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Everything posted by simool

  1. I am not sure there is either. All of the blue chips have issues. Darnold and Allen have a ton of potential upside, but potential upside realized is a bit of a unicorn. I like the idea of White in the second round the best.
  2. Again, please reference where I said anything about Brady? Are you hallucinating? Again, that is your interpretation. I was referring to the TOTALITY of the chart. Do I need to replace it with a remedial chart so you can comprehend that?
  3. Crack kills buddy. I never said anything about Brady. You and your top shelf comprehension skills did.
  4. How you take Tom Brady out of that entire list is really quite remarkable.
  5. Really? I don't see absolutely in this list of winning and losing super bowl qb's of the last 20 years. I should have called you Superlative Sally.
  6. Wrong again Sally. And your consensus top pick or not a franchise QB line is absolute bs. Ron Wolf would like to speak with you.
  7. No. Definitely not.
  8. As long as that stays in your mind, I am good with that. We definitely do not need to trade up into the top 5.
  9. He is my preferred QB pick. Ideally take one of our ones and trade back if possible. Don't think he will last until 53. https://www.profootballfocus.com/news/draft-2018-prospect-preview-wku-qb-mike-white-is-on-par-with-nations-elite
  10. Leroi could definitely be on that poll, but it has been so long since I have seen one of his posts I thought it would be best to focus on the current characters. I am torn with nevergiveup. He never came across like these guys do. He would throw something out there and you could take it or leave it. He did not keep score and was not constantly spewing crap. Coupled with me thinking he really could have inside information or an inside source. These new guys remind me of Miss Cleo and her 900 number commercials that were on during Friday Night Videos in my youth.
  11. No BBMB. Really the only thing that has changed. Then the 9 people voting for the trolls obviously missed that memo.
  12. No trust necessary... you can distrust them all, just select the one that you distrust the least. For me, I would trust Bernie the most. He turned a good amount of coin for a very long run, and you would not want to be getting on that train late.
  13. Because I did not ask you who you trusted, I asked who you would trust the most. Pick the lesser evil.
  14. I was curious where the current look at me posters claiming to have inside sources would rank when compared with some historical names that coincide with the word trust.
  15. SaviorPeterman is a very gifted rectum whisperer. Pioneered the art of talking to your own rectum.

  16. First, if you have to point out that you have been in "high level business meetings" there high percentage chance that this actually means "femdom sessions with Jenny Craig dropouts" Second, my knee jerk reaction is to post the infamous horse gif. After pondering it a bit, I believe this calls for something a bit more... voluminous....
  17. Since they have eliminated that gassy bloating feeling I normally have during the post season, I refer to them as McBeano. And personally all three of those guys are going suck balls in the NFL. Especially Mayfield. Stay where we are and draft for need... Draft White in the 2nd round. Let White, Peterman, and Taylor fight for the job.
  18. He played in a home run derby to support the Salvation Army, but other than that I don't see anything. You can always tweet him and ask : https://twitter.com/BarryChurch42
  19. Okay there holier than thou. Unbunch your panties. Yes there is an opioid problem, has been for quite sometime. Trying to use a rock artist that demanded to go on tour in spite of numerous ailments including a fractured hip is probably not the best place to start. If a doctor had not have given him a script for it, I guarantee Petty would have had no problem getting it himself. Clearly he would of. He did not need the money, he was doing it because he loved it. So no it does not matter, regardless of how much you squawk about it. Save your sermons for someone that gives two craps as to what oozes from your mouth.
  20. I would take the bullet and call it good.
  21. ^ Lives in Texas where the men are men and the sheep are scared.
  22. Crack kills
  23. Queen side castle
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