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Everything posted by simool

  1. Clearly not me, they would have needed a longer rain coat.
  2. Or picking them in the first place. Darby is really the only one that *might* not be a cancer. Watkins and his me first BS would have no place on my team, what the hell was Whaley smoking giving up two firsts for that garbage? When you highest paid player is also it's biggest screw off, same deal. Good riddance.
  3. Ask Doug Whaley.
  4. Sanity. Refreshing. Great post man.
  5. You two ladies were the snarky and nasty ones, I am a realist and make decisions based in facts--not emotion.
  6. Trump? Where the hell do you get that? I have voted for either Libertarians or Ron Paul for every presidential election I have voted in. Of course I dont broadcast my politics like you just did, so gold star for you snowflake. Piss off? Personally if I am paying someone to do a job and there are rules associated and agreed upon with that job, and they break them... I am going to warn them, then when they break them again I am going to fire them. Welcome to the real world.
  7. First of all I ain't your pal, and I highly doubt I can get any news from you. They are already playing winning football, gurantee we will finish with the same or better record than we had last year. Considering the amount of talent we dumped, that is pretty impressive. If you are over thirty and that unrealistic about what has gone on here, you probably should just go ahead and buy the depends. BTW I am 45
  8. Christ, doesn't this get old? I am not firing anyone for a couple of years if I am even a halfway decent business man. Eniterly new front office, scouting staff, coaches... Yeah what the hell start firing, you won't hire anyone worth a damn again.
  9. No. In the real world when you tear down a roster the way they have here, it will take a couple of good drafts stacked together before you start to see measurable results. Personally I am okay with that. It is a fresh approach and a departure from what has gone on here for the last decade and a half. I think it takes a set of big brass balls too cosidering most of our fanbase is bipolar and prone to knee jerk reactions.
  10. Step away from the ledge ladies. You are looking at year one of a tear down and rebuild.
  11. Sweet mother of god, there needs to be a way to administer a dose of prozac electronically.
  12. Apologize for what? His inability to not smoke pot, race cars, break rules, and his inability to play up to his contract. Seriously?
  13. One of these days I would like to login and see a "Fire the knee-jerk fans" thread.
  14. Over-dramatic much?
  15. I would prefer to just go game to game. If we get there, then I will worry about postseason. All of the Miss Cleo's on this board get tiring. It is either boom or bust and the entire cycle seems pointless to me. I think the old adage to not count your eggs before they hatch applies here.
  16. Those two are pretty solid. I would put that Packers game a nose ahead of the Patriots game. Sheer luck that we won that game. Otis Anderson did not hardly play, it was Rodney Hampton carrying the rock. The Giants put up more yards than us, had 15+ minutes on time of possession, more first downs, half as many penalties, and half as many sacks and they still lost. Originally a St. Louis Cardinals fan and huge fan of Otis Anderson, I did not have a good feeling when it became obvious they were just going to keep giving Otis the ball in the Super Bowl. I had only been a Bills fan for 2 years at that point, but it damn near killed me. Still don't like to think about it. As for my favorite moment it is easily the Comeback.
  17. It would be awesome if it truly was a simple as it being "their guys". Seeing as though we only have an outside in perspective, there are more than likely pretty good reasons for it not happening. We are not privy to those reasons.
  18. Check these out: http://www.southendzone.com/ics/ iCal too which I think the Invision Calendar wants. I pulled the Bills one into my Google Calendar and it is identical.
  19. Shaq reminds me a lot of Phil Hansen and that is not a bad thing.
  20. Google has the schedules for all NFL teams: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render?pli=1#settings-dir_10|sports Used it for several years. Can't find anything other than an embed link though. Here is the Bills schedule: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/htmlembed?src=nfl_2_%42uffalo%2B%42ills%23sports%40group.v.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Chicago
  21. This seems like an exercise in futility. I will enjoy watching these games coming up and hope I see continued improvement. I like what I have seen for the most part. Yeah the Jets game was ugly but there were some bright spots. If they make the playoffs I will be very happy, if they don't--that is what I expected when the season started.
  22. This is entirely too logical to happen. I watched Groy play in Wisconsin and have seen him in action for us, why he is not our right guard is mind numbing. Dawkins is easily better than every tackle other than Glenn. While it would be nice to have Groy push Wood, right now Glenn, Incog, Wood, Groy, Dawkins would be a formidable combo. Glenn, Incog, Groy, Any, Dawkins is not as good. Wood is not guard material.
  23. Word on the street? Is that code for your Mom's couch? Aaron has been 100% healthy a couple of times now. I would not let him sweep the floors in the locker room.
  24. Okay Nostradamus, unbunch your panties and take seven deep breaths.
  25. Oh now here is an original thread. This place is littered with bipolar-know it all-whiners, the likes of which may have never been seen before.
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