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Everything posted by RobH063

  1. There were rumors about a trade of Glenn to Seattle back then. That's not news but what was included in the trade might be. You could have said the deal was for anything since it didn't happen and there's no way to know for sure. I highly doubt that McDermott "Vetoed" the trade. That makes it sound like he absolutely refused to allow the trade to happen and controls Beane. Beane doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would be a total puppet. McDermott might have a lot of power and control over the 53 but no way anyone takes a GM job with no control whatsoever. There might be disagreement back and forth and one or the other may not get their way sometimes but It's much more likely that McDermott knows Beane is trying to deal Glenn and then sometime after that, Beane tells McDermott he has a deal with Seattle and McDermott tells Beane that Glenn's injury is worse now and he can't pass the physical and the trade then never happens. Otherwise, why try to do anything unless McDermott goes to Beane and says...Hey Beane, I don't want so and so on my team. Try to do a deal for him or I'm going to release him. And Beane replies "Ok, boss. Anything you want" No way that's happening.
  2. But what if a trade can't be reached or he can't be traded. Will they attempt to release him but if he can't be released will they just release him? Maybe they could keep him but if they can't keep him they'll probably just keep him.
  3. I said the exact same thing to my wife too.
  4. Does it indicate anywhere in the complaint that she told any of these guys to stop? I didn't read the complaint over carefully but I didn't notice where it said that at all in the complaint. Don't get me wrong, I think if the allegations are true then these guys deserve whatever they have coming to them but before I retired, we all had to take an annual sexual harassment refresher course. The inappropriate examples always included the targeted person saying to stop and the person being made an example of didn't, which constituted sexual harassment, because he knew the targeted person had an issue with it. Now taking your genitals out is wrong whether the person says anything or not. But what do any of us expect from these types of people. They are told from a very young age just how "Special" and "wonderful" they are and get treated differently than any of us so it's not difficult to see why they think they can do things like this. They have never been told no!
  5. I feel your pain. My buddy who was watching the game Over the Air while I was watching on Spectrum cable sent me texts throughout the game. I had a full 40 second delay from his broadcast. He tried not to ruin it for me but did most of the time because he didn't wait long enough before texting.
  6. I heard when he was in the sideline tent they asked him what day it was and he answered Turkey sandwich
  7. I agree but why does he hold that ball out away from his body when running? One of these times he's going to lose it. I haven't seen him do that nearly as often as he has this year.
  8. Absolutely give your QB weapons. I'm just saying have the above average QB first. Without the QB, the receivers don't matter.
  9. They very well might have a new QB in 2018 but until they have a GOOD QB, they don't need to be thinking about a receiver.
  10. I don't want to see the Bills spend one more minute thinking about a receiver until they get a real QB. What's the point of having above average/elite receivers if all you have is TT who prefers to hold onto the ball rather than throw it as the starting QB and behind him you have a 5th round guy that is nowhere near ready to be an NFL QB. It doesn't matter who you have at receiver. Until the Bills actually get a QB it's a waste of time.
  11. And that's why being selfish, conceited and braggadocios are widely considered to be ugly traits in a person.
  12. Who needs a house that's 2/3 of an acre? Talk about wasteful. Maybe Deon should live in a 3,500-4,000 square foot home which is still bigger than most Americans have. Then take the money he isn't throwing away and give it to a reputable charity and do something important in his life..
  13. Meaningful yes. Every game is meaningful. Late season? I don't consider this game to be a "Late Season" game. I don't think of the season as being late until there's 4 games or less left to play. Start of Season Games 1-4 Mid Season Games 5-12 Late season Games 13-16. Just my opinion of course.
