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Everything posted by RobH063

  1. I'd root for my brother to have the game of his life but for the Bills to win by one point after kicking a field goal with the ball being snapped with one second left on the clock in overtime.
  2. I was only there once. I don't remember a lot about the place. It wasn't there more than a couple of years. I seem to remember having to walk up a flight of stairs to get to the bar area.
  3. No way! Fans today won't accept waiting 5 games, let alone waiting 5 years! We live in a society where Patience is non existent, Couth is a word most people have never heard of (including my spell check program) and Pride has been replaced with entitlement. HAHAHAHAHAHA this is off topic but I remember watching a game one time back then and they showed the dugout. Keith Hernandez (another coke head) was smoking a cigarette. It was a different time back then.
  4. Gordio, as a big Mets fan, I'm jealous LOL
  5. His last year was hard to watch though. Remember how he looked like a shell of his former self as a player? I mean he went from having a gunslinger really strong arm to a guy that struggled getting the ball to his receivers. It wasn't pretty.
  6. Someone mentioned how he's aged and looks like a regular Joe now. I'm sure the beating he took as a player, the worry and depression that was endured through the battle Hunter had and then the Cancer are the reasons. I look back on when he came to Buffalo fondly now but back then, I had mixed emotions. He was awesome as a Quarterback for most of his years and a Linebacker mentality for sure but as row_33 stated, he was a jerk. I mean, a really big jerk. Cocky, Arrogant, shouldering people out of the way to get to the bar kind of jerk. I remember being at a bar on the waterfront somewhere (The name escapes me) and he came in with former Bill and Co. Exec. Ed Rutkowski. I didn't see him coming and he gave me a shoulder spilling my drink all over my shirt. I was majorly P'd Off and started going after him. A bouncer grabbed me and told me to calm down or I was outta there. The best thing that could have happened because he likely would have pummeled me but Beer muscles were clouding my judgement. I left a short while later and hated him for a long time until by chance, I was snowmobiling and ran into him on the trails. By then, Hunter had been diagnosed and we both had matured, and he had become a much nicer person. I feel sorry for him in some ways now. I mean, yeah he has a lot of advantages that we will never have but I wouldn't wish the loss of a child or cancer on my worst enemy.
  7. The difference is that LT was a high motor linebacker that gave 100% on the field ALL THE TIME. It was easy to see that he was a Hall of Fame player many years before he retireed. Dareus stopped giving 100% after he got paid. Maybe if he went full speed on every play like LT did, he would have had different rules and would have been tolerated but that wasn't the case.
  8. Look, everyone here loves the Bills or we wouldn't be here but it's just Sports and Entertainment. No one needs to get so worked up about a Bills loss or whether they make the playoff's or anything else related to the team. Save getting that worked up for the really important things in your life. Getting overly worked up about any sports team is exactly what they want you to do. They suck you in, bleed you dry and then when you've had enough, there's a thousand more like you waiting to take your place. Why do you think the Owners make so much money and why do you think the players make so much money? It's because of everyone getting too involved in the Sports teams they like, spending more money than they should on their favorite team, companies paying the NFL to play their commercials to suck you in to buy their products etc. etc. Calm down, kiss your wife, kids or whoever you care for, remember what's really important in your life and turn on the television or go to the game a week from Sunday and enjoy the entertainment the Bills provide (either good or bad), then rinse and repeat. It's just Sports Entertainment!
  9. I'm glad you cleared that up because I looked up BBFS on the Urban Dictionary website and that's not what was written there! 2 - BBFS - I've had people ask what this is. This game was it. Battered Buffalo Fan Syndrome. It's the ongoing mental anguish of waiting for the other shoe to drop when something positive happens to the Bills. I'ts snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It's the 2nd and 2 direct snap to McCoy that almost leads to a turnover. It's starting 5-2 on three occasions over the past 17 years and finishing 7-9 two times. As of right now, anything is possible again. Special thanks for the Bills losing before the bye week and 10 day stretch, to really rub in the pain.
  10. Yeah, not interested in learning how to understand what you're writing. If there are people that don't understand what you're trying to convey, then it can't be all that important. This is a serious comment though...You wrote a long well thought out post. It had to have taken you some time to write it and you obviously wanted people to read it and understand it or there would have been no reason to post it. I just don't understand why you would take all that time and put in all that effort but then decide not to type out four words. It makes no sense to me. Anyway, carry on. I'm sure those that understand the acronym thoroughly enjoyed what you were talking about.
  11. I hate acronyms. Like everyone is supposed to know what you mean. Why not TOTWIOUITSWUM. IWMSTE
  12. Condensing this into one sentence: Brandon Beane got rid of my favorite players and I'm really mad about it because the Bills haven't been transformed into a perennial Super Bowl winner in the 5 month's he's been the General Manager.
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