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Everything posted by simool

  1. I cannot make my post talk, so instead of saying it I will just type it: "I'm in for the Bills W and Taylor over 200 yards passing" Booyah.
  2. Meh, I am interested to see what Dennison's game plan is. He has the most familiarity with Denver's defense, and their weaknesses. Even with our limited offensive talent, If he cannot scheme a game plan to at least keep this interesting, then I will start to become concerned with him. What I don't get is everyone who thinks they have seen everything needed from him after two games and want him gone. I think back to when Gilbride was here, everyone was constantly calling for his head. Shamefully I was one of them. If you are so knowledgeable, why are you not working in a front office? I truly believe we have a solid tandem leading this team now, if Dennison is not the right choice they will get it fixed. It just won't happen in the middle of a season. I am comfortable letting this play out.
  3. Pound for pound Bills fans must produce more ludicrous hypothetical questions on message boards than any other fan base. Talk about an exercise in futility. FFS.
  4. One of the better Pro Personnel guys in the business and he would be an asset to any team in that capacity. Happy to see he is working.
  5. I actually watched the game. No need for tape.
  6. The Bills are going to do much better against Denver than anyone is giving them credit for. Much like last week where McDermott's familiarity with Newton helped our defense, I expect a wrinkle or two from Dennison this week. They may not win the game, but I expect it to come down to the wire again.
  7. Not being in Buffalo, I am happy to have them. Definitely could do worse. I agree with an earlier post about them missing Matthew.
  8. For the love of god. It is two weeks in, we are 1-1. Back away from the ledge, unbunch your panties, calm down... All of the above. FFS.
  9. He did the same thing in San Fran albeit with a bit more talent. Dude has skills, too bad it is a passing league and run game coordinators never work out.
  10. Lol. What offense? Our offense was smoke and mirrors ala Roman, and Lynn kept running last season... It was not going to take us anywhere. We still have the same problem we did then, we do not have an effective passing attack. When opposing teams take the run game from us we are effectively neutered. i.e. No testicles. Based on the stockpiling of draft picks and casting off the incredibly overrated Watkins -- AND GETTING SOMETHING IN RETURN!! -- I believe we are well on our way to fixing this problem. Will it happen this season? No. We could have made any move possible this season and it would not have happened.
  11. That's kind of like calling the fat lady fat.
  12. So the Panthers did too? Yes?
  13. Solid ass kicking? I guess those 9 points that Carolina put up *without a single TD* constitutes a solid ass kicking in your mind. In my mind I saw two defensive teams play a hell of a game yesterday. Carolina's front four is one of the better units in the league. #3 is right on in my book, if you disagree maybe you need to watch some games from last season.
  14. Great thread.... Again. Nail on the head with the reduction of penalties, improved discipline, and the fight in this team. I definitely enjoy watching them. We obviously made a huge leap in coaching. The rest will come in time. Hell I have been a die-hard for 30+ years, what is a few more years.
  15. I agree with this. I believe the thinking is, if you start Peterman the season is a wash immediately. Wolves are at your door immediately too. You start Tyrod, he is the better QB *right now*, if you catch lightening in a bottle, you look like a genius. If by week 10 you are still in it, you stick with Tyrod. If not you then begin to think about Peterman. Barring a playoff birth Tyrod is a dead man walking. I think everyone knows this.
  16. First, don't you get sick of reading/posting all of this water under the bridge bs? It is done. This is your team. No amount of bitching on your part will bring back Watkins or Darby. Second, if you don't know what play was called and the route Zay was supposed to be running, how the hell can you call anyone out on that play? This is mind numbing to me. How many countless posts pontificating on things you don't have complete information on. Talk about an exercise in futility.
  17. Right you are Dallas. I stand corrected. Headed back to coffee pot.
  18. Since the BN launched the paywall, it seems that TBD is primarily linking BN. I don't see any of the Syracuse or Crapchester articles linked from yesterdays game. The linked BN crap is timestamped between 1:30a and 2:00a. Many of the Syracuse and Crapchester articles were posted by then. Coincidence?
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