  14. Actually I am a very nice guy and I don't say that to try and toot my own horn. I just am and have been the "Go To" guy by many women both in my family and outside of my family my entire adult life. I'm a big boy and can take whatever mud gets thrown at me but as for your comment that I make the women in my life uncomfortable...That is probably the nastiest most disgusting thing a person could say to another when they have never met a person that I have ever heard. If my comments were taken the wrong way because I didn't word things more clearly to the point I was making, fine. But what makes you think you or anyone has the right to verbally attack another person? Are you that full of yourself that you think you have all the right in the world to do and say whatever you want? You'll go far in life with that outlook and demeanor.
  15. Yep and some of them do have very legitimate reasons and some don't. You missed my point completely.
  16. Really? I've seen maybe 100 interviews over the years where women have claimed that's why they didn't come forward earlier.
  17. NoSaint, my intention wasn't to Tear them down. My intention is to empower victims to come forward sooner. Those that are coming forward now about incidents of the past no one can do much with. It is what it is. The reports will be investigated and either it will be found to have truly happened or not but It's always been that way where some women haven't said anything until way after the incident happened. Some never say anything for a variety of reasons and that has to stop. The sooner it's reported, the sooner these predators will be stopped. Women have been victims of this kind of crap way too long. If victims stay silent, the predator keeps on doing it until the silence is broken.
  18. First, any inappropriate behavior with a woman is wrong on every level but I have a problem with all these reports coming out both with football players, politicians, actors etc. years after the incident allegedly happens. Ladies, here's some advise. If someone, anyone, does something inappropriate to you, report it right after it happens. Don't wait. Waiting a year, two years, 10 years or whatever makes your story less believable and makes everyone wonder if there's an ulterior motive. It says you were fine with it for whatever length of time but now you're not. All this crap about women being too afraid their careers would be ruined or their reputations would be ruined or whatever excuse they give for not coming forward is BS. If it were true, then every single one of these women has left themselves in danger of it happening again by the same person. Over and Over and Over. I've read where some women claimed to be too afraid to come forward. Fearful that they would be hurt physically or worse. By saying nothing, does that fear not exist? Yes it does! Sexual assault on any level is no joke. Report it as soon as you can. Every woman will thank you and so will every decent man!
  19. He would fit perfect on a Wrecks Ryan team with no discipline but not on a McProcess team
  20. You can't put any of the losses at TT's feet? Can you put any win at his feet? At any time in the past 2 1/2 years as the starting QB? No you can't. Just because a QB is smart with the football, doesn't make him a good QB. It makes him a serviceable backup QB! A serviceable backup QB doesn't end the drought. I agree completely with Thurman#1 on this. There's a time to play conservative and be smart with the football and then there's a time to zing it down field and lets try to get back in the game football. TT has never done the latter. Not once! EVER!
  21. I think we'll win a minimum of 23 Super Bowls this year. Next year we might win 47 but we'll need to get a new Left Fielder because the one we have doesn't take many shots on goal and he's terrible shooting free throws.
  22. You replied to something you didn't read... Interesting.
  23. You guys are probably right but I just can't seem to wrap my head around such a change in effort and effectiveness. It's literally like flipping a switch.
  24. Just an idea or theory or talking out my A** but I got to wondering. Dareus was not someone that was going to be here down the road but if the players had all bought in to we're winning this year and going to the playoffs and then 7 games into the season your 5-2 and contending for the division and then all of a sudden your run stuffing DT is traded away, did that send a signal to the players that McDermott and Beane might not be as committed to winning this year as the players thought they were and so now they've said to hell with it and have given up on the coach and GM? I don't think Dareus is the reason we were 5-2 by a long shot but players are pretty tight with one another and if the staff was preaching love and brotherhood and team and all that sugar coated stuff and the players bought into it and then they just trade a guy out of the blue, showing that they aren't loved and a brotherhood but really just a commodity does that sour the players? I know they traded for Benjamin at about the same time but if the thoughts were already in their heads, the trade for Benjamin may not have had much impact on the players view. It happens in the private sector. You pour your heart and soul into a job and then your boss craps on you and your co-workers, and then you get a fancy new car to drive, you know the boss can crap again so your attitude changes in a hurry. Did that happen with the Bills?
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