Jarvis and you can reach him on Twitter at @WhatsOnDraftNFL
  5. He fancies himself Brett Favre
  6. Boom. There it is. I agree with you. A Mike Lombardi penned article is a solid, reputable reference.
  7. And to throw even more confusion into it... Here is a 2007 article from Dr. Z with a Parcells quote about his system. Dr. Z implies it has 11 rules! https://www.si.com/more-sports/2007/10/25/rating-system
  8. That head appears to be quite aerodynamic and almost spear like. It has to be an asset on QB sneaks.
  9. Very true BigBuff, but I can only find a solid real world out of Parcells mouth reference to four rules. The seven rules are prevalent but I cannot find a solid reference to anchor them.
  10. No, but if someone had the time it would not be tough to tabulate. I too think it is not a good measure. Here is an excellent follow-up from the SI writer who originally created that 26-27-60 rule. unfortunately all of the links to the original article appear to be broken: http://houston.cbslocal.com/2014/04/14/what-the-rule-of-26-27-60-tells-us-four-years-later-and-what-it-says-about-manziel-bortles-bridgewater-etc/
  11. As far as I know Hap, Parcells only had 4 rules. I thinl BigBuff may have merged Parcells and the 26-27-60 rules. Here is another Parcells link: http://smartfootball.com/quarterbacking/bill-parcells-four-rules-for-drafting-a-quarterback
  12. I always pictured him in a part like Debo in Friday or Mongo in Blazing Saddles.
  13. I never really had given this much thought, but it is an interesting way to look at it. Check out this article from 2011 evaluating the QB prospects using the Parcells criteria and the 26-27-60 rule. We all know how they turned out... Link
  14. That is an excellent question. Many scouts believe Rosen is going to be a bust, IF he can stay healthy. Others believe Darnold should have stayed in school. then there are the ones who believe Mayfields height is a liability and without a best of breed ability to compensate, he is a risky choice. Allen has got the rocket arm... and the sub 60% completion rate. I don't believe any of them are worth trading up for and hope Beane will take what he is given at 21. Jackson makes a lot of sense if they keep Tyrod. Trading 22 back for Mike White would not break my heart either. I have many issues with Rudolph sadly the biggest one is he looks like Mike Rodak's love child. Can't seem to get over that.
  15. I feel it's all pretty relative. I have found myself in the following cities thinking each had the worst drivers at that time: Chicago Atlanta Dallas-Ft. Worth-Arlington Houston St. Louis Milwaukee Seattle New Orleans Phoenix Cincinnati Cleveland Detroit There are many others, but those all jump to mind immediately. Fair disclaimer: I am not exactly defined as a courteous driver. I have a penchant for being really hard on cars from purely a driving standpoint. I tend to downshift rather than brake and generally always exceed the speed limit. I was raised in the Ozarks and genuinely love hauling ass down ridiculously curvy roads. I often find myself in the situation where my wife is griping at me about considering the other person could be learning how to drive and to think about how I was when teaching my daughter to drive. Last year I got three speeding tickets in one week. Received a letter from the Wisconsin DOT that if I got one more I would need to attend traffic school or lose my license. Let me tell you, auto insurance companies just love that kind of stuff. In the same breath, as long as you don't count smoking an 8 point buck (and my truck) at 60 miles an hour, I have never had or caused an accident.
  16. I wasn't. Not knowing what the two most important people were thinking is the key flaw in your logic. I could see it going either way. Personally I just don't feel like anyone is worth trading up for. All of them have issues. You draft who is there. I believe we have a shot at Lamar Jackson if they keep Tyrod, or we could trade back get another pick or two and still draft Mike White. Then you can sign this guy as a UDFA https://www.hudl.com/video/3/299623/5a1a3235bd6af20ba495c135 and figure it out from there. Worst case we have another high pick next year, and with all of the holes on this team; that might not be a bad thing.
  17. I would like to see them trade 22 as far back as they can and still draft Mike White out of WKU.
  18. I learn something new everyday. I know enough about photography to hurt myself. My wife is a photographer and I have acquired all of my knowledge from being her IT department. She primarily shoots Canon, her full frame is a 6D and her crop sensor is a 7D Mark II. I know she started with film because I had to move an enlarger several times early in our relationship. I believe she originally used Minolta bodies because she has a couple of Sony Alpha's that she will not part with because she can use all of her old A mount lenses. What an excellent movie. I watched it recently with my daughter who is a freshman in college and fancies herself a horror film aficionado... She just thought it was OK, could not see why I thought it was so good. She might as well have pulled out the "OLD" brand and planted it on my forehead.
  19. Nice Exiled. If I am not mistaken that is one of the last film SLR's. I wish that was the only "ist" I found creepy. Bassist and now this... Seriously could not think of many ists that I had a favorable opinion of. Maybe I have tunnel vision.
  20. I wonder how many light bulbs could be powered with the energy spent here on pointless hypotheses and theories? It has to be a BIG number.
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