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Everything posted by simool

  1. Ha. New day dawning, new horizon? Okay Miss Cleo. Like Virgil, I have had high hopes for everyone since Kelly (Except Surfer Boy) and while Peterman is the latest model he has about as good of a chance as his predecessors. I sincerely hope we finally hit the jackpot and it pans out, but I have my doubts. I strongly believe quality teams that last are built from the inside out... We keep renovating instead of addressing our termite issue and the fact that we are down to a couple of old studs that are next up on the menu. Not sure why you would put a brand new appliance in that house.
  2. My left testicle is a gunslinger. That's how I ended up with 3 children.
  3. His stats? He is going to come away with a W.
  4. Really? FFS stop counting your eggs, they have not hatched yet.
  5. Yeah and I could be a billionaire if I had only invested in Google's IPO. FFS talk about an exercise in futility... Never look back, you are not headed in that direction. Definitely make note of screw-ups YOU have made, or things within YOUR control that could have been handled differently; outside of that you are wasting your time and energy.
  6. Thanks Happy, yeah I get it. Not saying that at all. I like to think of the possibilities and I am a glass half full kind of guy. Never griped about Tyrod once or called for Peterman. I figured if it needed to happen it would eventually happen. Now that it's here, I am excited about the possibilities.
  7. Well you have Joe in NJ, so self-explanatory. Buffalo Boy who appears to be a grown man that likes to be called boy, being an RJ fan does not seem like that big of a stretch from there. Then you have RJ who feels it is necessary to alert you to the fact that its not that RJ, then proceeds to carry that RJ's jock. Just another day on BBMB2
  8. I keep hearing this 5th round rookie bs... Ask New England how that worked out for them... Brady was a 6th round, 2nd year QB, who had gone 1/3 the previous year. Thats 1 completeion and 3 attempts FYI
  9. Bolded, underlined. for emphasis. If Flutie was not on the 1999 team, we don't even make it to that wild card game. Johnson would have set the record for sacks in a single season. I was not a huge Flutie fan, but he was clearly our best option at the time. I always was pulling for the Dough Boy to get a shot.
  10. Well he got the W's did'nt he? That fact seems to escape you.
  11. And it should not have come down to a screw job by the officials, Rob was crap that game. My left testicle could have played better than him.
  12. Well according to what he did that season, the facts say he was a winner. According to what surfer boy did that season, the facts say he was a wannabe. In fact, Rob Johnson never did ANYTHING. EVER. You are obviously hooked on the Rob juice.
  13. Nice selective memory. Flutie lost the first game of the year IN Indy. The entire team looked lethargic and Manning was lights out. In contrast Robbie won in Buffalo, last game of the season, team was a well oiled machine, and Manning's shoulder was torched. He played but was hardly 100%. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/1999.htm And Flutie bad down the stretch? WTF I could give two craps about his numbers, the W's were there. He earned the playoff start. Rob Johnson was and still is a punk.
  14. I would not get fancy with it and let him throw, but I would certainly have him penciled in as my #2 HB.
  15. Who was going to stop us after we beat the Titans?
  16. Well we all know how that turned out. If they hadn't benched Flutie I have no doubt we could have lost our 5th Super Bowl. Rams would have put an epic beat down on us.
  17. I should have known when the bacon sprouted wings and flew off my plate this morning.
  18. Personally it matters very little if we make the playoffs. If we do, we are just going to get bounced in the first game and I will be able to login in here and read about how everything this team does is wrong. Pfft. Screw that, I am fine with them clearing the decks and hopefully fixing this mess from the ground up. It won't happen overnight.
  19. Perfect case in point... Why the hell is rodent tweeting this? https://twitter.com/TheBuffaloNews/status/929905114093117440 Such a tool.
  20. As my favorite TV personality Ron Swanson has been known to say, "Never Half Ass Two Things, Whole Ass One Thing"
  21. If you went to this much trouble you should probably take a hard look at time of possession and how the offenses on those teams produced points. Were those defenses hung out to dry and on the field too long? The best defenses are usually accompanied by offenses that can keep their time on the field reasonable. Hard to judge a defense without considering this.
  22. Nice post Ice. I friggin' love Packer fans. When I moved to Wisconsin it coincided with the season Magic Man went down in Cincinnati and the rest is history, so they say. The Packers had been nuzzling the hind tit for almost 30 years at that point. Most of the fans I knew at that time were always glass half full people. Hell they still are. Ran into one of my kids coaches after wrestling practice last night and he was sporting his Matthews jersey and genuinely upbeat about Hundley's prospects for the rest of the season. I think any realist can see the Packers ain't going anywhere with whatever the hell that is that Capers calls a Defense, it literally takes an Aaron Rodgers type talent to cover up that pile of crap. The point is most of the Packers fans I know are always looking to the positive. it was that way 25 years ago when they had sucked for almost 30 years and it remains today. Bills fan could learn a thing or two from Packers fan.
  23. Meh. I ain't blaming anyone at this point. I really did not expect much this season even before the trades. I assumed we would be picking 9th or 10th again, but I did have hope. We had two solid hires with the gm and coach. Call me crazy but one of the things that jumped out at me most about McDermott is being a two time national championship as a high school wrestler. I have confidence that he will get it figured out. Then when Beane cleaned out the scouting department, they had me. About the only other thing I was looking for was Overdorf getting the axe. Once I see how these guys clean up this mess they inherited.. How they play that truckload of picks they have, then I will reevaluate whether to start bitching or not. This season was really over before it started.
  24. I think they at least have 3 years, if not 4. Probably guaranteed too. I cannot see either McDermott or Beane coming here without assurances. They saw the epic gutting that need to occur here and they saw the plug get pulled on Rex. No way either comes here without something to address those concerns.
  25. While that is a really bad record to break, I friggin' hate Rodent. He comes across as giddy whenever sharing bad news. Such a tool.
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