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Everything posted by simool

  1. See you just don't make sense Sally. I don't have a pick, I don't care what anyone's pick is other than the one Beane turns into the league, capiche? Hope you fix that crying fit toots.
  2. Where in my post you came to the conclusion I needed to hear another meaningless opinion, I have no idea. Yeah about your take. It's dog crap and means dog crap. Keep harping your opinion, I truly hope you find whatever it you are looking for. For my take re-read line two of my post very slowly and try to comprehend it this time. Have a great day.
  3. Christ, a colossal whiff by this franchise? FFS. If Rosen and Darnold are the only two qbs in this draft not only are we screwed but the league is too. I have seen every variation of how the qbs are going to go and every variation of who we have to take and why you are right. You all are friggin broken. I have never seen so much wasted time and energy for something you have no control over. Truly mind numbing. They take who they take. I see several Qbs that I believe can get it done. There are so many other variables tied to a qbs success in this league other than his individual talent. So many top choices flame out and there are many starting that shouldnt be according to the draft talk the year they came out. Everyone just needs to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. I have been on this train for 35 years. Seen it all. I can, with a fair amount of certainty, tell you that most of you have absolutely no clue what the hell you are talking about. Okay, I am done here.. time for a beer.
  4. Be sure and represent. If some drunken antics and flaming table jumps are not on national TV I will be disappointed. I suppose taking shots out of Roger's butt crack would be a bit over the top? Maybe you could squeeze in doing some blow?
  5. I think everyone just needs to calm down. There is entirely too much thinking and predicting going on. Someone is going to get hurt.
  6. I concur, Gleason is an ass hat.
  7. So it is essentially an intelligence test and Burfict failed... Idiot.
  8. I just dont get these elite athletes and PEDs, they already made it to the NFL... Just ball out now. Me on the other hand, I could use some PEDs with spring around the corner and a boatload of outside crap to do.
  9. These guys and a QB that throws the GD ball: 13 Benjamin, Kelvin WR 6-5 245 27 4 Florida State 19 Bray, Quan WR 5-10 183 24 3 Auburn 16 Dupre, Malachi WR 6-2 196 22 R LSU 18 Holmes, Andre WR 6-4 210 29 6 Hillsdale 11 Jones, Zay WR 6-2 200 22 R East Carolina 89 Reilly, Brandon WR 6-2 200 24 R Nebraska Streater, Rod WR 6-3 200 30 6 Temple
  10. I wonder if the Bills drug test front office employees?
  11. Then why would we have just backed the Brinks truck to sign Meatball and Star? McCarron would not have a contract with playing time tiers... Not going to happen even in an alternate dimension. QB guaranteed. Anything else is like: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1 odds. And if that shooting star happens to hit, I expect a lynching shortly thereafter.
  12. Really? I am fairly certain signing McCarron like Hue originally wanted would have been viewed as desperation. Of course there is not another GM that would have paid that price, but do you really think there is another team in Clevelands predicament? From the outside looking in, Tyrod was the best choice for leadership and just his ability to not turn over the ball. Who would be better there? With Thomas retiring, and the general state of their offensive line play I sure as hell would not put anyone else back there and expect them to survive the season. He is the common sense choice to fill that spot until you can get the bleeding stopped everywhere else on that offense.
  13. There is an excellent comment in that article that I largely agree with, I am going to shamelessly include it here because it is worth reading:
  14. I believe our QB outcome will be largely decided by how/if they address that festering wound called the right side of our line. Dawkins, Richie, and Groy will be solid. I am concerned about Richie staying healthy this season and injuries just happen sometimes so who is going to swing plays in there as well. If they do not comprehensively address the right side of our line, we could very well see 3 different starting QB's this season. If Miller ends up taking back guard does that mean Ducasse is going to swing in the middle? (eek) Same thing with Mills. I would love to see an upgrade there, if they find one does that mean Mills will swing? (double eek) If they can put together a workable plan on our offensive line I would not be surprised to see AJ hold onto the job for the season. If we draft anyone other than Rosen or Mayfield that should probably be the plan anyway. Losing Tyrod's mobility makes this even more critical this season.
  15. Meh, his contract is ranked 17th from a cap hit perspective for defensive tackles. He is a space eater, stays healthy, and will keep people off meatball which damn near killed the old man late last season. Sportrac had his market value at 8.5 mil prior to signing. Excluding the signing bonus, this contract is pretty much on target with that. Not bad for a former 14th overall draft choice.
  16. I am not saying anything other than anyone on a message board knows jack. If a gm of John Dorsey's caliber spends a #65 for Taylor, that tells you all you need to know. I did not say anything about Tyrod's success other than I am pulling for him and I expect him to have cleveland on the right side of 500 sooner rather than later. I find it sad that people don't get it that if it was not for Tyrod you would be looking at year 18 and no one can argue that fact unless you can go back in time.
  17. I like the McCarron signing but I am a sucker for an underdog. Murph is going to be a solid pickup.
  18. That is probably the worst NFL writer I ever had the misfortune of reading. Did you read his winners? He is a schmuck.
  19. Curled up with a bottle of Mad Dog and a bed roll.
  20. Look, you post on a message board. THat is your claim to fame in regards to Pro Football. John Dorsey does not trade #65 for someone as crappy as you continually make Tyrod out to be. You can go on believing you know what you are talking about, but you look pretty foolish. Tyrod took it as far as he could here, we obviously needed to move on for a multitude of reasons. I am pulling for Tyrod and expect him to get Cleveland on the right side of 500 sooner rather than later.
  21. It's not like Tyrod was all piss and vinegar. The guy did have moments.
  22. I am going to point and laugh at all of the butt hurt around here if we trade up for Allen. I am going to take a wait and see approach. As long as we take a top 4 guy, I am pretty sure these guys have a good handle on it. Especially considering they have an entire frigging department of scouts, had boots on the ground a most of their games, and actually evaluate talent for a living in contrast to a really prolific forum poster who fancies himself a scout.
  23. He will just throw crap at them.
  24. The Duke exhibits really poor form on the child toss there. Would be surprised if he did not throw his back out.
  25. *Flips coin... Forgets question... Grabs a beer.
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