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Everything posted by simool

  1. Awesome another hypothetical! Golly, I love hypothetical questions.
  2. Don't hurt your shoulder patting yourself on the back. And it sounds like you might want to insure your eyes to protect your future employment opportunities, NFL teams must be beating down your door.
  3. You are living in the past. Roman and his flunkie are gone. We have Rico now and he is not exactly known for his running offenses. He is west coast, not run first. Additionally I would say our offense is flowing through Taylor and Clay so far this season. Are we watching the same games?
  4. Really? Based on what? Last season?
  5. Ummm last I checked our running game was MIA so does it really matter? Pretty sure the coaching staff will deal with it as its what they are paid to do. Are you paid to answer assinine hypotheticals?.
  6. How can you be so sure? Seeing as Sammy was a player who went to the media to demand the ball, there is a high probability that he either was or was capable of having a negative influence on the locker room. I trust the process. I like the team we have.
  7. I find this post rather humorous. So based off your illustrious posting career here, I can only assume if they start Peterman now it must be Super Bowl right? Better go a head take another toke dude.
  8. This is like crying over spilled milk. It's done and over with. No amount of whining on your part will change that fact or really serve any purpose at all. When coupled with the fact that the front office responsible for making these decisions is gone, scouts included... makes your griping about it even more nonsensical. Just my opinion.
  9. Easily could have been for sure. That was after he got the nod to start over EJ, Week 5 2014. Pulled out at the road win in Detroit. Then that picture surfaced of the team waiting for the bus afterwards... Friggin' epic.
  10. This picture alone should probably punch his ticket onto the wall.
  11. I have a strong opinion on this subject and choose not to share it. The choices I make everyday are the only indicator of my preference. Strutting around like a rooster and squawking opinions for all to hear accomplishes very little.
  12. Adult cartoons in general? But you said "who" didn't you? Not sure who could be disturbing as a fat male cartoon character sporting long hair and breasts, enlighten me. I guess because I offended you, you will answer with me--am I right? Golly.
  13. Or we are a non-called unsportsmanlike flag away from 1-2.... Perspective is a mofo. I am liking these Bills though.
  14. Holy crap. Pigs do fly. I actually won a bet.
  15. I definitely agree. Kind falls into the bitching just to B word category which ain't my m.o.
  16. If Trump had bought the team, they would already be the Atlantic City Bills.
  17. Mr. Hokie, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. Welcome to the Buffalo Bills.
  18. That is some Jedi level clapping right there.
  19. Whoopee. KC is a good fit for Ragland and we likely did not have any other dance partners. He would have been a liability here. Dude does not have the wheels to be a LB in a four man front, and does not have enough sand in his pants to be an end in a four man front. This is generally the way things go when you change staffs and philosophies. Meh.
  20. And Reid is the exact kind of GM that would take on Dareus's contract. When Dorsey left you should have just hit a timer because it is only a matter of time until they are in cap hell. The only question is whether he can get a super bowl in before. The Queefs look pretty solid so far.
  21. Weak take. Goto NFL.com, stats, passing Sort by 20+ yard passes, Taylor is tied for 13th with 5. Sort by 40+ yard passes. Taylor is tied for 8th with 1. So apparently if Tyrod's numbers are putrid imagine how the other half of the league feels about their QB. Taylor is not the problem, certainly not after two games.
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