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Everything posted by RobH063

  1. The Bills need Offensive Linemen and an elite WR? This Sal Carpaccio is a Rocket Surgeon! What did Sal Capaccio think the Bills need?
  2. I think Allen could develop into a heck of a QB but realistically, how does Allen, or any QB for that matter, learn, improve, become really good with a bad O-line, bad receivers, bad coaching, anemic run game, etc. He's going to learn for sure but because it's such chaos after the snap of the ball he has no time on most plays to learn anything. He's not stupid. He knows the talent level he's playing with is sub par. Is his situation going to offer him the very best learning experience or is it just going to teach him to become Captain check down the III and to not get killed? Unfortunately, I think he gets hurt before the end of the season and the Bills finish out the season with Peterman and some journeyman they're forced to pick up so they are carrying two QB's and Logan Thomas as the emergency 3rd QB.
  3. How do you know Beane isn't trying to get players? What if most calls go like this....... Brandon Beane: Hey Scott, Brandon Beane here. I'd like to bring your client in for a workout. As you know, we're in real need of a player like you represent. He definitely would be a starter on our club. As you know, we aren't very good yet. Might not win more than a game or two this year but we got this culture thing going on and we're an up and coming team. If your client passes his physical and does well at the workout, we're prepared to offer him a multi year deal with a lot of front end guaranteed money and a large signing bonus. Scott: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ummmmmmmmmmm NO! Click Brandon Beane: uhhh uhhhh uhhh hello? Scott are you still there? Hmmmmmm Must have been a bad connection. Brandon Beane: Hey Drew, Brandon Beane here. I'd like to bring your client in for a ..................................................................
  4. What a shame. Whether any of the accusations are true or they are all false, no one cares one bit about that child. Poor little 6 year old is the one being damaged. Either Mother allowed the child to continue to go to his father who beats him or Mother looking for a payday by using the child to get what she wants. That child will be scarred for life now because it all has to play out in the media. All anyone cares about is the football player and whether McCoy is going to play or get suspended. Or will he continue to be a Buffalo Bill after all this. Others care about seeing him get arrested and having to make a big payout to these women. Meanwhile there's a 6 year old boy that no one cares about. A real shame that this is what society has turned into.
  5. I just had this mental image of KB stopping mid route, sitting down and pulling out a sandwich and a bag of chips
  6. Yes, they either have no plan or the one they have isn’t well thought out...how is that? if they didn’t like Kerley all that much, I wish they would have kept Streater. It's obvious to me that they're just flying by the seat of their process.
  7. This will happen just before the first play. Allen will trot out on the field and line up in shotgun behind the left guard. Just when everyone starts thinking about Tyrod Taylor's miscue from a couple of years back, Allen will lift his jersey to reveal a t-shirt that says "I'm just Josh-in ya" in honor of Stevie Johnson returning to lead the charge.
  8. Can't play Baseball either. I watched him play a game for Binghamton in Erie this summer. 3 at bats....3 strikeouts.
  9. Maybe the Bills should have tutors for players that have difficulty learning.
  10. :cough:bull ****:cough: like Cuomo has a chance in hell of losing, right. He does claim to be responsible for keeping the Bills in Buffalo so there's that. Don't want to violate the rules here but I saw that on one of his ads on TV just today. I thought it was the Pegula's that were responsible by buying the Bills and choosing to keep the team in Buffalo but I guess I Was wrong.
  11. I knew it! I couldn't report it because I know how this board is about thinking any inside information and Executive leaks from the Bills has to be fake news but holy crap! When I saw Chris Mortensen at Letchworth on Monday afternoon, I knew something was happening. Signed Randolph Rob
  12. I noticed most of his comments were before the game during warmups and then only a couple during the game. That's because during the beat down the Bills were taking, everything he said started with "What the F**K are you doing!"
  13. Ain't that the truth and he's not even alive!
  14. Can someone explain to me why Miller taps Groy on the leg seemingly to have him hike the ball. Then while being pushed back hard, he's looking over at Suggs and Mills locking horns. Maybe he has a better chance blocking Urban if he's paying attention to him.
