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Everything posted by simool

  1. Even though Nick Perry put up better numbers than him last year, Clay Matthews is absolutely a "stud". The problem is that Matthews allowed himself to be moved to MLB several seasons ago for the benefit of the team as a whole. Ultimately it hurt him. Don't get me wrong he is a damn good middle linebacker, but he is elite on the outside. I have got a dollar on Pettine putting him back there.
  2. Of course they do. In the visitors section. When season ticket holders resell their tickets it puts the fox in the henhouse so to speak. Who wants to deal with that crap? Personally I would prefer if they just made resale a non-option for out of town season tickets.
  3. Makes sense to me. Too many out of town people buy season tickets to only attend the premium games and then they sell the others online. Generally to opposing teams. Sucks, but that is the world we live in. Taking it as you are not a real fan is kind of over the top. It's a business decision.
  4. Oh god don't try rational logic and thought here. This may get ugly.
  5. I wouldn't. Capable LT's do not grow on trees. We are a bit spoiled because it seems if there is one position we consistently fill well, it's LT. Dawkins is exactly what you want from a draft pick. To realize his true value you keep him and continue to develop him. If they keep Glenn all the better. I would much rather have a Mike White behind a line that has Glenn and Dawkins as bookends rather than Rosen, Mayfield, et al playing behind a line with Mills and god knows who on the other side. Good QB's with good upside wash out of the NFL far more often than they succeed. Generally it is because they don't have a good line in front of them or the skill position assets to offset a less than good line.
  6. Your logic is either broken or non-existent. The response you received was appropriate, expected, and logical.
  7. Almost the same, I would exclusively pull my lines from those two schools. Defense as a whole? I can't sign up for that. Both have had some absolutely awesome guys at LB and the secondary over the years, but not nearly consistent as those corn-fed linemen. Wisconsin is an oline factory.
  8. Try and apply a little critical thinking to your hypothesis. 1. Dawkins gone via trade 2. Top-tier QB acquired 3. Cordy Glenn is your blind side protector. 4. After two games Cordy's reoccurring ankle and knee problems show their face again. 5. Cordy goes to IR 6. Team moves Jordan Mills to left tackle. 7. Starts a rookie at RT. 8. First game Mills gets beat repeatedly. 9. Your shiny new QB gets destroyed. 10. You ruin another QB and set the franchise back many many years through your unorthodox team building methods. This idea is so f'ing ludicrous even Matt Millen thinks you should be beaten like a red-headed stepchild. You build your lines before you start mortgaging the future to draft one guy. Our Oline and Dline are a mess. I hope Beane either stays where he is or trades back and acquires more picks. I want a franchise QB just as bad as everyone else. But if we don't fix the offensive line its not going to matter who we take. They are going to get destroyed and may never recover. Just look at Trent Edwards. It is no accident that Bill Walsh liked him and pretty much guaranteed he would be a successful QB. You could see it. He was going to be a good one. Then he got friggin' smoked in Phoenix and that guy was forever gone and Captain Checkdown was born. Just put down the crack pipe son.
  9. With the hand that the bills wont stick to.
  10. Samsung's Touchwiz is the culprit. The S8 actually is a great piece of hardware. It puzzles me why Samsung feels the need to customize every corner of Android and include so much bloatware to boot. I would not use a Samsung for a coaster let alone a phone. I have a Nexus 5x right now which replaced a Nexus 5. Both are LG phones with plain jane Android on them and they are rock solid. I get Android security updates every month in contrast to the S8 which might get the updates I just received in about 6 months. Why? Because Samsung has to make the same changes to their code base and test prior to release. Assinine. I am not sure what I will do when I need a new phone. I am not impressed with the Pixels other than they are unadulterated Android. Probably look at what Moto is selling then. Many of their phones are straight Android too. The new Nokia stuff is interesting. Used to love Nokia phones. Have to keep an eye on them.
  11. Okay. Did not expect that. Should have known when I saw the URL. The Sun... Of course. Then I see this gem in the side panel... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5736369/rugby-sam-ballard-paralysed-swallowing-slug-dare/ Reinforces my opinion that mother nature needs to wipe out the majority of our population. Ideally she can get all of the stupid ones.
  12. I call the ball at my job. Since I live in BFE and have the longest/hardest commute in inclement weather, we never close. Pretty sure everyone hates me.
  13. No way Beane is giving up a 1st and a 4th plus... Just do not see that happening. A trade up in the draft for a QB is more likely, and even that is a long shot IMO.
  14. That is a sweet deal you have.
  15. This is clickbait and means nada as a couple of people have pointed out. However I do believe we are drafting where we are, and I have zero problems with it. For the negative Nancy's saying it will never happen like this or his job depends on it.... This method of thinking is likely why you are continually disappointed. You have no idea what was discussed between the Pegula's and Beane. He is a smart guy and I would be surprised if this topic was not broached prior to him signing on. I also have no problems if he does trade up. It is his call. So far I like what I have seen from him and look forward to seeing what the future holds for this team in regards to the decisions he gets to make.
  16. Yeah, I would not let go of that plan no matter what Boyst. It is not just Verizon either, they all throttle after 20gb or so now.
  17. I have several geographical challenges as well but only half the distance as you. I tried many different indoor antennas before finding Antennaweb.org which helped me identify an appropriate antenna. If you are using an indoor or set-top antenna, maybe an attic mount or an outdoor aerial would yield more channels?
  18. I knew it was there, it is not something that is ideal for me personally. I did not put two and two together that it would cut down on the spam calls, but it makes sense. Many of the people I deal with are going to find it to be a pain the ass. but I am going to give it a whirl anyway. It would be nice if it only did it for numbers not in my contacts.
  19. This is why you must make the big bucks dev. Thanks.
  20. How is your level of spam callers? I have switched numbers a couple of times but I still get many even with the spam controls enabled. I have used Google Voice for at least 3 years now, but I did not have a problem for the first 2.
  21. Feminine wisdom = Unicorn
  22. Yeah, no. I would rather have Daniels.
  23. Miracast or Chromecast. Miracast is generally built into the TV if used. Chromecast you can get a dongle for. I use Miracast occassionally and it is nowhere near as easy to use as Chromecast
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