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Everything posted by simool

  1. I would say Atlanta last year strengthens the argument. They took their foot off the gas in the second half and played the lead, and they paid dearly for it.
  2. I wholeheartedly agree with this. If I am going down, I am going down swinging.
  3. I agree. Still not sure this is legit. Trending that way, but....
  4. Definitely. So I will lean towards moron. I have not seen anyone else reporting on this, but it all seems pretty logical. Time will tell.
  5. I think if "Robot Dave" is correct, who wouldn't expect Belicheck to react this way? It's one thing to break rules that are not clearly defined or those with no precedent established -- But to blatantly pull this crap on a Belicheck team? He either thinks he is bigger than the team or he is a moron.
  6. Probably the same. Word is that Butler had a meltdown about the pot.
  7. I think everyone needs to calm down. Until we hear from Savior Peterman's rectum, it is all speculation at this point.
  8. http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sports/profootballdoc/sd-sp-pfd-carson-wentz-knee-acl-more-damage-1217-story.html
  9. No there is another ligament involved.
  10. From what I understand, that Wentz injury is complicated.
  11. Some damn good entertainment right here: https://www.patsfans.com/new-england-patriots/messageboard/threads/post-game-thread-super-bowl-edition.1143416/
  12. Why ask why? Why create pointless threads? Could not ask this in the game thread? Not getting enough attention at home?
  13. Miss Cleo called 26, she wants your membership card back
  14. A true QB according to who? Did you cut him and check his blood color? Or does he have the mark of the beast? So what exactly happened between 2015 and now? Is he going blind? Have a degenerative disease? Please elaborate... You make it sound as if I am defending him. I am not. Nor do I want to keep him. But I am a realist. Unlike most of the crack smokers on this board.
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