  15. Who's Peterson? That was a typo. He meant Pederman
  16. How long will it take? I'm 57 years old now. I'm hoping to live until I'm 85, so............Hang on, I need to get a piece of paper and a pencil............................................................By my calculations, it's likely going to take 34 years.
  17. The bigger joke is the Processed Tape
  18. Not the D's fault? The Bills Offense and special teams are responsible for all of the 47 points the Ravens put on the board? Did you see this swiss cheese defense the Bills put on the field today? Pathetic and embarrassing.
  19. "One Heart Beat Louder" Should be changed to "One Heart...Charge to 500...Clear! Continue CPR"
  20. You did and you understand where I was going with my post. Very good!
  21. I haven't been following the bills too closely this off season. Is Jay Riemersma still the Tight End?
  22. Here's the thing. He wanted to be invol, so after the Hamilton Tiger Cats game, he had to cross the border and the border patrol agent asked. He didn't get home until 1am. I think this is his 4th cup of coffee, How many ounces is that. 48? 64? Who knows but man is he cooked. Should have gotten something at the Healthy Scratch. He remembers when Jim and Thurm were. He took the job co-hosting with John Murphy on One Bills Live at One Bills Drive because he likes to talk about football. It's his favorite thing. You say you Love this Guy. Talk a little bit about why you love this guy and where you see the Bills going during next off season. Hold that thought. We'll be right back after a break. Oh WOW Carrie Underwood is coming to Buffalo in October of 2019! The concert will be sold out in a month but we can watch the same commercial a bazillion times over the next 14 month's telling us where to get tickets that no longer are available. That's right. Jesus take the wheel. I said 14 month's. MSG always airs the commercials for a month after the concert date has passed. Reference OTR II. Oh man, it's Gut Check time. Now back to the show. He's John Murphy and he's Steve Tasker and they're on One Bills Live at One Bills Drive. Sponsored by Kaleida Health. They have a Great Show today. On the Subway Fresh Take Hotline, Ian Rappaport will tell us why he can't give you his attention after being asked a question and has to look at his phone. Hey folks, today's Twitter Poll: Who's a bigger homer. John Murphy, Steve Tasker or maybe you have someone else in mind. Give us a call at 803- 0550 or toll free 888-550-2550
  23. You can't have it both ways. The bold area is exactly the stone cold business you suggest they should back away from a little bit. There really is no such thing as a team filled with deep from the gut and heart felt motivation for one another. Rarely do you see it from one team mate to another. These guys love football and they love money and they love the chicks and they love the celebrity that comes with it. How many PeeWee football players are out on a field thinking "If I could just grow up and be part of a team and love all my team mates. That would be the best!" NONE! They all say they want to make a spectacular last second play and be the reason their team won the Super Bowl and they want to be filthy stinking rich with really hot chicks hanging all over them. Sure you hear it occasionally from players when being interviewed how great their team mate is, how they work so hard together blah blah blah. You think they're going to go on National TV and tell you how much of a D-Bag one of their team mates is? Or who doesn't give 100% every play? Unless it's a blowhard like Jalen Ramsey or some other off their rocker player, it doesn't happen. These players are very well coached to give canned responses to questions from reporters. Don't buy the garbage they spew out of their mouths and think the whole thing can be improved upon. If that could happen it would have happened long before now.
  24. Are you sure about that? IIRC he had sex with her dress.
  25. This insanity has to stop and stop now! How the hell am I supposed to be able to focus on the fine print of the purchase agreement I'm about to sign for 120 acres of land near Letchworth State Park. Nate's over here with me and he just advised me he also bought 97 acres adjacent to the property I've purchased. When Allen is named the starter and there's no hope for Nate to ever be the starter again, he's quitting football and we're joining forces to open the baddest parking lot you've ever seen. It's right across the street from a large chunk of land that was bought by PSE LLC whatever the hell that is. We've got a call in to AJ because there's still land nearby to buy. So far he hasn't responded but we anticipate he will call after he talks things over with Katherine and they connect the dots. You heard it here first. Now stop this nonsense and let me finish my purchase.
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