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Everything posted by simool

  1. Simpleton. A prediction has to do with the future. That statement was factual as it pertained to this site at that moment. FFS WEO I have no problems helping you out, but I ain't taking you to raise. I did just realize that I do make predictions frequently and I have a flawless record with regards to those predictions. Behold: In approximately 12 hours there is a 50% chance I will be inebriated and a 50% chance I will be sleeping off being inebriated.
  2. So with the influx of predictions, scoops, and inside information of late, I like to reference a reliability index. I have recently updated it and would appreciate feedback on its accuracy. Lance Armstrong > Jim Bakker > Bernie Madoff > Richard Nixon > SaviorPeterman > Dunkirk Don > Fredonia Fred > Tipster19 > Anyone with less than 1000 posts predicting anything.
  3. So look at NewDayBills post above me. He almost has it. The site he is using, https://giphy.com is a great choice to find your GIF's. Once you find one that you like, to the right of the picture you will see "Copy Links", left-click on it. You are presented with four choices, left-click the URL (i.e. https://media.giphy.com/media...) to the right of "GIF link", then right-click the same URL, then left-click "Copy" Come back to TBD and paste the link into the editor (right-click then left-click paste) The GIF should load in-line (i.e. you can see it), if it doesn't, press enter to move to a new line. If the GIF still does not load inline, delete it and paste it in again, this time right after you paste, left-click on the "paste as text link" that is briefly displayed in the black box. The GIF will now be inline (i.e. you can see it before you click submit) Steps 5, 6, and 7 may not be needed however I have observed this behavior in certain browsers with certain add-ons or extensions.
  4. Sorry Hap, if I think something is horse poo --- I am going to post it. And that thread is clearly horse poo.
  5. Who was bragging? Me thinks someone is a bit sensitive... Lighten up Francis.
  6. Girlfriend. Ha. I bought the whole damn cow man. Just trying to point out that no woman is out of your league. If you think so, you have already lost the battle.
  7. Alot of hair and teeth. I don't know, I suppose I would take it for a test spin. If she starts naying like a horse the deals off.
  8. Where the hell did all of these ass-hats come from? FFS it's like this place is crackopalooza and everyone is looking for a rock. Mind numbing how you end up with the lens you have on life. I would love to know what real life is like for you -- thinking it cant be good. There is very little to not like about this move, and those of you that are trying are grasping at straws. This train is pointed north ladies, quit looking in the rearview mirror.
  9. Packers are pretty desperate for a DB. I don't think EJ is a good fit for Pettine's D, but the pickings are pretty slim.
  10. Look at those glorious fun bags.
  11. Definitely. I really wish we could implement auto-promote here to keep the riff-raff down. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/358005-control-new-members-with-auto-promote/
  12. What if...... Crack didn't kill?
  13. Is the glass half full or half empty? From my perspective, it's half full. Wish you negative Nancy's would just sit back and enjoy the ride.
  14. I agree wholeheartedly. I too have passed the affliction on to my boys.
  15. Eh, its overrated. I never posted on BBMB, but I am on my third account here because I signup with email addresses that I either lose control of or just forget which one I used altogether.
  16. Yeah a bunch post count Nazis here. Crap rolls down hill you know.
  17. Puhlease McCarron's concerns pale in comparison to the problems we would have had if they signed Moore. This signing made my frigging night. I though for sure they were going to sign Moore.
  18. Rock solid. It is all relative. Maybe once you clip 100 posts you would have a better idea. Like I do, I can smell your crazy from your Calvin and Hobbes avatar. Not even close. You are probably crazier than I am Augie just from association of living in Hotlanta FFS.
  19. I will readily admit I am one can short of a six pack. However posting here makes me come across as sane.
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